Playing Games To Be Stronger/C18 The Fallen General Star
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Playing Games To Be Stronger/C18 The Fallen General Star
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C18 The Fallen General Star

Ling Xiao hadn't anticipated encountering Qin Xiao in this place. After failing to find the orchid he sought at Fann Sheng's Orchid Hall, he thought to check out this somewhat renowned herbal shop. To his surprise, the very orchid he desired was in Qin Xiao's possession.

"You mean this orchid plant?" Qin Xiao asked, intrigued. His Spiritual Rhino Skill had revealed the plant's uniqueness. Did Ling Xiao recognize its value as well?

Ling Xiao's gaze was profound. "Exactly. My wife requires this particular herb for her treatment. I'd be grateful if you'd part with it."

"There's no need for that. I came by it easily enough, so consider it a gift," Qin Xiao offered generously.

Ling Xiao had been prepared to purchase the orchid but was taken aback by the offer. His initial favorable impression of Qin Xiao deepened considerably.

Yet, he hesitated, "This isn't just any orchid; it's an Illusion Orchid, a rare and valuable species that could fetch a thousand Profound Crystals on the market. It would be a considerable loss for you to simply give it away."

With that, Ling Xiao gently caressed the orchid's leaves. Under the influence of his vital energy, the plant's true form was revealed.

Ning Qingqing's eyes went wide. "It really is an Illusion Orchid!" She was astounded that the orchid she had tended so casually was of such immense value. As its caretaker, she felt as though she had been oblivious to its worth.

It wasn't the thousand Profound Crystals that concerned her, but rather the realization that her discernment, despite a lifetime of praise, was inferior to that of someone she had considered clueless.

One thousand Profound Crystals!

The value was significant!

Qin Xiao blinked, his curiosity piqued by the Illusion Orchid. He had sensed the plant was special, yet he hadn't imagined it to be more precious than the finest orchid at the Orchid Hall.

But as a man of his word, he would not renege on his promise. That was his principle.

Moreover, this esteemed patron of Fann Sheng's had not taken advantage of Qin Xiao's ignorance. Instead, he had honestly disclosed the orchid's true value.

Your kind intention is more than enough.

Qin Xiao treasured sincerity far more than a fortune in gold. His eyes, naturally curved in mirth, now sparkled with added brilliance. "This orchid was a gift from the shopkeeper. Had you not revealed its worth, I would've remained oblivious. Yet you chose honesty over deceit, a rarity indeed. How could I possibly trade such genuine kindness for coin?"

"Thank you, then," Ling Xiao responded, his eyes warm as they rested on Qin Xiao. Accustomed to the high seat and the sycophants that came with it, Ling Xiao had little patience for their feigned affections.

Still, he recognized the authenticity in Qin Xiao's words and didn't want to dismiss the heartfelt gesture of his younger friend. "I'm Ling Xiao. May I address you as Qin Xiao?"

With no objections, Qin Xiao, aware of their age difference, cheerfully replied, "Brother Ling."

Their shared laughter bridged the gap of years, reminiscent of long-lost friends reuniting.

"What brings you to the Herbalist Shop, Qin Xiao?" Ling Xiao inquired.

Qin Xiao openly discussed his quest to strengthen his body and enhance his constitution.

"Indeed," Ling Xiao chuckled. "I've recently acquired an item perfect for those at the Congealing Water Stage. If you're not otherwise engaged, would you care to join me and retrieve it?"

Having secured the Jade Immortal Flower and a bounty of herbs, Qin Xiao had intended to return to his sect. But faced with Ling Xiao's generous offer and having time to spare, he accepted, "I'd be honored to accompany you, Brother Ling."

"Hey, don't be a stranger! I'm Ning Qingqing. Next time you need herbs, come to me at Crane's Arrival. I'll make sure you get a good deal," Ning Qingqing called out as Qin Xiao prepared to depart. Her gaze lingered on him, sweet with unspoken affection.

Oblivious to her hints, Qin Xiao offered a polite smile and farewell, carrying a tinge of regret as he left.

