Playing Games To Be Stronger/C2 Level up in the Game!!
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Playing Games To Be Stronger/C2 Level up in the Game!!
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C2 Level up in the Game!!

Having left behind the world and family he knew, Qin Xiao faced trials of life and death upon his arrival. It was only natural for him to feel a mix of anger and frustration.

But as he stood at the summit, surveying all below, a wave of exultation swelled within him. With a triumphant roar, his negative emotions scattered to the winds.

With his spirits lifted, Qin Xiao delved into the study of the immortal path.

In his previous life, this game hadn't been released. It debuted as a beta alongside a new gaming console, and the promotional material made it clear that it was a large-scale single-player game rooted in the Xianxia genre.

The game boasted three main storylines, with innumerable branches leading to various endings.

To cater to players, the game included a unique feature: the ability to customize character faces.

Preferring rugged masculinity, Qin Xiao crafted his avatar accordingly: with piercing brows, bright eyes, and a chiseled jaw. His character stood tall and straight, embodying the strength and resilience of a pine tree.

Once his character's appearance was set, it was time to choose a profession.

Without a moment's hesitation, Qin Xiao selected "Dragon Soul," a swordsman wielding the formidable Black Dragon Sword.

The plot of the immortal path was straightforward: a young man embarks on a quest to recover his lost memories, growing stronger until he becomes a formidable warrior.

In the novice village, Qin Xiao took on a task from Medicinal Herb Shop Owner Wang to collect various herbs.

Among them were the tail feathers of the Colorful Feather Chicken.

Armed with the Black Dragon Sword, Qin Xiao went after the chickens with gusto. Despite a chaotic burst of feathers, he ended up empty-handed, while the hens strutted about, seemingly mocking his ineptitude.

"Why are these creatures so nimble?" he grumbled in dismay. After all, monsters in the novice village typically didn't flee from a fight, unlike these swift-footed hens!

Determined to complete his quest, Qin Xiao begrudgingly spent a hundred copper coins on ten chicken traps. By nightfall, he had finally secured twenty tail feathers.

[Congratulations, you have completed the mission and earned 50 empirical points.]

[Congratulations, you have leveled up!]

A warm surge flowed from Qin Xiao's chest to his viscera, as if flipping a switch, his limbs instantly brimmed with vitality.

Qin Xiao was taken aback. The game felt real, yet it lacked actual sensations of smell, taste, or temperature. Clearly, his body was undergoing a transformation!

He promptly exited the game and delved into his sea of consciousness, where he observed a black cyclone slowly spinning, steadily absorbing streams of vital energy and becoming more condensed.

This cyclone was the hallmark of the Congealing Water Stage. He hadn't done anything, yet his realm had inexplicably advanced!

Well, not exactly nothing—he had been playing the game.

Recalling the game's notification about the empirical value he had earned, Qin Xiao ventured a daring hypothesis: his realm's advancement might be tied to the empirical value he had gained!

With this thought, he eagerly re-entered the game world to take on a new mission. Even if it was just catching chickens, his enthusiasm remained undiminished.

In the Immortal Path World, the sun rose in the east, bathing the land in a purple glow.

He was witnessing his second dawn.

Upon dispatching his hundredth chicken, a surge of power once again flowed through him. Qin Xiao sighed in contentment, his entire being suffused with ease.

Now, his game character was level 3, and in the real world, he had ascended to the second layer of the Congealing Water Stage.

Another black cyclone had appeared in his sea of consciousness.

"It's as I suspected: gaining empirical value allows me to elevate my realm!"

Qin Xiao's gaze was ablaze with excitement. Cultivation was notoriously difficult, not just idle talk. Even his prodigious sister, Qin Huan, couldn't hope to advance two minor realms in a single day.

He also discovered another perk: time in the Immortal Path World flowed differently than in reality.

A single day in the real world equated to six days in the Immortal Path World!

