Playing Games To Be Stronger/C20 I will Make You Regret Living in This World!
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Playing Games To Be Stronger/C20 I will Make You Regret Living in This World!
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C20 I will Make You Regret Living in This World!

Despite stumbling into the Qingfeng Banquet by accident, Qin Xiao was as cool as a cucumber under the shade of a large tree.

When Mo Le spoke, Qin Xiao responded with earnest eyes, "I'm not here because you told me to come. I was invited to the Ling Residence by someone else."

An invitation?

Lord Ling was stationed far at the border, and his wife was frail and sickly. The one currently in charge of the Lord’s Manor was Ling Zhong, Ling Xiao's nephew.

All eyes naturally drifted to the most prestigious spot in the crowd, where a young man in a black robe adorned with golden dragon motifs stood out.

Speaking of invitations, only Ling Zhong had that privilege. But would he really invite someone considered worthless from the Blood Soul Sect?

True to form, Ling Zhong shook his head, casting a dismissive glance at Qin Xiao, "I don’t extend invitations to just any Tom, Dick, or Harry."

"Perhaps you climbed over the wall and snuck into the Lord's Manor!"

Mo Le's anxiety dissipated at Ling Zhong's remark. He regarded Ling Zhong with deference, a glint of malice in his gaze, "Young Master Ling, I have reason to believe Qin Xiao is a foreign spy, infiltrating the Lord's Manor with the intent to steal our secrets!"

Being branded a traitor meant Qin Xiao wouldn't leave the Lord’s Manor alive.

Mo Le's viciousness was laid bare; he was willing to see Qin Xiao, a fellow sect member, put to death!

The crowd gained a deeper insight into Mo Le's ruthlessness, yet they were content to be spectators and did not intervene.

Despite the baseless accusations, Qin Xiao remained unflustered, not even a furrow in his brow.

But his composure didn't mean Qing shared his calm.

As a prized protégé of Faang San, young and astute Qing could clearly see the esteem in which Lord Ling held Qin Xiao.

Yet here was this esteemed guest, being publicly shamed at the Ling Residence—a clear dereliction of Qing's duties.

With anger coloring his pale cheeks, Qing bellowed, "A spy? Young Master Qin is a respected guest of our Lord's Manor. To defame him so recklessly – is this the kind of upbringing the Mo Household prides itself on?!"

"How dare a mere servant speak to the Mo Family in such a manner!"

Mo Le was seething with rage. As the legitimate heir of the Mo Family, he had been pampered with luxury from birth, his word always final.

Since when could a mere servant from the Ling Residence address him with such audacity?

There's an old saying: judge the dog by its master. If Faang San were present, Mo Le wouldn't dare to be so brazen, given that Faang San was a confidant of Lord Ling.

But this unknown servant before him, likely a menial worker of low status, surely posed no threat.

Mo Le's gaze turned icy as Origin Energy surged into his palm. In a heartbeat, his hand was poised to strike Qing's chest!

A single sentence from Mo Le was a death sentence for Qing!

Qing, though he had trained in the Martial Tao, was no match for Mo Le, a disciple of the Blood Soul Sect. By the time he realized what was happening, it was too late to escape.

My life hangs by a thread!

As the palm, swift as a gale, bore down on him, Qing succumbed to despair. He closed his eyes, bracing for the devastating blow, but the expected pain never came.

Upon opening his eyes, he saw a figure standing protectively in front of him, absorbing the full force of the attack.

"Young Master Qin!"

Qing's heart leapt. He rushed to Qin Xiao's side, seeing the imprint of the palm on his chest, both shocked and touched, "My life is worthless, Young Master, you shouldn't have..."

"Stop that foolish talk. Every life is precious beyond measure."

Qin Xiao had just endured Mo Le's palm strike, and truth be told, it was painful. A dull ache throbbed in his chest.

Mo Le was a practitioner of the Milky Stage, and Qin Xiao was barely managing to hold his ground against him.

Yet, if he hadn't intervened, Qing would surely have perished. Seeing this young boy, who in another life would be just starting middle school, with so many bright years ahead, Qin Xiao knew his sacrifice was justified.

Moreover, it was because of him that Qing faced this peril in the first place.

What he hadn't anticipated was Mo Le's brazenness in launching a public assault.

"If you're so intent on taking his place, perhaps you should die in his stead!"

