Playing Games To Be Stronger/C13 Go down the Mountain to Search for Medicine!
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Playing Games To Be Stronger/C13 Go down the Mountain to Search for Medicine!
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C13 Go down the Mountain to Search for Medicine!

Qin Xiao quickly dismissed Tan Shu's words from his mind.

He wasn't the original soul of this body, so his emotional ties to Tan Shu were superficial. Despite the body's intense emotions, they couldn't perpetually sway him, leaving him less heartbroken than Elder Yan had anticipated.

Yet, Elder Yan seemed to project a sadness onto him, as if convinced of his deep sorrow.

Since Tan Shu's departure, Elder Yan had been inventing reasons to engage Qin Xiao in what he called training sessions, which were really just outlets for his own grief.

On the first day:

"My young friend, the weather is splendid today, clear skies as far as the eye can see. Let's not waste this perfect opportunity for training," Elder Yan suggested cheerfully.

Qin Xiao glanced at the overcast sky, rolled up his sleeves, and squared off with Elder Yan.

The second day:

"My young friend, observe the vibrant beauty of these flowers, how tender and delicate they are. Perhaps our training will encourage them to bloom even more joyously."

Qin Xiao unsheathed his saber and lunged. After an intense bout, the ground lay strewn with petals and leaves.

The third day:

"My young friend, look—"

Before Elder Yan could finish, Qin Xiao, without a word, shed his outer garment and dived into the fray.

The battle was fierce and satisfying.

After washing off the sweat and redressing, Qin Xiao noticed Elder Yan at the doorway, his usual playful demeanor replaced by a look of concern.

"I've noticed your cultivation level has been increasing too rapidly, and your body is struggling to keep up."

Continuing at this pace could lead to a physical breakdown, a concern Elder Yan couldn't ignore.

"I see," Qin Xiao said, the realization dawning on him. That explained why, despite his improved skills, his body felt heavier during their spars.

Without Elder Yan, he might have missed this underlying issue until it was too late and much harder to address.

"Thank you," Qin Xiao expressed his gratitude earnestly. "Is there a way to resolve this?"

"You're still trying to play coy with me? If I've identified the problem, rest assured, I'll help you solve it," Elder Yan replied with a chuckle.

"In addition to our daily training, I have a recipe for a medicinal bath that will strengthen your body. You'll need to descend the mountain to collect the necessary herbs."

After finishing his thought, Qin Xiao produced a prescription. It listed over a dozen different herbs, some exceedingly rare and not available within the sect. Given his current status, it was unlikely the sect would provide them to him.

A trip down the mountain was indeed necessary.

But with time to spare, Qin Xiao wasn't keen on wasting it and chose to continue his cultivation practice for a while longer. He had reached the seventh layer of the Congealing Water Stage but had hit a plateau, unable to advance to the eighth layer.

Perhaps he needed to accrue more empirical value.

Regarding his game level, his Dragon Soul was at level 13, with an empirical value of 3,013/8,450—almost halfway to the next level. Due to the Alchemist-Doctor's challenges in refining pills, he had focused on gathering herbs to level up, which yielded less empirical value, leaving him just at level 9.

However, his constant herb collecting seemed to have paid off in an unexpected way, granting him a new skill.

[Spiritual Rhino]: This skill allows you to discern the true effects of medicinal substances. Note: This skill is exclusive to herbs and is ineffective on other items.

Qin Xiao was quite pleased with this development. It was an excellent skill that would prevent him from being swindled by unscrupulous merchants when buying herbs.

As the day progressed, Qin Xiao reported to the sect and spent some money to secure a travel permit.

Not being a horseman, he opted to hire a carriage, and within half an hour, he arrived at the bustling marketplace.

The market was alive with activity, a scene that immediately brought to mind the "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" painting. In his past life, Qin Xiao had a fondness for such markets, where one could stumble upon items of great value. The variety of stalls and vendors instantly evoked a warm sense of nostalgia.

"Fresh Profound Beast blood, perfect for aiding your cultivation! A Profound Beast has only three drops of blood in its lifetime—first come, first served!"

