Playing Games To Be Stronger/C15 Our Orchid Hall will Not Open Today!!
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Playing Games To Be Stronger/C15 Our Orchid Hall will Not Open Today!!
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C15 Our Orchid Hall will Not Open Today!!

Master Thunder's swift actions shattered the stillness of Orchid Hall, igniting an uproar in the blink of an eye!

Every eye gleamed with intensity as they fixed their gazes on the ten pots of orchids now revealed!

The Dragon Orchid, a highly coveted species, could bear seeds from its blooms. Merely having it nearby could naturally attract the vital energies of the cosmos.

Transformed into a pill and ingested, it could enhance the rate of absorbing this vital essence.

Such a treasured medicinal plant was, of course, met with fervent enthusiasm!

While a single Dragon Orchid was common, fetching about a hundred Profound Crystals on the market, the Dragon Orchids that Qin Xiao had unveiled possessed every attribute!

Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, cloud, thunder, wind, light, darkness!

Should a pot be valued at a mere hundred Profound Crystals, then the sum of ten could exceed a thousand Profound Crystals—potentially tripling in worth!

It's well-known that items of varying attributes are adored by array masters, who rank among the wealthiest of professions!

Qin Xiao was no mere child of fortune; he was the very emperor of it!

The crowd's derisive looks turned to deep respect, and they voiced their opposition to Master Thunder's desire to become his disciple.


He wants to be a disciple too?

After just ridiculing Qin Xiao for his lack of orchid knowledge, now you wish to study under him? Have you no shame?

Master Qin Xiao, pay him no mind. Let us be your disciples!

Master Thunder hadn't anticipated being elbowed out by the others, his anger flaring on the spot. These were people who normally regarded him with utmost respect, yet now, for the chance to become Qin Xiao's disciples, they had the audacity to shove him aside!

The audacity was beyond shameless!

With a surge of fury, Master Thunder pulled the crowd apart, his glare warning them to keep their distance, then turned to Qin Xiao with an ingratiating smile, "Little Master, don't bother with them. They don't deserve your instruction!"

Master Thunder knew well enough that luck might explain two Profound Crystals and ten pots, but to have all ten Profound Crystals revealed was no stroke of luck!

Clearly, there had to be some secret technique that this young man, Qin Xiao, possessed for "seeing the orchid"!

He'd been frequenting the Orchid Hall for so long, all in the hopes of finding a true master who could mentor him, hadn't he?

Regrettably, he had been shortsighted before, completely missing the prowess of his little master!

With this thought, the Master of Thunder grew anxious, worried about what Qin Xiao might think of him.

"I won't teach you."

The Master of Thunder felt a chill in his heart at Qin Xiao's words, his head drooping like a forsaken pup.

Qin Xiao couldn't suppress a chuckle upon seeing this. After all, he was mentally at least twenty years old and had no interest in squabbling with someone who had just reached adulthood. Besides, for all his pride, the Master of Thunder harbored no ill will.

With this in mind, he hesitated before saying, "It's not that I'm unwilling to teach you, but rather that I can't. However, if you'd like, you're welcome to stay by my side from now on."

The Master of Thunder's eyes sparkled at the prospect.

Even if Qin Xiao wouldn't directly teach him, he could still learn by observation. And with Qin Xiao's permission, it wouldn't be sneaking lessons but openly acquiring knowledge.

Contented, the Master of Thunder eagerly offered, "I'm the ninth child in my family, so please, just call me Little Nine."

"Alright, you can call me Qin Xiao." Qin Xiao responded with a warm smile, then sighed, a touch of concern in his voice, "It's just too bad my luck was off today; I didn't find any of the orchids I was hoping for."

The others, overhearing Qin Xiao, were taken aback, falling into a stunned silence.

Too bad luck?

After all, each orchid was a premium specimen, culminating in a grand slam of a Dragon Orchid!

If that was considered bad luck, then they must be cursed beyond belief!

Seizing the moment, Little Nine suggested, "Master, why not try your luck with the orchids priced at thirty Profound Crystals? You might just find the one you're looking for!"

The thought of closely watching his master select orchids thrilled him.

Taking the advice to heart, Qin Xiao chose ten pots valued at thirty Profound Crystals each.

The shop assistant's grin grew even broader. He wasn't concerned about Qin Xiao defaulting on payment; the man had long since broken even, and three hundred Profound Crystals was surely a trifle to him.

At that moment, a frosty voice cut through the clamor.

"Enough with this racket! If anyone's causing trouble, throw them out!"

