Perspective Soldier King in the City/C46 Evidence
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Perspective Soldier King in the City/C46 Evidence
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C46 Evidence

"Don't but, Lingshuang. I'm not afraid to tell you, I was the one who handled a few thorny cases, and I asked for help from the outside, which is this Lin Fei I recommended to you. " Niu Dezhi was anxious, he revealed the truth about the previous few cases.

No wonder the case was settled, director-general Niu was not very happy. Bai Lingshuang could not help but think of those big cases from last year. It was all a huge case, and even the whole province found it troublesome, so they let the director-general Niu handle it.

When he was praised, the director-general Niu was surprisingly calm. Now that he thought about it, it shouldn't have been done by him alone. I feel guilty, so I lack the joy of success in my heart.

"Alright, director-general Niu." Bai Lingshuang bit his lips.

director-general Niu was right. Only Lin Fei could help in this matter. His fighting skills were not a problem, but when it came to solving cases, it was far inferior to the director-general Niu. Someone that even director-general Niu admired would definitely be able to help her resolve this crisis.

She was going crazy in the past few days. He searched the vicinity for a few times and searched for places where he could hide, only to find traces of the Gongzi brothers! The Camera that filled the streets did not have any effect, and the Gao brothers just disappeared into thin air!

"Captain Bai! I seem to have discovered Lin Fei. " A little police reported to Bai Lingshuang excitedly about the situation in the factory.

"What is he doing?" Bai Lingshuang frowned. He reckoned that Lin Fei was looking for the Gao brothers.

"Nothing, he's walking towards our Police station." little police stared at the monitor earnestly.

"Let him in. It should be for clues. " Last time she caught the Gao brothers, she had collected some of their belongings. This was also what made her angry. It was clearly there, yet it was not even there.

Lin Fei casually walked into the Police station with a cigarette in his mouth. Tong Zhi, where is your Captain Bai? "

"Our Captain is in the office." little police replied very politely. It could be seen that their Captain Bai had a request from the Lin Fei in front of them. With regards to Lin Fei, he more or less knew a little about him. It should be a great figure that the director-general Niu had set his eyes on.

The last time he overspeed in the city, it was for director-general Niu to release. He had even angered the Captain Bai to death, but in the end, he did not withdraw. People that even the Captain Bai s could not deal with, were not people that they, the little police, could offend.

Lin Fei "hehe" laughed, and then made a cool action, walking straight towards Bai Lingshuang's office in Captain.

Seeing Lin Fei coming in, Bai Lingshuang wanted to stand up to welcome him. But seeing how Lin Fei was so careless and did not seem to care about them, who were the police, looking at her, she was infuriated.

Be it in the army or the Police station, they were all in someone's hands.

"You guys captured the Gao brothers' items last time, right? Let me take a look." Lin Fei casually sat on the sofa opposite the desk, swinging his legs.

"Why?" Bai Lingshuang pouted, "Surnamed Lin, I am not your subordinate, do not think that you can order me around. This Captain won't accept your trick! "

"What?" Lin Fei almost jumped up, "Um, what did director-general Niu tell you to do to you that you forgot so quickly?"

"Hmph, don't always use the director-general Niu to pressure me. director-general Niu is on a business trip, this place is under my control! " Bai Lingshuang looked at him provocatively, "Don't forget, you still have the criminal record. I haven't explained to you the speed limit of the previous month. "

"I'm speeding, but do you have any proof?" Lin Fei curled his lips, "It's still better to give me the Gao brothers' things. It's useless for you to keep them!"

"Arrogant!" Bai Lingshuang said with an ashen face. It could be seen that this Lin Fei didn't take them, the policemen, seriously at all.

"You won't give it to me, right?" "Alright, I'll go." Lin Fei glanced at the woman's chest and walked out of the office with a grin.

Since she didn't want to give it to him, then let her see his current situation.

Lin Fei was very familiar with the layout of the Police station. Although every city is very different. But the structure of the Police station was similar. Even the evidence was similar. Since Bai Lingshuang was not cooperating, then he could only do it himself. Not to mention such a small evidence room, he could easily get close even if he was surrounded by political leaders.

Avoiding the surveillance, Lin Fei stepped into the evidence room.

"Tong Zhi, where is the evidence Captain Bai brought back the day before yesterday?" Lin Fei looked at the little police casually.

"Captain Bai brought it? It must belong to the Gao brothers. There, second row, third floor. " little police looked at Lin Fei curiously. His evidence room was only a place of nominal importance, but it was actually a warehouse for storing items. Who would be so bored as to come in and steal evidence? There were surveillance cameras everywhere, and alarms would go off before they even got in.

"Thanks, little brother."

The Gao brothers picked up some things for the police because they were in a hurry to leave. Two clothes, and the motorcycle number. The clothes were ordinary, so it was hard to tell what they were. The number plate had already expired, so it was obvious that they had stolen it. All these things were useless to Bai Lingshuang, but he could discover a lot of clues from them.

Although the clothes were quite ordinary, they were most likely bought by a squirrel shop. At the Australian Squirrel Shop next to the low-rent apartment.

Lin Fei was very familiar with the streets near the Jinsheng. In their line of work, familiarity with the environment was very important.

