Playing Games To Be Stronger/C19 The Clear Wind Banquet
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Playing Games To Be Stronger/C19 The Clear Wind Banquet
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C19 The Clear Wind Banquet

Qin Xiao glanced up curiously at the plaque above, admiring the two characters that seemed to dance like dragons: Ling Residence.

Noticing Qin Xiao's gaze, Ling Xiao chuckled and said, "I penned those words in my youth."

"They're truly well done," Qin Xiao complimented earnestly.

Though unfamiliar with calligraphy, Qin Xiao could see the excellence in the writing, which exuded a domineering and fierce aura of battle.

Ling Xiao's typically icy demeanor softened, a glint of warmth flickering in his eyes, clearly delighted by the praise.

"Ling Xiao, do you have guests over today?"

Several opulent carriages stood parked before the Ling Residence, their golden splendor suggesting distinguished visitors. Qin Xiao considered it might be best not to intrude.

"No trouble at all. Join me inside," Ling Xiao said, eyeing the carriages with a slight frown. Seeing Qin Xiao's hesitation, he explained, "I've been away from home for quite some time. My wife is likely feeling lonely and has invited some company over. Don't worry, she's very kind and will surely take a liking to you."

Despite his words, Ling Xiao harbored a hint of doubt; his wife's frail health didn't usually allow for such enthusiasm.

Qin Xiao nodded, following Ling Xiao into the grand estate.

The Ling Residence was indeed vast, with its elegant pavilions, intricate jade carvings, and delicate flowers. Maids in uniform light pink gauze flitted about like butterflies, bowing respectfully upon seeing Ling Xiao.

Qin Xiao hadn't realized Ling Xiao hailed from such a prominent household.

He decided to treat the visit as a stroll through an exquisite garden, taking in the sights. But this tranquil interlude was brief, interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps. Leading the group was a stern-faced middle-aged man who bowed deeply to Ling Xiao.

Before the man could speak, Ling Xiao instructed, "Faang San, dispense with the formalities. Please find someone to escort Qin Xiao and ensure he is well looked after. You, come with me to the inner treasury."

"Yes, Master," Faang San responded, casting a curious glance at Qin Xiao.

Since the incident years ago, his master had grown more reserved, seldom issuing such earnest instructions. If not for knowing his master's character and the fact that Qin Xiao bore no resemblance to Ling Xiao, Faang San might have suspected the young man to be an unacknowledged son.

After a brief contemplation, Faang San nudged the young man beside him forward and instructed, "Qing, please take good care of our esteemed guest."

Qing was relatively new to the household, having arrived just a couple of days ago, yet he was Faang San's nephew and possessed a sharp wit and intelligence. Faang San had plans to groom him for greater things.

The mention of Qing's name sparked envy among the others, but Qing maintained his composure, responding with a steady "Yes."

With everything in order, Ling turned to Qin Xiao and suggested, "Why don't you take a stroll and enjoy the mansion's scenery? I'll join you after I've fetched the items."

"Sure thing, Ling," Qin Xiao agreed.

He had no qualms about the suggestion. Despite not feeling physically exhausted from his recent days of training, there was an indescribable weariness of the spirit. A leisurely appreciation of the surroundings could be just what he needed for his cultivation.

Once Faang San had departed with Ling, Qin Xiao turned to the young man with a smile and said, "You're Qing, right? Show me around the mansion, would you?"

Meanwhile, Ling had sent Faang San to the inner treasury to retrieve the "Isolated Island," a deep green jade pendant resembling its namesake.

"Master, do you truly intend to give this away?" Faang San asked, his voice betraying his astonishment.

The revelation left him reeling, second-guessing his earlier assumptions. Could this young man actually be his master's secret son? Why else would he bestow upon him the Isolated Island, known for its soul-nourishing properties?

The Third Prince had once coveted this magical treasure, yet the master had refused him. Even when the prince later amassed a million Profound Crystals, the master declined, unwilling to debase the spiritual item with money. After all, an artifact that could nurture the soul was invaluable, capable of accelerating the gathering of vitality and bolstering soul strength, effectively doubling the efficiency of one's cultivation.

"My mind is made up," Ling declared. Certain things, if left unused, serve no purpose. It's better to use them to foster a sliver of hope. Faang San was aware that the Isolated Island was a treasure for warming the soul, but what he didn't realize was that it also served as a key to unlock a secret realm.

Whether he could unlock it all came down to the young man's luck.

Ling handed the Fantasy Orchid to Faang San, who knew immediately what to do—prepare the lady's medicine. As he was about to step away, Ling inquired, "Who has visited the mansion today?"

A hint of frost tinged Faang San's demeanor as he replied, "Master, Ling Zhong has been quite active lately. To curry favor with the scions of Oldgarde's families, he's taken it upon himself to host the Qingfeng Banquet in your stead today. Frankly, he lacks the presence for such affairs and isn't fit for grooming."

Faang San had traveled far and wide with Ling. To him, Ling Zhong—a mere nephew of the Ling family—barely registered as a concern. In fact, he didn't deem him worthy of notice.

"The Fresh Breeze Banquet?"

Ling's brow creased. He had organized such a banquet before, but the attendees, mostly good-for-nothings, had dampened his interest.

Yet, he was well aware of the family disciples' haughtiness and disdain for commoners. The thought of Qin encountering them sparked a sense of foreboding. Rising abruptly, he declared, "Let's hurry to Qin's side."


Qin Xiao wandered the Ling Estate with a light heart, while Qing narrated the surroundings in his crisp, engaging voice. The ambiance was relaxed and cheerful.

Qing's voice was indeed pleasant, his commentary laced with wit—qualities that would make him an excellent tour guide, much to the delight of any traveler.

Qin Xiao reveled in the rare respite, thoroughly content.

But his contentment was abruptly disrupted by a shrill scream from behind.

"Qin Xiao, what are you doing here?!"

With composure, Qin Xiao turned to face a familiar figure amidst a cluster of young nobles. It was Mo Le, the same man who had tried to embarrass him at the Bright Moon Hall of the Blood Soul Sect.

Seeing Mo Le reminded Qin Xiao of the Violet Victory Pill he had cunningly obtained from Elder Yan—a pill that was originally Mo Le's.

However, why was Mo Le at Ling's estate?

"Ladies and gentlemen," Mo Le didn't wait for Qin Xiao to gather his thoughts before he let out a scornful laugh, a sneer curling his lips. Addressing the young nobles around him, he said, "This is the Qin Xiao I mentioned earlier. He belongs to my Blood Soul Sect, yet at nearly fifteen, he still hasn't awakened his martial soul. He's utterly worthless. If not for his sister, Qin Huan, and her unmatched talent, this waste would have been expelled from our sect long ago. Now, with Qin Huan missing, he's like a dog that's lost its home. I invited him to the Qingfeng Banquet a few days ago, and sure enough, he showed up like a dog lured by the scent of meat!"

Despite not understanding why the gatekeeper hadn't announced him, Mo Le spared no effort in his public shaming of Qin Xiao.

After all, the reason for inviting Qin Xiao was to provide the aristocratic youth of Oldgarde with some post-dinner entertainment.

As expected, the looks from the assembled scions shifted from curiosity to a cool disdain upon setting eyes on Qin Xiao.

"Qingfeng Banquet?"

Qin Xiao whispered to himself. The Qingfeng Banquet was traditionally hosted at the Lord’s Manor, and Ling was the head of the Ling Residence.

That meant he was currently within the Lord’s Manor, and Ling Xiao was indeed the exalted Lord of Oldgarde!

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