This meant he could—ahem—dedicate himself to cultivation with abandon!

Qin Xiao's spirits soared. He had initially thought the awakened game console was a mere trifle, but this mutated martial soul proved to be formidable. Perhaps now, he could venture into the Haunted Forest to rescue the original owner's sister, Qin Huan.

After all, the original soul of this body had been deeply concerned for his sister. Having taken over someone else's body, I felt an obligation to do something in return; otherwise, my conscience wouldn't be at ease.

From the brocade pouch over my heart, I pulled out a piece of warm jade, engraved with the character "Huan," while my own jade bore the inscription "Xiao." These two pieces of jade had been our companions since childhood.

The jade was extraordinary. Holding my sister's jade, I could sense her condition. The pendant was immaculate and even emitted a warm glow, indicating that Qin Huan was safe and possibly even experiencing good fortune.

Why hadn't she returned? Perhaps she was trapped somewhere.

Of course, that was just my speculation. The Haunted Forest was a notorious no-go zone, fraught with peril. Every moment spent there increased the risk.

But to mount a rescue, I needed sufficient strength. For now, my focus had to be on cultivating my power.

With that in mind, I dove back into the Immortal Path World, matching wits and strength against the hens.

[Congratulations, you've advanced to level 4 and acquired a new skill: "Flying Dragon Slash."]

My current skills were all basic, requiring no energy but offering little advantage over a simple strike. However, the Flying Dragon Slash dazzled with golden brilliance. A single swipe unleashed a dragon-shaped shockwave, carving a half-meter deep crater in the earth.

This linear, small-scale attack could only be executed twice in succession with my present energy, but it doubled my efficiency in dispatching chickens.

Yet at my level, the experience gained from such feats was minuscule.

I turned my gaze to the character attribute panel:

[Character: Qin Xiao 1]

[Level: 4]

[Experience: 530/800]

[Energy Points: 100/100]

[Currency: 1320 gold, 14 silver, 89 copper]

[Profound Soul: 4]

Observing the sluggish climb of my experience points, I resolved to seek out a new quest. A quick search later, I had found myself a fresh endeavor.

The NPC this time was a forlorn farmer, grimacing as a flock of Feathersoar Ducks wreaked havoc on his herbal field.

It seemed these quests were always pitting him against birds.

Qin Xiao, somewhat exasperated, accepted the mission and unleashed a couple of Flying Dragon Slashes at the Feathersoar Ducks, who were sauntering through the field as if it were their own backyard.

*Boom! Boom!*

*Quack quack quack quack!*

Amidst the frantic quacking, Qin Xiao wrapped up the mission in just thirty minutes.

[Congratulations! You've earned 300 experience points!]

[Congratulations! You've advanced to level 6!]

Feeling a rush of strength within, Qin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't anticipated that slaying ducks and racking up mission experience would catapult him two levels at once, propelling him to the first layer in reality as well.

Three levels in one day! Such a feat was unheard of in all of Oldgarde. Should word get out, Qin Xiao would be the name on everyone's lips!

A radiant smile spread across Qin Xiao's lips. With the Dragon God Game Machine's martial soul at his disposal, he was poised to carve out his own destiny on this merciless continent.

But in the next instant, his expression turned to one of sheer astonishment.

[Moderation in gaming is good for the brain; overindulgence can harm the body. You've been online for 10 hours and will no longer receive any benefits.]

Staring at the yellow alert, it took Qin Xiao a moment to grasp the situation. Was this the infamous anti-addiction system for minors?

But he was already eighteen!

No, this body was still under fifteen...

Could it really detect that?

Confounded, Qin Xiao realized that even if he wished to continue his training, he had no choice but to log off. Then again, even without the anti-addiction measures, he still needed time for sleep and meals each day.

All things considered, it wasn't a loss, though it did leave him feeling slightly irked.

Just then, a brash voice echoed from outside.

"Qin Xiao, you spineless coward, get out here now!"

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