Playing Games To Be Stronger/C5 Flying Dragon Slash!
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Playing Games To Be Stronger/C5 Flying Dragon Slash!
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C5 Flying Dragon Slash!

Qin Xiao drew his longsword, a patternless black blade that, once unsheathed, exuded an aura of indomitable ferocity.


The swords of Qin Xiao and Lee Yunteng met with a resounding clash, sending Lee Yunteng stumbling back two steps, his eyes wide with astonishment.

He had always prided himself on his heavy sword, which nearly no one could withstand. Yet, to his shock, not only had Qin Xiao blocked it, but he had also managed to repel him.

But what did that matter? Qin Xiao was just one man. Blocking Lee Yunteng's heavy sword was one thing, but stopping Lee Yunfei's blade was another!

At such close quarters, evasion was impossible for Qin Xiao, and he had no intention of dodging anyway. As he braced to take the hit, a skill from the Immortal Path World flashed through his mind—the formidable Flying Dragon Slash.

If he could master such a sophisticated technique, these two would stand no chance against him!

With that thought, a surge of potent energy burst forth within him, a blend of the alien and the familiar, prompting him to instinctively channel it into his black sword.


Lee Yunfei's sword was about to penetrate Qin Xiao's flesh, a smug grin spreading across his face. But before it could fully form, a fierce shockwave erupted, flipping him through the air!

Lee Yunteng, closer to the blast, was hit even harder, his body hurtling through the air like a shell before crashing into the wall.

Dust and debris rained down, leaving the courtyard in disarray.

Aside from Lee Yunyang, who stood unharmed with his hands over his ears and a look of alarm, Lee Yunteng and Lee Yunfei both spat blood, clearly shaken to their core.

Yet, the physical trauma paled in comparison to their mounting terror. Lee Yunfei's face was etched with bewilderment—he had been moments from striking Qin Xiao, so how had he ended up the one injured?

How could Qin Xiao be so formidable? Wasn't he just a nobody who depended on his sister?

Doubted by the trio, Qin Xiao himself was taken aback. To his surprise, a mere thought had enabled him to unleash the sword skill, Flying Dragon Slash!

Could this mean that with enough time, he might master all the skills and cultivation techniques of the entire Immortal Path World?

It was well-known that the Immortal Path World was a realm of celestial beings, with cultivation techniques far surpassing those of the Aberrant Realm. If his speculation held true, he'd be incredibly fortunate!

Feeling like luck was on his side, Qin Xiao's heart was ablaze with excitement. He was eager to dive back into the game.

Facing the three challengers who refused to back down, Qin Xiao dropped the pretense and let his true colors show. "If you've got the guts, come at me again. Otherwise, beat it!"

"Qin Xiao, you're crossing the line!"

Lee Yunyang, who shared a strong bond with his brothers, was furious to see them roughed up by Qin Xiao. His anger quickly eclipsed his fear as he retorted, "Just because you've gotten stronger doesn't mean you can do as you please!"

"Actually, being powerful means you can do exactly that!" Qin Xiao shot Lee Yunyang a look and taunted, "If you disagree, try and take me down!"

Lee Yunteng recognized the words; they echoed his own boastful claim when he had thought he had Qin Xiao cornered!

He never imagined the tables would turn, with Qin Xiao throwing his own words back at him!

Lee Yunteng was seething with rage at Qin Xiao's provocation, nearly choking on his fury. If he could have bested Qin Xiao, would he be in such a humiliating predicament?

But as the heir to the Lee family, Lee Yunteng understood the value of patience and foresight. Holding back the indignant Lee Yunyang, he gave Qin Xiao a chilling glance and declared, "We're leaving!"

"Hold on!"

Lee Yunteng braced for further insult as Qin Xiao called out, but instead, he saw several articles of clothing tossed their way.

Unexpectedly, Qin Xiao returned their clothes to them.

The tension on the faces of the three men eased. Lee Yunteng was about to commend Qin Xiao with a "You're pretty clever," when Qin Xiao interjected coolly, "Despite your foolishness, the sisters in our sect haven't wronged me. I couldn't possibly let them witness something that might give them nightmares."

Upon hearing this, the trio's brief elation at reclaiming their clothes vanished. They glared at Qin Xiao with clenched teeth. After hastily dressing, they shot Qin Xiao a scornful look and made to leave.

"Hold on! You think you can just walk away?" Qin Xiao called out.

"What now?" They were hesitant to move, knowing Qin Xiao wasn't allowing them to leave. Lee Yunteng spun around, his voice tinged with fury.

"You take my clothes without paying, and you have the nerve to talk about face? You haven't even settled the cleaning fee, repair fee, compensation for my emotional distress, and the fee for disturbing my afternoon nap!"

Lee Yunteng was dumbfounded. He had never encountered such audacious demands. The clothes were originally theirs, the mess in the courtyard was Qin Xiao's doing, and what was this about a fee for disturbing a nap? It was nothing short of extortion!

Lee Yunfei couldn't contain his anger any longer. "Qin Xiao, we concede defeat today, but there's a line you just don't cross. Don't overdo it!"

A line not to cross?

A shadow passed over Qin Xiao's eyes as he remembered the original owner's humiliation. He looked up, his tone detached, "When you humiliated me before, you went too far. Did you ever consider drawing the line?"

Lee Yunyang was taken aback, his head bowed, finding himself at a loss for words.

Back then, they had felt it was unjust. Why should a nobody receive an Outer Sect disciple spot for no reason? They took pleasure in humiliating Qin Xiao, reveling in his powerless rage. Qin Xiao's feelings had never crossed their minds.

But now the tables were turned, and they were on the receiving end of the torment. The pain was unbearable, yet it was a situation of their own making. What right did they have to ask for Qin Xiao's mercy?

"In this world, it's survival of the fittest, the strong are revered! Now you're the strong one, so your word is law! I accept my defeat!"

Lee Yunteng lifted his head, wincing as he removed a brocade pouch. "Here lies an Emerald Star Stone, which can be integrated into a weapon. If it pleases you, please spare us this once!"

Lee Yunfei and Lee Yunyang winced at the thought. The Emerald Star Stone was a precious commodity their family had acquired at great expense. They had been reluctant to use it themselves, and now it was in Qin Xiao's hands!

"Agreed." Qin Xiao recognized the value of the Emerald Star Stone. The family's code prevented him from taking their lives, so seizing valuable items to bolster his own strength was the next best outcome.

With Qin Xiao's consent, the trio fled the courtyard as if fleeing from a specter, vowing never to return in their lifetimes.

Once they were gone, Qin Xiao inventoried his newfound treasures with immense satisfaction.

He was suddenly wealthy beyond measure!

Both the Cloud Patterned Crane's blood essence and the Emerald Star Stone were rare finds, particularly the blood essence, which could enhance a martial soul's power.

Yet Qin Xiao had no plans to merge the Crane's essence with his martial soul just yet; he was still unaware of its attributes and wouldn't merge them recklessly.

As for the possibility of the Lee brothers seeking retribution, he put that concern aside for the moment.

In a world brimming with formidable beings, strength was the ultimate shield against provocation.

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