Playing Games To Be Stronger/C22 The Wind Is Blowing Let the Mo Family Disappear into Thin Air!
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Playing Games To Be Stronger/C22 The Wind Is Blowing Let the Mo Family Disappear into Thin Air!
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C22 The Wind Is Blowing Let the Mo Family Disappear into Thin Air!

Everything in the world possesses an attribute.

The common folk have broadly classified these into ten categories: metal, wood, water, fire, earth, cloud, thunder, wind, light, and darkness.

Yet, there are extraordinary attributes that fall outside of these classifications.

These include the power to summon formidable guardian beasts, the ability to enhance one's fortune, or the remarkable ability to create a separate realm.

Among these is the power of healing!

But since the great ancient calamity ended and the era of mediocrity began, such miraculous abilities have vanished without a trace!

What lingered in the Aberrant Realm were the widely seen martial soul attributes.

Ling Xiao had resigned himself to the belief that he would never witness such wondrous powers in his lifetime, but to his astonishment, Qin Xiao before him wielded just that!

Without the aid of pills, formations, or treasures, he harnessed this incredible power on his own!

"Healing power? There's such an attribute?" Qin Xiao was baffled. Ling Xiao, realizing his confusion, took the time to enlighten him.

After his explanation, Ling Xiao gazed at Qin Xiao as one would a precious and rare artifact, expressing his amazement, "I never imagined I'd see such extraordinary power again. Qin Xiao, you've brought me more surprises than I could have ever expected."

Pondering this, he furrowed his brow and voiced his perplexity, "If you possess a healing martial soul, why would Mo Le treat you so poorly?"

"I've only just awakened my martial soul and haven't yet reported it to the sect."

"That's wise," Ling Xiao nodded in agreement. "Healing martial souls are typically very weak in combat. If the major powers were to discover your ability, they would surely recruit you, and you'd lose the freedom you currently enjoy. Qin, since you're not valued at the Blood Soul Sect, why not join me at the Lord's Manor?"

Qin Xiao felt a stir in his heart.

Truthfully, he was intrigued. The Lord’s Manor was filled with talented individuals, and they were all eloquent speakers. Ling had been nothing but good to him, showing genuine sincerity, and Qin Xiao knew he would be treated well.

But he promptly declined.

He could walk away, but his grudge with Feng Lia remained unresolved.

Moreover, he had yet to fulfill the last wish of the original owner of his body, which was to find Qin Huan.

The timing was not right.

"It's truly unfortunate, but you must be cautious from now on. Remember, your life is the most important thing. If you ever need anything, come to the Lord's Manor and find me. I, Ling, will always be your steadfast supporter!"

"Rest assured, Ling. I'll keep a low profile," Qin Xiao responded, deeply moved. Having such a confidant in life was more than enough for him.

Ling Xiao offered some advice and then handed a box to Qin Xiao – the solitary island.

It was always meant for Qin Xiao, but now, Ling Xiao was even more convinced that he had chosen the right person.

After Ling Xiao explained how to use it and its effects, Qin Xiao accepted it with ease. Formalities were no longer necessary between him and Ling Xiao.

Should Ling Xiao ever face trouble, Qin Xiao would face death without a second thought!

The bonds between men are often unspoken, yet they are etched deeply in the heart.

"The hour grows late; I must return to the sect," Qin Xiao announced.

"Faang San, arrange for someone to escort Qin Xiao on his way."

Ling Xiao gave the command. Had Mo Le not interfered, he would have liked Qin Xiao to stay the night for a longer conversation.

But given the recent events, it was clearly inappropriate.

As Qin Xiao was about to depart, Ling Xiao's tone became grave, "Qin Xiao, rest easy. I will ensure that Mo Le's actions are accounted for."

Qin Xiao smiled and gestured dismissively. In his view, Ling Xiao had already sought vengeance on his behalf and settled the matter.

He didn't dwell on it. Safely escorted by the hidden guards of the Lord’s Manor, he made his way back to the sect.

