Playing Games To Be Stronger/C16 The Income Is Not Cheap!
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Playing Games To Be Stronger/C16 The Income Is Not Cheap!
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C16 The Income Is Not Cheap!

Fann Sheng realized his blunder the moment the words left his mouth!

With Ling Xiao, a VIP, right beside him, declaring no business would surely mean turning a distinguished guest away, wouldn't it?

It was all Qin Xiao's fault, with his uncanny knack for luck, which had completely thrown him off his game!

As he scrambled to make amends, he overheard Qin Xiao's regretful remark, "In that case, I won't impose any further on the shopkeeper."

Oh no! Disaster!

He had a golden opportunity right before his eyes to skyrocket to success, and he had squandered it.

Fann Sheng was filled with despair, consumed by an intense sense of regret.

Ling Xiao, however, wasn't bothered by Fann Sheng's words and understood the knee-jerk reaction.

He was simply taken aback by the young man's extraordinary fortune.

This thought brought a rare smile to the usually stoic Ling Xiao, who, seeking to ease Fann Sheng's mind, suggested, "Let's continue inside the pavilion."

Fann Sheng's ashen face flushed with life, and with an earnest and ingratiating smile, he followed Ling Xiao into the pavilion.

Qin Xiao hadn't managed to uncover the Jade Immortal Flower, silently lamenting the loss.

But his disappointment was all too evident, written across his face in big, bold letters: "Why is my luck so rotten today?" It was enough to make the other bettors itch with frustration.

The attendant approached with a beaming smile, "Would you consider selling your orchids to our pavilion?"

After a brief pause, Qin Xiao consented and inquired, "What would be the price if I sold all of my Dragon Orchids?"

The attendant paused, then his face lit up with excitement.

He had assumed Qin Xiao would keep the all-attribute Dragon Orchids for himself, never expecting an offer to sell!

Calculating quickly, he responded with enthusiasm, "For all-attribute Dragon Orchids, three thousand Profound Crystals!"

The price of three thousand Profound Crystals was fair, though if sold to an array master, it would surely fetch at least twice that amount.

Qin Xiao simply didn't have the time to seek out an array master, nor the energy to preserve the Dragon Orchids. High-end medicinal herbs require special containers to maintain their potency, after all.

After deducting the cost of the Orchid Grass, Qin Xiao pocketed a tidy sum of five thousand six hundred Profound Crystals, much to the envy of onlookers.

The market, however, was under the protection of the Lord’s Manor's soldiers, so no disturbances were attempted.

Leaving the Orchid Hall, Qin Xiao was followed by a persistent Little Nine.

"That Fann Sheng is so irritating, not letting you into the elegant pavilion," Little Nine complained, her lips pursed in annoyance.

The unwelcoming undertone in Fann Sheng's offhand remark was clear to anyone.

Feeling indignant on Qin Xiao's behalf, Little Nine suddenly had a thought. Blinking, he remarked, "But it seems like Fann Sheng did end up giving you quite a few advantages."

Some orchids, despite their quality, had limited demand and fetched lower prices. Yet, to Little Nine's surprise, the clerk had purchased them at a generous rate—a move that surely required Fann Sheng's approval.

"That just shows Fann Sheng is a clever man," Qin Xiao said with a slight smile, "If he hadn't acted so, I might have had to give Manager Fann's business some extra attention in the future."

Little Nine felt a shiver run down his spine. Some people might seem honorable on the surface, but behind the scenes, they were as cunning as wolves.

It was a good thing Fann Sheng hadn't crossed Qin Xiao; otherwise, he'd have no clue how he'd meet his end!

"By the way, Xiao Jiu, do you know where to find Jade Immortal Flowers?" Qin Xiao inquired.

"You've come to the right person, Master," Xiao Jiu responded with enthusiasm. "I know just the place!"

Familiar with every nook and cranny of the bustling market, Xiao Jiu guided Qin Xiao through the streets, quickly arriving at a medicinal herb store.

The store was named "He Lai," its sign bearing bold and vigorous characters.