Taking out the old man's phone from his pocket, he turned on the camera function and scanned the number plate of the motorcycle. The screen quickly displayed the owner's position. It was the resident on the other side of the house.

His old looking cell phone was a tool for the secret service. Have access to the police's internal network. At the same time, it was also the monitor controller. He had pretended that so many Camera were all under the control of this thing.

As long as he knew the direction, it would be easy. As long as he called out that block's surveillance, he would definitely be able to discover some clues.

As for Lin Fei, after he left the office of the scout Captain, he was extremely vexed. The director-general Niu had repeatedly told Lin Fei to treat this Lin Fei well and request his assistance in solving the case. But when she saw Lin Fei's lustful look, especially his eyes, she was enraged. It was as if he wanted to eat her.

"That, Little Li, where's that baby that went out earlier?" Bai Lingshuang clenched his teeth and rushed out of the office. There was nothing she could do about it. The pressure on her upper body was too tight. Chief Zou even urged them to solve the case every day. With regards to the face of the Police station, the pressure on the city and the police was huge.

Little Li was a police officer on duty. Anyone who came in or out of the reconnaissance department had to pass him.

"That, was it just released?" "It seems like he went over there." little police scratched his head and said uncertainly.

"What do you mean like? Which way did he go? "

"That, I'm not too clear about either, Captain Bai." little police lowered his head in grievance. Although he was on duty, he couldn't keep an eye on the captain's office. And Lin Fei walked too fast. Just as he was in a daze, Hou Hou walked over. He could only see a blurry back view.

If little police was not mistaken, Lin Fei did not leave, but went to the evidence room! Bai Lingshuang's eyes lit up, and quickly walked towards the evidence room.

What made her angry was that this Lin Fei was too arrogant, and did not take them, the policemen, seriously! He had barged into the evidence room without her permission and had even taken the evidence from the Gao brothers to study there!

"Hey, Lin, what are you doing?"

When Lin Fei raised his head, he saw Bai Lingshuang staring at him angrily. However, her angry appearance was clearly much more lovable than usual.

"Find clues." Lin Fei kept on looking at her chest.

Her police uniform was a bit tight, it completely revealed the exquisite curves of her body. Especially her angry look, which made Lin Fei's eyes burn with envy. This woman was definitely something, a woman amongst women.

"Hmph, barging in without my permission, you must have some guts!"

"It's not small!" Lin Fei's throat was dry all of a sudden, and even his voice had changed.

"You! "You're being disrespectful!" Bai Lingshuang became anxious and his face flushed red. He stretched out his hand wanting to take out the gun in his pocket.

"That, can you call out the monitoring system on the cheap rental side?" Lin Fei quickly changed the topic. This girl was too impatient. If he forced her into a corner, she might really go out of bounds.

"Low rent? What do you want the control over there for?... Did you discover something? " Bai Lingshuang was stunned at first, but then he suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Sort of. Look at this license plate, it's obvious that the owner lives on the other side of the rental house. " Lin Fei handed over his plate.

"Owner!" Why didn't I think of that! " Bai Lingshuang slapped his forehead in frustration.

She checked the license plate and the owner. The owner of the car was an ordinary person. He had left the Lanshan City to work outside. Obviously it had little to do with the case. But I never thought about it.

Giving Lin Fei this much now, no matter how foolish she was, she would still understand what Lin Fei meant. Didn't this indicate the Gao brothers' residence? Thinking of this, she hurriedly called the Town Security. They are the most heavily monitored people in the city.

Sure enough, not long after, the Town Security had reported that they had indeed discovered the Gao brothers. However, it was just a short video. As for where the Gao brothers had gone, he wasn't sure.

"Hello, Little Li? I am Bai Lingshuang. Bring a group of people to the cheap rental house and search them. " Bai Lingshuang hesitated for a while before dialing the number in the duty room.

"Damn!" "What a brainless and humongous thing to do!" Lin Fei frowned slightly. This woman was pretty, but she didn't use her head. As long as there was any wind, the Gao brothers would definitely run.

"What?" Who are you calling brainless! " Bai Lingshuang's eyes were wide opened, he almost wanted to bite Lin Fei.

"You!" Lin Fei shot a glance at her chest, he was really disappointed, "You made such a big ruckus, do you want to tell the Gao brothers that we found him? Think about it, last time there were so many of you who knew the exact location, yet were unable to get ahold of them. "

Bai Lingshuang was speechless. He wanted to say something to refute his words, but he couldn't find any reason to do so. Afterwards, she had observed the scene as well. Lin Fei was right. At that time, the Gao brothers had easily escaped under their heavy encirclement. It could be said that he had escaped under their noses.

"If you want to capture the Gao brothers, then withdraw all the people you sent out just now. Hurry, don't let them see anything. If we miss this chance, it will be hard to find them! " Lin Fei's eyes were filled with ridicule.

He had only investigated the Gao brothers to find out more about Bai Cangyu. It didn't matter if they caught Bai Cangyu or not, as long as they could catch Bai Cangyu. As for the rest, it had nothing to do with his mission. The reason he reminded Bai Lingshuang was because Niu Dezhi had begged him to do so.

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