A portly man emerged in the hall, his face seething with anger.

He was Fann Sheng, proprietor of the Orchid Hall. He had arranged to host a VIP in the private pavilion today, but no sooner had the guest arrived than the commotion outside began.

The audacity of someone stirring up trouble on his turf and making a poor impression on his guest!

Fann Sheng strode into the main hall, his face a mask of fury, ready to confront the source of the disturbance.

The gamblers, recognizing Fann Sheng, fell silent. A server pointed towards the orchids and explained, "Manager, it's not a disturbance. A young man is on a lucky streak, each pot he opens is a gem."

Following the server's gesture, Fann Sheng's gaze landed on a selection of fine orchids, among them a Dragon Orchid with all attributes—a rare find indeed!

He was taken aback but remained unfazed. Orchid gambling was unpredictable—luck could turn any pot into a jackpot.

But such fortune couldn't last forever. Eventually, the young man would face the harsh reality when his luck ran out.

"A gem in every pot?"

A deep, resonant voice came from behind Fann Sheng, who straightened up, his demeanor shifting to one of utmost respect.

Ling Xiao paid no heed to Fann Sheng, his attention fixed on the young man at the center. Despite the many eyes upon him, the youth showed no sign of intimidation, his eyes twinkling with innocence and composure.

"Yes," Qin Xiao responded, aware that the distinguished middle-aged man expected his reply.

"Sir, this place is crowded and noisy. Perhaps we should return to the Pavilion to continue our orchid gambling? The orchids there are of exceptional quality," Fann Sheng suggested with a discreet glance at Qin Xiao, bowing slightly to Ling Xiao.

"No," Ling Xiao declined, "I'm interested in seeing what sort of orchid this young man can produce."

Fann Sheng was at a loss for words. To him, even the hall's priciest orchid was second-rate, while the Pavilion's orchids, tended with great care, had a much higher chance of producing extraordinary blooms.

No matter how fortunate the boy was, there was no way all thirty Profound Crystal orchids would burst into bloom.

He was confident because, out of the hundred-plus pots of orchids, he had ensured only ten had the potential to yield exceptional flowers.

Manipulating the bloom rate was standard practice in every Orchid Hall.

Thus, to him, Qin Xiao's so-called premium selection was laughable.

"They've bloomed."

Fann Sheng heard Ling Xiao's voice at his side. Looking up, indeed, the first pot had blossomed.

He gave Qin Xiao a sidelong glance. The boy was undeniably lucky, reminiscent of his own younger days.

"Another one's bloomed."

Moments later, Ling Xiao's voice rang out again, prompting a look of surprise from Fann Sheng. He appraised the orchids, estimating that they could fetch 200 Profound Crystals on the market.

The boy's luck was impressive, but it surely couldn't last.

"This looks like a Luolan."

At Ling Xiao's commentary, Fann Sheng's brow creased. This young man was perhaps too fortunate, having secured a pot of the vitality-boosting Luolan.

"Oh, and now a Nan Xiao."

Fann Sheng's expression darkened, his frown deepening. A sense of dread crept over him. Four pots had bloomed in quick succession. Could it be?

His foreboding feeling solidified into stark reality with Ling Xiao's resonant voice. Fann Sheng's face transitioned from shock to terror, then to a numb resignation.

All ten pots were indeed of exceptional quality, each bursting with seedlings!

But how on earth did this young man pinpoint those ten pots amidst the hundred?

Was the boy a deity or a fiend?

Fann Sheng couldn't fathom the explanation. His heart quivered with pain, and he felt a profound sense of loss. Qin Xiao had precisely selected the pots with seedlings, rendering the remaining ninety or so pots worthless.

To avoid alerting the other gamblers to the Orchid Hall's manipulation of the bloom rate, he now had to replenish with another ten pots likely to produce seedlings!

This blunder was costing him over two thousand Profound Crystals!

What a disaster! A colossal disaster!

What kind of luck is he supposed to bring? He's nothing but a curse!

In that moment, Qin Xiao turned to Fann Sheng with genuine curiosity and inquired, "I overheard you mention that the orchids in the elegant pavilion are superior. May I have the pleasure of seeing them?"

Upon hearing this, Fann Sheng felt a wave of dizziness and nearly lost his footing.

What now? This harbinger of doom intended to ruin the orchids in his elegant pavilion too?

No way could he allow Qin Xiao to have his way!

Without a second thought, Fann Sheng blurted out, "I apologize, but our Orchid Hall is not open for business today!"

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