"Master, don't be fooled by the shop's modest size and the sparse crowd," Xiao Jiu advised. "From what I know, the quality of their medicinal herbs is exceptional, the selection comprehensive, and the prices reasonable. The only thing is..."

Xiao Jiu hesitated briefly, then whispered, "The owner of this shop is a doctor's disciple, and he's known for his fiery temper. Make sure you don't get into an argument with him."

"I understand," Qin Xiao nodded in acknowledgment. He was simply there to purchase Jade Immortal Flowers; there was no reason for him to get into a dispute.

As they were about to step inside, a young servant clad in green caught sight of Xiao Jiu, his eyes lighting up as he called out urgently, "Master of Thunder, the clan leader is searching for you! Please, come back with me immediately!"

Xiao Jiu froze, the warmth in his smile replaced by a chill. He uttered two firm words, "Not going!"

He was typically a youth full of pride and vigor, radiant as the sun, yet now his gaze was shrouded in darkness, harboring an incomprehensible mix of deep-seated hatred and concealed fury.

"Master Jiu! If you don't return, Miss Fu will be sent away to the countryside!"

Xiao Jiu spun around, his eyes blazing with anger. After taking a deep breath, he managed to squeeze out a smile and said, "Master, there's an urgent matter at home I must attend to. If you need me, you can find me at the Lee family residence on Danyang Lane."


Qin Xiao observed the young man radiating an aura of darkness and reached into his pocket to retrieve a pill. It was the only one he had managed to refine in the Immortal Path World, having invested a Profound Soul to bring it into reality.

"This is the Profound Butterfly Pill I crafted. It can sustain life for a day, no matter the severity of the injury. Should you need assistance, seek me out at the Blood Soul Sect."

Under normal circumstances, Lee Jiu would have been intrigued by Qin Xiao's pill-refining skills, but his current state of turmoil left no room for curiosity.

With a forced smile, Lee Jiu gave Qin Xiao a quick bow and vanished like a whirlwind.

Qin Xiao shook his head with a sigh, musing that every family indeed has its own set of challenges.

"Profound Butterfly Pill? Is such a miraculous medicine even possible? What charlatan concocted this?"

The voice arrived before its owner, proud and melodious, reminiscent of a leopard bounding through the mountains.

Looking up, Qin Xiao saw a young woman dressed in black, her large, cat-like eyes sparkling with intelligence. She exuded an air of both nobility and arrogance, tinged with a touch of scorn.

"Just because you're unaware doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

Qin Xiao responded in an even tone as he stepped into the shop, casting a quick glance around. Noticing the absence of the shop assistant, he stopped searching.

"No need to look any further. This place belongs to my master," Ning Qing said, her eyebrows arching as a sly smile played on her lips.

Qin Xiao mentally grumbled about his bad luck.

All he wanted was to purchase some medicinal herbs. How had he managed to get on the wrong side of this disciple, known by Lee Jiu to have a notoriously bad temper?

"I'm interested in buying the Jade Immortal Flower. Is it for sale?"

Since the encounter was already unpleasant, Qin Xiao decided to lay his cards on the table. It was a simple transaction after all. If she refused to sell, he would simply take his business elsewhere.

Ning Qing was taken aback, then flushed with a mix of embarrassment and annoyance.

She had been her master's prized disciple since childhood, blessed with a sharp mind and a keen sense for herbs, which had earned her much favor.

Today, she had caught a charlatan from the martial arts world, only to find that he had the audacity not to apologize, but to address her with such insolence!

"I won't sell it! Even if I were giving it away, I wouldn't give it to a fraud like you!" Ning Qing's eyes blazed as she hissed her words.

If she refused to sell, that was that.

Qin Xiao shrugged off the rejection nonchalantly and prepared to exit the herbal shop. As he turned to leave, his gaze briefly skimmed over a particular herb, then sharpened with intensity.

He looked up at Ning Qing, his voice grave, "Is your shop really in the business of peddling life-threatening substances?"

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