He had saved her life, after all. Why wouldn't Ning Qingqing offer him a lifetime discount?

Such a shame!

As Qin Xiao walked away, the warmth in Ning Qingqing's eyes vanished, replaced by a steely coldness. She took the box of ginseng and headed to her master, He Gui's, residence.

She recounted the day's events to him. He Gui examined the ginseng intently and sliced off a piece to sample.

At first contact, a chilling energy burst forth, causing He Gui's brow to furrow even more.

As a Taoist, both a healer and a pill master, his cultivation could naturally withstand the Yin cold.

But if the patient needed the warming properties of ginseng, they were clearly suffering from a cold affliction and were weak. Consuming this tainted ginseng would surely be lethal!

Moreover, only the wealthy and influential could afford ginseng. They might wield considerable power.

"It looks like we owe a debt of gratitude to that young man."

The culprit who tampered with the ginseng under his young disciple's watch must have known about Ning Qingqing's medical expertise. Yet, they hadn't counted on Qin Xiao emerging to foil their plot.

"Put the ginseng back and see who uses it. This may not be an attack on our clinic; we might even snag a big fish."

While competition exists in medicine, it's rarely a matter of life or death. Few would go so far as to endanger a life.

Thus, the true target of the ginseng scheme might well be the life of the patient intended to take it.

He Gui smiled subtly. If he caught the person responsible, he had several untested pills that needed a subject.

Ning Qingqing caught on quickly, but her master's sly grin made her think of him as a crafty old fox perched on his chair.

"Master, Qin Xiao didn't just uncover a conspiracy; he saved my life too. Surely, we should reward him for his actions?" Ning Qingqing argued with conviction.

"And you have the nerve to mention that? Who asked you to be so reckless and consume it outright?"

He Gui shot Ning Qingqing a stern look. She responded with a playful tongue-sticking gesture, prompting him to say, resignedly, "Well, I do have a bottle of Dragon Tiger Pills. Take them to him as a token of our thanks."

The Dragon Tiger Pill was an elixir designed to enhance one's physical constitution. It had the power to purge impurities from the body and widen the meridians. A standard Dragon Tiger Pill would set you back 500 Profound Crystals, but those crafted by He Gui himself were exceptional, each worth a small fortune in gold.

A single bottle containing thirty pills was a luxury few could afford, even among the Inner Sect disciples of the Blood Soul Sect.

"My life is only worth a handful of pills!" Ning Qingqing slammed her hand on the table, her voice tinged with discontent. "Master, am I really that insignificant to you?"

"Oh, come off it! You've just got your eye on that young man, haven't you? Is that why you're so eager to play benefactor?"

He Gui knew his disciple all too well; it was clear that Ning Qingqing's affections had been stirred.

A pang of jealousy hit him, feeling as though his prized cabbage was about to be snatched away by a pig.

Out of sight, out of mind, He Gui thought, as he pulled a jade slip from his robe, waved dismissively, and said with a hint of disdain, "Take this to your young suitor."

Ning Qingqing's eyes sparkled with excitement. Everything her master owned was of the highest quality. She quickly pocketed the slip and batted her eyelashes, "Master, you haven't given me the Dragon Tiger Pill yet!"

"Here, take it! Now, shoo!"

He Gui was fuming, nearly steaming at the nostrils.

What could he do when his disciple's heart was set on leaving?

He resigned himself to the inevitable; a grown daughter can't be kept at home. If she stayed any longer, he feared his own lifespan might be shortened by frustration.

Content with her spoils, Ning Qingqing was about to depart when a thought struck her. With genuine curiosity, she inquired, "By the way, Master, do you know who Ling Xiao is?"

Caught off guard, He Gui's gaze drifted to the window, his mind wandering to distant memories, his face etched with wistful sorrow.

The atmosphere thickened with his mood, leaving behind only a soft, melancholic sigh.

"Ling Xiao, the fallen General Star, such a tragedy, such a loss..."

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