Only after Qin Xiao was out of sight did Ling Xiao look away, his usually impassive face now frosted over with a chilling resolve.

His fingers tapped rhythmically on the desk, each tap resonating like a heavy hammer in Faang San's heart.

As Ling Xiao's close confidant for many years, Faang San knew that his master was truly furious this time.

Despite his usual detachment, Ling Xiao was fiercely loyal. Faang San had thought that no one but his master's wife could truly command his attention, but Qin Xiao had unexpectedly become an exception.

Yet, Qin Xiao had proven himself worthy of such regard, not just for healing his martial soul, but for his genuine heart and camaraderie.

After what felt like an eternity, Ling Xiao finally lifted his gaze. A fresh breeze swept through the hall, stirring the tassels of his jade pendant. Yet, what remained unmoved was the indecipherable emotion in the depths of his eyes.

"The wind has risen; let the Mo Family dissipate like smoke," he declared.

Faang San felt a chill in his heart, and a sharp glint, like that of a blade, flashed in his eyes. Wherever his master's will directed, his sword would follow!


Upon his return to the sect, Qin Xiao found himself followed by a persistent little shadow, Qing.

"Young Master Qin, please take me in. I can wash clothes, cook meals, warm your bed—I can do it all!" Qing pleaded, looking up earnestly as he pitched his services.

After Uncle Faang San learned of the events, he berated himself in a fit of anger. He was no fool and quickly grasped the situation. His own words had provoked Mo Le, leading to Mo Le's direct confrontation with Young Master Qin. It was his fault that Qin Xiao had suffered.

The young boy was overwhelmed with guilt and resolved to offer himself as Qin Xiao's servant to make amends.

"Qing, you should return to the Lord's Manor. My accommodations here are too modest to properly host you," Qin Xiao said, somewhat reluctantly. The last thing he wanted was to employ a child.

"But I've been cast out of the Lord's Manor," Qing replied, his voice tinged with sorrow.

"I'll speak with Steward Faang," Qin Xiao said, frowning. How could Faang San be so cruel as to cast out a child? It was excessive.

Qing quickly grasped his sleeve, imploring, "Young Master, please, have a heart and shelter me."

Qin Xiao couldn't just leave him at the sect's entrance. As he watched the vast expanse of red twilight and the setting sun, he conceded, "Alright, come inside with me for now."

With permission granted, Qing's eyes sparkled with gratitude. He followed Qin Xiao with such reverence that, at a glance, he might have been mistaken for Qin Xiao's own shadow.

Outsiders were required to register at the sect, so Qin Xiao reported Qing as a relative, his disdain for the notion of servitude evident.

In a few days, when the sect began recruiting, he would have Qing test his talents. Perhaps he could even qualify as an Outer Sect disciple. After all, that would be a far better fate than servitude.

Qin Xiao handled everything with ease, allowing Qing to effortlessly join the sect. Elder Yan was in the courtyard, gnawing on a chicken leg, when his eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets at the sight of Qing.

"Qin Xiao, I sent you to gather herbs, not to bring back a kid. What's this about?" Elder Yan asked, his tone laced with suspicion.

After a brief pause, he added with a sly grin, "Don't tell me, is this your secret love child?"

Qin Xiao sputtered in response, indignantly retorting, "Elder Yan, I'm just fifteen. Look at me—does that even seem plausible?"

"Ah, you're right, still a bit young for that," Elder Yan conceded, taking another bite of his chicken leg, his expression loaded with insinuation.

Qin Xiao, no stranger to Elder Yan's implications, decided not to take the bait. He presented the carefully selected dishes and wine to Elder Yan, then laid out the collected medicinal herbs on the table. "The herbs are all here. Can we proceed with the medicinal bath now?"

As the bag of herbs gave way, its contents spilled out, revealing a collection of high-quality, top-tier, and seldom-seen medicinal ingredients strewn across the floor like scraps for swine. Elder Yan's eyes sharpened with interest.

Chewing thoughtfully, he voiced his astonishment, "Qin Xiao, are you perhaps the secret offspring of some wealthy clan?"

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