Playing Games To Be Stronger/C6 Counterfeiting?
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Playing Games To Be Stronger/C6 Counterfeiting?
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C6 Counterfeiting?

After untangling the jumble of thoughts in his head, Qin Xiao belatedly realized that today was the day for resource distribution at the Blood Soul Sect.

At the Bright Moon Hall of the Outer Sect, disciples were entitled to monthly allotments of free resources. Depending on their potential, they could receive various pills, gold coins, or even Profound Crystals.

As for Qin Xiao, who hadn't even awakened his martial soul, he wasn't eligible for even the most basic resources. Consequently, the steward of Bright Moon Hall halved the lowest tier of resources and handed them to him. This act turned Qin Xiao into the laughingstock of the Outer Sect and left a sting in his heart.

He wasn't in need of money or pills—Qin Huan made sure to send some his way regularly. Thus, the steward's gesture felt more like an insult. But at the end of the day, his own lack of strength was to blame; he couldn't resent others for their disdain.

As Lee Yunteng had said, the world was indeed survival of the fittest.

Snapping out of his reverie, Qin Xiao promptly set out for the Bright Moon Hall. He'd take whatever he could get, no matter how insignificant—every little bit counted, even a few gold coins that others might scorn.

Navigating the vast and scenic grounds of the Blood Soul Sect, Qin Xiao was thankful he wasn't directionally challenged; otherwise, he'd surely lose his way. Still, it took considerable effort to locate the Bright Moon Hall.

Upon arrival, he found the hall teeming with activity. A quick scan of the crowd revealed a sea of blue-robed disciples. In the Outer Sect, these blue robes signified the lowest rank, with most disciples at the Congealing Water Stage. Green robes indicated the Milky Stage, while cyan robes denoted the Han Hai Stage.

Above these were the Inner Sect disciples, who had truly become part of the Blood Soul Sect's core.

Qin Xiao's presence didn't go unnoticed. His previous lack of a martial soul had relegated him to wearing gray, akin to a common servant. Now, amidst a throng of blue, he stood out all the more.

"He hasn't been able to awaken his martial soul in three years, and yet he has the audacity to show his face at Bright Moon Hall?"

"Without Qin Huan's help, what right would Qin Xiao have to be an Outer Sect disciple?"

"If it were me, I'd be so mortified I'd consider ending it all. He's a total embarrassment to the Blood Soul Sect!"

The disdainful looks cut through the air like knives, slicing at Qin Xiao with each passing moment. The jeers and mocking laughter hadn't ceased since he arrived.

Qin Xiao cracked a wry smile, realizing he had become quite the celebrity—albeit for all the wrong reasons. But notoriety was a form of fame, after all.

Ignoring the scornful stares, he presented his wooden token and announced, "I'm here to collect this month's supplies."

"Just a moment."

The young servant attending to Qin Xiao didn't share the sneers of his peers, instead, he handed over a bag of gold coins with a level gaze.


Qin Xiao pocketed the coins and was about to depart when the surrounding cacophony of mockery abruptly fell silent.

Looking up, he saw a man in a green robe approaching, his eyes sharp as a hawk, exuding an extraordinary presence.

At the sight of him, a disciple gasped, "Mo Le has broken through to the Milky Stage!"

"What's so surprising about that? Mo Le's talent is exceptional. For him, advancing to the Milky Stage is as simple as drinking water. He's a prime contender for an Inner Sect spot!"

Respect and fervor filled the eyes of the disciples in blue as they regarded Mo Le. While the Milky Stage wasn't an insurmountable level, it certainly wasn't easy to reach, especially for someone in the running for the Inner Sect.

Mo Le, the object of everyone's admiration, glanced at Qin Xiao and let out a mocking chuckle, "Qin Xiao, I'm amazed at your resilience. You're still standing tall despite the relentless ridicule."

Qin Xiao felt a twinge of confusion; he couldn't recall ever crossing Mo Le, who seemed as if he'd just lit a fuse.

Yet he responded with unwavering confidence, "Only the mediocre go unenvied. Wherever I go, I'm the subject of discussion, and that's simply because they harbor deep-seated jealousy."

