Playing Games To Be Stronger/C3 Forget about the Clothes?
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Playing Games To Be Stronger/C3 Forget about the Clothes?
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C3 Forget about the Clothes?

"Who the heck is that cocky?!" Qin Xiao rifled through his memories and quickly identified the voice, his brow furrowing in response.

The original Qin Xiao had secured a spot as an Outer Sect disciple in the Blood Soul Sect without even awakening his martial soul, a feat that turned many envious eyes bloodshot with jealousy. Among the envious were the Lee brothers: Lee Yunteng, Lee Yunfei, and Lee Yunyang.

As scions of the prominent Lee family of Oldgarde, these brothers had to earn their way into the Outer Sect through sheer effort. They especially resented Qin Xiao, who seemed to have coasted in on the coattails of his sister, Qin Huan.

They typically restrained their disdain, limiting themselves to snide remarks and mockery. But when Qin Huan vanished, their provocations escalated, cornering the original Qin Xiao into a reckless wager.

If he failed to awaken his martial soul within five days, he would be forced to leave the Blood Soul Sect on his own accord. Yet, there was no mention of what would happen if Qin Xiao succeeded, making it a thoroughly one-sided bet!

With full knowledge of the situation, a sly grin played across Qin Xiao's lips. Now that he had awakened his martial soul, he stood on unbeatable ground.

He was ready to teach these troublemakers a lesson they wouldn't forget.

As he opened the door, Qin Xiao tucked away his grin, adopting the same stoic demeanor as his predecessor.

The Lee brothers, decked out in their finery, managed to exude an air of thuggishness despite their luxurious garb.

The eldest, Lee Yunteng, confronted him with a sneer. "Qin Xiao, time to honor our bet. Pack your bags and leave the sect!"

Lee Yunfei and Lee Yunyang joined in with mocking laughter, looking at Qin Xiao as if he were a plaything trapped in a jar.

In that moment, they acted as if they were nobles with the power to decide Qin Xiao's fate.

Qin Xiao marveled internally at their audacity—it was a wonder they hadn't been put in their place already.

Yet outwardly, he displayed a visage of righteous indignation. "The bet isn't up for another three days!"

"So what? If I say the bet is on now, then it's on now!"

Lee Yunteng let out a sneer, "Besides, three days won't make any difference to you. A weakling like you couldn't awaken your martial soul in three years, let alone three days!"

"You're absolutely right, big brother. He's not in any position to set terms with us!"

Lee Yunfei cast a dismissive glance at Qin Xiao.

Lee Yunyang remained silent, yet his face oozed arrogance.

Qin Xiao's fists were clenched so tightly that his veins bulged, signaling extreme anger mixed with restraint. At his breaking point, he burst out, "Lee Yunteng, do you really think that strength gives you the right to do as you please?"

"Exactly! When you're strong, you can do as you please!"

Lee Yunteng sneered with a threatening tone, "If you don't leave now, don't blame me for not showing any courtesy!"

Qin Xiao's face turned ashen. After a moment of silence, he spoke with resignation, "Fine, I'll honor the bet now, but let's at least make it fair. Your wager needs to be convincing."

"A wager?" Lee Yunteng was taken aback. He never believed Qin Xiao could awaken his martial soul, so the thought of a wager hadn't crossed his mind.

Seeing Qin Xiao bring it up now, he assumed it was just a desperate ploy to buy time.

"I'll make you thoroughly convinced!" Lee Yunteng declared, flaunting a silk pouch in front of Qin Xiao. "Inside are three hundred Profound Crystals, more than you could ever hope to earn. That's what I'll bet!"

"But big brother, what if..."

Lee Yunfei hesitated, knowing the value of a single low-level Profound Crystal was equivalent to a hundred gold coins in the secular world – no small sum, even for scions of the Lee family.

"Second brother, relax. There's no 'what if' when it comes to Qin Xiao," Lee Yunyang said dismissively after a quick glance at Qin Xiao.