"Top-quality medicinal herbs! You won't regret buying these, no tricks or cheats here!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't miss out on our wares as you pass by!"

Qin Xiao browsed with a mix of curiosity and intent, his mind never straying far from the task at hand.

"Feng Ying Grass, Star Moon Rock, Forget-Me-Not, Profound River Sand..."

The marketplace was a hive of activity, nestled at the foot of the Blood Soul Sect. An abundance of medicinal herbs was on offer, and with Qin Xiao's keen interest, he swiftly gathered a variety of them.

Moreover, thanks to his Spiritual Rhino Skill, the herbs he procured were of notable age and quality. They were not only worth the price but also guaranteed a tidy profit.

Only one last herb remained.

"Jade Immortal Flower."

Upon seeing the name on his list, Qin Xiao looked up and entered a shop known as Orchid Hall.

Indeed, the Jade Immortal Flower was none other than an orchid. Orchid Gambling, a pastime favored by warriors, could turn a sharp-eyed participant into an overnight sensation, propelling them to the pinnacle of success, should they choose the right orchid grass that blooms into a high-quality flower.

Purchasing the Jade Immortal Flower outright would set one back 50 Profound Crystals—a hefty sum. Through Orchid Gambling, however, a stroke of luck could land the same flower for a mere 10 Profound Crystals.

Qin Xiao, however, didn't count on luck; he relied on his skills.

"Young man, we have orchids of various grades here. The lowest tier costs two Profound Crystals per gamble, the mid-tier is ten, and the premium tier is thirty," the shop assistant said, brimming with enthusiasm as a new customer approached.

Qin Xiao surveyed the orchids. The two-Profound Crystal ones were cheap, their leaves lacking vibrancy, while those costing thirty exuded vitality, standing tall and proud.

The majority of Orchid Hall's clientele opted for the thirty-Profound Crystal orchids, as the pricier the plant, the greater the odds of it yielding a superior bloom—and the greater their chances of striking it rich.

"What's the price for those top-tier orchid grasses?" Qin Xiao inquired, pointing to the orchids swaying elegantly behind the transparent glass. If the thirty-Profound Crystal orchids were akin to soldiers, then these were the generals, their commanding presence overshadowing all others.

Upon hearing Qin Xiao's inquiry, the salesman's face lit up with pride. "This orchid is destined for the auction block in Shangjun City. Right now, it's merely on display!"

The bystanders, catching the salesman's boast, couldn't help but show impressed looks that silently exclaimed, "That's incredible."

Shangjun City was the commercial heart of the Black Tortoise Empire, a hub that captured its finest offerings!

The fact that this orchid was chosen for auction in Shangjun City was a testament to its exceptional nature, hinting at the considerable influence backing this Orchid Hall.

Qin Xiao glanced at the orchid and engaged his Spiritual Rhino Skill, only to be met with the message: "Skill level too low, unable to discern."

It appeared the salesman's claims held water; this orchid was indeed no ordinary bloom.

Losing interest since the orchid was off-limits, Qin Xiao shifted his attention to those priced at thirty Profound Crystals. The salesman's face was alight with anticipation, thinking a sale was imminent, when Qin Xiao requested, "I'll take ten of your cheapest orchids."

The salesman's smile quickly deflated; the cheapest orchids yielded him the smallest commission.

Yet, maintaining the professionalism expected of a salesperson, he didn't scorn Qin Xiao's frugal choice. "Which ones would you like?" he asked.

Qin Xiao pointed at random to a few that seemed on the brink of wilting, their days seemingly numbered.

Then, out of nowhere, a crisp voice cut through the air.

"You're gambling all wrong. Those orchid leaves are neither round nor pointed, the bud color is far from unique, and the buds themselves are neither plump nor sharply defined. How could they ever produce a premium orchid? You're just squandering Profound Crystals."

Qin Xiao turned to see a young man in luxurious brocade, his face etched with disapproval and his tone dripping with condescension. His proud visage was unmistakable.

The surrounding whispers of excitement and awe revealed his identity: the renowned Gambling Master, known to many as Master of Thunder.

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