After finishing his thought, Qin Xiao cast a sympathetic glance at Mo Le and remarked, "You're not like me. I suspect you lack talent, which is probably why no one envies you. But don't lose heart. Even if your talent is lacking, as long as you diligently cultivate, no one will scorn you. Keep pushing forward!"

A disciple who was drinking water couldn't help but snort, spewing water everywhere upon hearing Qin Xiao's words. Yet, his outburst went unnoticed as everyone's gaze turned to Qin Xiao with the same look one might give a fool.

Jealous? Who would waste their envy on someone whose martial soul hadn't even awakened? Qin Xiao must have been hit so hard by reality that he'd lost his mind. It was one thing to mock them, but to dare to make fun of Mo Le?

As eyes shifted back to Mo Le, the smile that had been on his face vanished, replaced by a dark, brooding expression. A heavy aura of oppression radiated from him.

Then, he smiled again. But rather than easing the tension, it seemed to herald the coming of a tempest.

"You're quite something," Mo Le said, fixing Qin Xiao with a piercing stare, sharp as a serpent's tongue.

"Obviously," Qin Xiao replied, seemingly oblivious to Mo Le's icy glare. He wore the look of someone who had found a kindred spirit. "You've got a good eye. Aside from being too handsome, which is hardly a flaw, I'm flawless—practically divine!"

Despite his casual demeanor, the vital energy within him churned tumultuously. The gap to the Milky Stage was a mere six layers away from his current level, and the mere pressure it exerted was enough to take one's breath away.

Indeed, it was his lack of strength that left him vulnerable to others' dominance.

Qin Xiao's fist was clenched tightly within his sleeve, his smile growing ever more radiant.

A surge of frustration rose in Mo Le, as if a mouthful of blood was lodged in his chest. Qin Xiao was clearly being sarcastic—how could this fool not hear it?

If his cousin Lee Yunyang hadn't pleaded with him to confront Qin Xiao, he wouldn't have wasted his breath on such a fool. What a pointless exchange.

Done with subtleties, Mo Le spoke with an air of arrogance, "You're to attend the Fresh Breeze Banquet in ten days. Naturally, someone of your low standing would never be invited to an event for scions like us. Consider this an opportunity I'm granting you. Make sure you don't disgrace me there."

After finishing his words, he didn't give Qin Xiao another glance and walked away, leaving the rest of the disciples in a frenzy.

The Fresh Breeze Banquet was an exclusive event for the elite disciples of Oldgarde's great clans. Attendees were the cream of the crop, the pride of their families!

How on earth did Qin Xiao luck into an invitation to such a prestigious gathering?

The disciples in blue robes were green with envy.

Qin Xiao dipped his head, concealing the chill in his gaze.

Mo Le had been gunning for him from the start, not even extending an invitation card for the banquet. It was a so-called invitation, but it was more like coercion.

His true intention was likely to humiliate Qin Xiao in front of everyone at the banquet!

The Fresh Breeze Banquet was nothing but a setup.

Qin Xiao was determined to skip the event. He wasn't foolish enough to walk into a trap knowingly.

Ignoring the jealous stares, Qin Xiao left the Bright Moon Hall, intending to grab a bite at the Five Grains Pavilion. But as he neared the pavilion, he ran into Mo Le—just his luck, ruining his appetite!

Feeling somewhat downcast, Qin Xiao was debating whether to proceed to the Five Grains Pavilion when he noticed an old man in coarse linen approaching Mo Le. The elder's white hair and shaky steps, his clothes smeared with mud, painted a picture of a life hard-lived, tugging at the heartstrings.

As he shuffled past Mo Le, the old man let out a wail and collapsed.

"Young man, why did you shove me? I think my foot's broken! Oh, the pain!"

Tears streamed down the old man's face as he cried out in agony, looking at Mo Le as though he had been grievously wronged.

Qin Xiao nearly burst into laughter!

Unless his eyes deceived him, Mo Le hadn't even made contact before the old man took a tumble.

Was this the classic case of a scam artist at work?

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