Lee Yunteng, standing by, clearly shared this sentiment. His display of three hundred Profound Crystals was meant to quickly dismiss Qin Xiao and to flaunt his wealth. He reassured Lee Yunfei, "You're worrying too much. How could a nobody like Qin Xiao ever defeat us?"

The three of them spoke openly in front of Qin Xiao, their blatant disregard for him clear as day.

"You think a measly three hundred Profound Crystals is enough to gamble with me?"

Qin Xiao's anger flared as he yanked a wooden talisman from his belt. "Behold, the Peach Wood Talisman, capable of withstanding an attack from any martial artist below the third layer of the Milky Stage. I'm putting it on the line. Do you have the guts to raise the stakes?"

A treasure that could fend off the strikes of a Milky Stage cultivator!

Three hundred Profound Crystals were trivial, hardly worth a second thought!

Lee Yunteng's pulse raced with excitement. He hadn't anticipated Qin Xiao possessing such a coveted item, likely a gift from his sister. As newcomers to the sect with limited strength, a Peach Wood Talisman was akin to a second chance at life!

Lee Yunfei and Lee Yunyang's gazes intensified with desire. Lee Yunteng, with a determined clench of his jaw, produced a blood-red bead.

"This is the essence of a Cloud Patterned Crane, valued at five hundred Profound Crystals. Surely, that's sufficient for a wager?"

Once Lee Yunteng laid out his bet, he felt a rush of confidence. After all, he was convinced of his victory. These treasures would remain his, so why the heartache over wagering them?

Besides, he stood to gain another Peach Wood Talisman, making it a lucrative deal!

With this in mind, Lee Yunteng brought out three jade pendants and ten bottles of Essence Qi Pills, then, with a flourish of his sleeve, he declared boldly, "I'll even bet my clothes. Now, show me what you've got!"

Qin Xiao was inwardly shocked!

Betting clothes? Would he end up with nothing left, not even his underwear?

The very thought was mortifying!

Feeling somewhat sheepish, he suggested, "Maybe we should leave the clothes out of this?"

"No, we're betting it all! Our clothes are in the pot!" Lee Yunteng was eager to see Qin Xiao's embarrassment. Misinterpreting Qin Xiao's reluctance for fear, he goaded impatiently, "Look at you, dithering. If you're a man, don't back down now!"

Qin Xiao was anything but cowardly. With a feigned look of distress, he reluctantly produced a few modest treasures. As he presented the last one, he paused, uncertainty creeping into his voice, "You're not going to make me sign a Blood Contract as well, are you?"

The Blood Soul Sect had a particular formation known as the Blood Pact Formation. Once invoked, the promise made was irrevocable, with any breach resulting in dire backlash.

Hence, the sect's disciples seldom pledged a Blood Pact.

Qin Xiao's remark seemed to jog Lee Yunteng's memory, prompting a boisterous laugh. "Had it not been for our conversation, I would've completely overlooked the Blood Pact. Let's seal it to ensure you can't renege on your word!"

"You're truly a fool. Had you kept silent about the Blood Pact, you might have had a chance to wriggle out of it. But once it's signed, there's no backing out!" Lee Yunfei scorned Qin Xiao's lack of foresight. He himself would never commit such an error.

With a menacing flex of his fist, Lee Yunyang declared, "You have to sign it. You know full well the consequences if you don't."

Cornered by the three brothers, Qin Xiao had no choice but to consent. As they watched him sign the Blood Pact with a look of resignation, a wave of exhilaration washed over them.

A streak of blood light zipped through the air, materializing into two archaic characters: "Sealed!"

The Lee brothers exhaled in relief, having finally ensnared Qin Xiao, their proverbial cash cow, in their trap. A triumphant grin spread across their faces.

As Lee Yunteng's gaze shifted back to Qin Xiao, ready to command him to surrender everything down to his undergarments and leave the Blood Soul Sect, his face suddenly contorted in shock.

Before Qin Xiao stood a swirling mass of dark martial soul!

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