Playing Games To Be Stronger/C21 Healing Attribute Martial Soul
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Playing Games To Be Stronger/C21 Healing Attribute Martial Soul
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C21 Healing Attribute Martial Soul

With a thunderous roar that struck awe into the hearts of all present, the most formidable warrior of Oldgarde County, Lord Ling Xiao, had returned!

Every onlooker was deeply moved, their gazes fixed on the man who seemed nothing less than a deity, their hearts swelling with reverence and awe.

Ling Zhong, upon laying eyes on Ling Xiao, felt his own eyes narrow, a profound sense of fear and wariness washing over him. Quickly, he suppressed these emotions and stepped forward to bow, offering an apologetic admission, "I had no idea Young Master Qin was a guest of my uncle. It was my oversight that led to your discomfort, and for that, I am truly sorry."

His apology was unnecessary; after all, Young Master Qin was merely a commoner, hardly worth such deference.

Yet, Ling Zhong was determined to make a favorable impression on Lord Ling Xiao and willingly shouldered the blame.

As Ling Zhong spoke, the crowd came to a startling realization, their shock palpable.

Qin Xiao had been personally invited into the estate, not by just anyone, but by the esteemed master of the Ling Residence himself, Lord Ling Xiao!

Instantly, many were consumed by regret, their hearts heavy with the thought that had they known of Qin Xiao's connection to Lord Ling, they could have intervened on his behalf during Mo Le's humiliation and perhaps earned Lord Ling's goodwill.

Others were gripped by fear, anxious that their earlier mockery of Qin Xiao might have reached the ears of the Ling Residence.

"Since you acknowledge your error, present the Qingyun Token and see to the disciplining of your hound," Ling Xiao commanded with a detached tone.

Ling Zhong's attempt at a pleasing smile faltered, replaced by a surge of indignation.

The Qingyun Token held the power to command the soldiers of the Lord’s Manor and wield certain privileges.

He had once groveled before Madam Qin like a lowly servant to obtain it, and now, to have it reclaimed after a mere three months was unthinkable!

Why would Ling Xiao target him in such a manner?

Could it be that Qin Xiao held such a high place in Ling Xiao's esteem that his own failure to protect Qin Xiao had led to a profound disappointment?


Despite his inner turmoil, Ling Zhong had no choice but to choke back his grievances. He dared not utter a word of protest against Lord Ling, a man beyond his challenge.

"Qin Xiao, my negligence has caused you undue hardship, and for that, I apologize."

Ling Xiao was wracked with guilt. He had intended to do a good deed, yet nearly caused Qin Xiao to lose his life. In a rage, he unleashed lightning to shatter Mo Le's martial soul and obliterate his cultivation.

Ling Zhong, the onlooker who had allowed this to happen, had extinguished any desire Ling Xiao had to mentor him.

"How can you blame Ling? It was my own lack of strength that brought you shame."

The pain Qin Xiao felt was a stark reminder of the world's brutal reality, where strength was the sole measure of worth.

Ling could protect him once, but not perpetually like a conjoined twin. Besides, Qin Xiao had no wish to be coddled.

Clearly, he needed to spend more time gaming to grow stronger.

"Master, we should tend to Young Master Qin's wounds," Faang San interjected, having long noticed Qin Xiao's injuries.

"Indeed. Young man, come with me at once," Ling Xiao urged.

Once the trio had departed, Ling Zhong managed a strained smile and addressed the crowd, "Ladies and gentlemen, the Qingfeng Banquet continues, and you're welcome to enjoy the gardens. I must excuse myself for a moment."

Losing his authority so publicly was akin to receiving a barrage of slaps to the face; he had no dignity left to remain.

"And what of Mo Le?"

The sight of Mo Le, charred and broken, elicited a mix of pity and fear for Lord Ling from the other noble scions.

Mo Le was still alive, his robust constitution and cultivation sparing him from death.

But Ling Xiao's thunderous assault had not only crippled his cultivation but also ravaged his body.

Even if Mo Le were to awaken, his life as he knew it was over, with no chance of resurgence.

"I'll have a physician examine him later," Ling Zhong said with a dismissive frown, his voice tinged with a spiteful satisfaction.

Had Mo Le not stirred up trouble and maligned Qin Xiao, making him believe Qin had no significant backing, Ling Zhong would not have stood by idly, allowing his uncle to seize control.

Better for Mo Le to be dead and put an end to Ling Zhong's seething resentment.

With those words, Ling Zhong departed, leaving the other nobles exchanging uneasy glances in the now subdued atmosphere.

Someone ducked their head and glanced around before speaking up, "Did you all see that? To protect Qin Xiao, Lord Ling didn't just cripple Mo Le, he also crossed the Mo Family and usurped Ling Zhong's authority!"

"Lord Ling is truly formidable. That thunderous might—I'm in awe!"

Eyes sparkled around the room. In the Aberrant Realm, all warriors admired strength, the more formidable, the more respect they commanded.

"But what do you think Qin Xiao's relationship is with Lord Ling? He didn't even spare Ling Zhong's pride for him. Could it be that Qin Xiao is Ling Zhong's secret son?"

"Who can say for sure! But one thing is clear, Mo Le has met his match this time. He was foolish to think he was picking on a mere insect, not realizing there was a dragon lurking behind."

"Imagine if Qin Xiao didn't use a shield artifact, but actually blocked with his own power. He wouldn't be an insect, but a hidden dragon with formidable might!"

These words sent a chill through the crowd, and they fell silent.

Indeed, if Qin Xiao had withstood Mo Le's assault with his own strength, then he couldn't possibly be a useless nobody without a martial soul!

Both from the same sect, Mo Le's defeat was not unjust!

With this revelation, the way they looked at Qin Xiao changed, and they etched his name into their memories. He was definitely a cunning force to be reckoned with!


Unaware of his newfound reputation, Qin Xiao surveyed the array of bottles before him. They contained top-notch pills, including Golden Sore Medicine, cooling ointments to alleviate pain, and even pills for scar removal and skin beautification...

Yet, these valuable medicines seemed overkill for the minor cuts on his face.

"These pills are far too valuable. Ling, you're out there battling; you need them more than I do," Qin Xiao said, touched by the gesture.

"If I'm giving them to you, then use them. I'm not short on supplies," Ling insisted.

Seeing Qin Xiao's considerate response, Ling felt a surge of guilt and reached for a bottle of the premium Golden Sore Medicine to apply to Qin Xiao's face.

"No need, big brother, I can heal myself!"

Qin Xiao quickly interjected, only to be met with Ling's stern expression. Ling said with clear displeasure, "Listen, Qin, I appreciate your concern, but we can't take health lightly. Let's not speak of such falsehoods again, alright?"

"But truly, Young Master Qin," Faang San chimed in earnestly, "even if you possess healing abilities, they can't compare to the treatments at the Lord's Manor!"

"I am speaking the truth!"

Qin Xiao responded, a hint of desperation in his voice. Noticing Ling's mounting irritation, he swiftly summoned his Phoenix Summoning skill. A fiery red phoenix materialized in the room, descending gracefully beneath Qin Xiao.

Bathed in a soft red glow, the scars on Qin Xiao's face and body visibly faded away.

"This... this is the power of my martial soul," Qin Xiao stammered, his explanation tinged with unease, worried that Ling might suspect something amiss and mistake him for some malevolent creature.

Ling took a dramatic step forward, closing the distance in an instant, his face alight with excitement. "You possess the legendary healing martial soul!" he exclaimed.

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