Mo Le's face twisted into a menacing snarl.

Determined to finish what he started, Mo Le pivoted back into action upon seeing Qing still alive. He summoned an even more potent surge of Yuan Qi around him, sending a shiver of cold up everyone's spine.

Qing Ye, Bi Wei, and Jiao Hua quickly frosted over, a white sheen enveloping them. Despite the blazing sun, the temperature plummeted as if they had stepped into an ice cellar!

Three icicles hovered neatly in midair, their sharp tips aimed at Qin Xiao, exuding a chilling menace.

The crowd recoiled as one, keeping a wide berth. An onlooker exclaimed in disbelief, "I never imagined Mo Le would unleash his Frost and Snow martial soul!"

Nature-based martial souls were infamous for their widespread destructive power. And Qin Xiao, the so-called trash without an awakened martial soul according to Mo Le, how could he possibly resist such a thunderous assault?

Mo Le was relentless, not about to give Qin Xiao any chance. Like a hawk swooping on its prey, the icicles lunged at Qin Xiao!

In the face of imminent danger, Qin Xiao had only a moment to shove Qing to safety with his right hand while his left reached for his sword. In a flash, a golden light burst forth, accompanied by a dragon's roar, shattering the three icicles!

Could it be that the 'trash' had just thwarted Mo Le's attack?

Was Mo Le mistaken, and had Qin Xiao actually awakened his martial soul?

"I didn't expect you to possess a treasure capable of blocking a Milky Stage attack," Mo Le said, his eyes narrowing into slits, dark as ink, betraying a glint of greed and envy.

The Mo Family, for all its apparent splendor, was nothing more than a merchant clan.

A merchant family's status was indeed above that of the average clan, but without his family's full support to join the Blood Soul Sect, Mo Le's future standing in Oldgarde was far from secure.

While ordinary treasures and pills were within his grasp through family resources, a treasure that could block an attack was not something one could have without influence.

So, how did Qin Xiao come to possess such a coveted item?

"A treasure weapon?"

Mo Le had mistaken the effect of the Flying Dragon Slash for that of a treasure weapon.

Yet, it was understandable. In this world, martial techniques rarely boasted such a spectacular display of power.

"Qin Xiao, possessing such a treasure hardly makes a difference; killing you would be as effortless as crushing an ant. Now that Qin Huan is gone, there's no one left to shield you."

Mo Le, feeling his reputation tarnished before the onlookers, refrained from holding back any longer. The frost at his side escalated to a new level of intensity.

The frost on the ground solidified into a sheet of ice, while in the air, more icicles formed, each encased in a mirror-like layer of transparent ice, making them even more formidable and sharp.

Without hesitation, Qin Xiao launched an offensive. The icicles, like warriors responding to a battle cry, swarmed towards him en masse.

The piercing cold was relentless; at the Milky Stage, the mere touch of the icicles left Qin Xiao frostbitten. Gritting through the pain, he relentlessly executed the Flying Dragon Slash to carve a path forward.

The biting ice tore through his clothing, and fragments of shattered ice peppered his cheeks, frosting his eyebrows white. Yet Qin Xiao, undeterred, continued to swing his longsword with mechanical precision.

Salvation lay just ahead!

As Qin Xiao obliterated the final icicle, Mo Le's face twisted into a grotesque grin. He watched Qin Xiao, battered and bruised, and aimed a palm strike straight for his heart.

"Qin Xiao, this is the end!"

Qin Xiao looked up, a perilous darkness swirling in his gaze, hinting at a brewing calamity deep within.

His silent stare unsettled Mo Le, setting off alarm bells, his hair standing on end as the sense of impending doom surged.


Mo Le unleashed his full power, thrusting his palm forward. But just as he was about to make contact, the sky underwent a dramatic transformation.

Dark clouds churned overhead, brooding like ominous crows. Purple lightning zigzagged across the sky, weaving a dense electrical web above.

Thunder roared in fury. Ten bolts of lightning descended with precision, striking Mo Le and leaving him charred beyond recognition.

Amidst the storm, a dignified and handsome man stood enveloped in the purple glow. The lightning illuminated him, casting an almost divine aura around his figure.

At that moment, the deity stood, his presence commanding without a hint of anger, yet his piercing eyes bore into Mo Le with formidable intensity.

"Anyone who dares harm those under my protection in Ling Xiao will rue the day they were born!"

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