Playing Games To Be Stronger/C7 Counterfeiting
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Playing Games To Be Stronger/C7 Counterfeiting
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C7 Counterfeiting

Who would have the audacity to provoke Mo Le? Was this old man unaware of Mo Le's wealth and influence, not to mention his vindictive nature? Did he not fear retribution?

Upon hearing the old man's accusation, Mo Le sneered with disdain, "Why would I bother pushing a filthy old thing like you? I'd just dirty my hands!"

His words were meant to deny the push, yet his tone was so haughty it almost seemed like he was denying an act he had committed.

"So, are you suggesting I fell on my own?"

The old man's voice was tinged with helplessness and sorrow. "You bump into me and don't even apologize, then have the nerve to slander me! Just because I'm old, does that mean I deserve to be mistreated?"

The old man's outcry had attracted a crowd, mostly young and impassioned onlookers. They looked on with disgust at Mo Le's peacock-like arrogance and then at the old man's pitiable state, itching to give Mo Le a piece of their mind.

Yet, the Blood Soul Sect's prohibition on infighting meant they could only voice their condemnation.

"Mo Le has gone too far, bullying an elder like this is utterly disgraceful!"

"The poor old man took a fall, and now Mo Le wants to weasel out of any compensation!"

"In broad daylight, Mo Le's brazenness is appalling. I once admired his high cultivation, but now I regret ever looking up to him!"

As the whispers and stares intensified, Mo Le's expression grew increasingly menacing.

He had never been publicly criticized in his twenty-odd years of life. Why should this old fool's tumble be his fault, and why were these blind fools blaming him?

"Mind your own business!" Mo Le's glare cut through the crowd like a blade, causing the surrounding disciples to involuntarily recoil.

Just then, a clear and indignant voice rose from the throng.

"Mo Le, you may be more advanced in your cultivation than the rest of us, but the sect has its rules. You can't just bully an elder because you think you're strong! Your lack of virtue and disregard for order is disgraceful. I'm ashamed to call myself a fellow disciple of the Blood Soul Sect! Don't be intimidated by him. There are many of us here. Are we really too afraid to stand up for what's right?"

His words rang out with a fiery righteousness, boldly defying the tyranny as if he were voicing the collective sentiments of the disciples, igniting a fervor within their hearts. Even though the speaker remained unseen, it didn't hinder their unanimous endorsement of his views, as they collectively denounced Mo Le for his shameless and vile behavior.

"Enough!" Mo Le bellowed in fury, "Are you really going to stand against the Mo Family?!"

The Mo Family, much like the Lee Family, was a prominent merchant clan. However, the Mo Family was distinct in its intricate ties to the Imperial City. As soon as Mo Le uttered these words, the clamor of criticism that filled the air was abruptly silenced.

Yet, it was this very silence that amplified the resonant voice, echoing like thunder, "You may be of the Mo Clan, but we are disciples of the Blood Soul Sect. The Blood Soul Sect does not cower before the mighty!"

The disciples' eyes sparkled with recognition; indeed, no matter the Mo Clan's might in the secular world, it held no sway over the sect's disciples. What was there to fear?

Spurred on by the voice and undeterred by Mo Le's icy stare, the disciples' indignation only grew. The suppressed reprimands burst forth like a long-brewing tidal wave, toppling the defenses Mo Le had painstakingly erected.

With a look of extreme discomfort, Mo Le scanned the crowd for the voice that had repeatedly defied him, to no avail. Qin Xiao, of course, had no intention of being found. After delivering those stirring words, he swiftly blended back into the throng.

Had it been anyone else, Qin Xiao would have unmasked the old man's deception. But this was Mo Le, and Qin Xiao couldn't help but relish the opportunity to kick an adversary when they were down.

Watching Mo Le, seething with rage yet forced to part with a top-tier healing pill, the Violet Victory Pill, for the old man, Qin Xiao couldn't help but bask in sheer satisfaction. This pill was a treasure, each worth a hundred Profound Crystals, a sum that would consume the entire fortune of Lee Yunteng for a mere three!

To appease the crowd's wrath, Mo Le begrudgingly offered up the precious pill, feeling the sting as if he were slicing into his own flesh.

The elder took the pill and let out a disdainful snort at Mo Le, who was so infuriated that his veins throbbed visibly.

With that, the incident was put to rest.

Naturally, there were many envious eyes on the Violet Victory Pill in the elder's possession, with some attempting to tail him discreetly, only to lose track of him.

Qin Xiao, however, was unconcerned with such matters. He was savoring a feast at the Five Grains Pavilion, relishing the unique flavors of this otherworldly cuisine, which was both plentiful and varied—a true delight!

Before leaving, he even grabbed an assortment of pastries to enjoy as a late-night snack during his gaming session.

He knew he had to buckle down. In a month's time, he would undergo a mandatory martial soul assessment. Failure to awaken it would result in expulsion from the Blood Soul Sect.

Yet, Qin Xiao's worry wasn't about the awakening; it was about his potential value. Potential was categorized by five colors: black being the highest and blue the lowest. A low potential value could lead the sect to cast him aside.

In such turbulent times, the protection and tranquility offered by a sect for cultivation were invaluable. Without it, his chances of rescuing Qin Huan would be slim to none.

Then there was the matter of attributes. The common ones were metal, wood, water, earth, and fire. He pondered the nature of his gaming console's attribute, speculating whether it might be metal, given its construction.

Lost in thought, Qin Xiao sensed someone ahead and looked up, only to be taken aback.

Wasn't this the same old man who had previously tried to scam him?

The old man ambled along with an air of innocence that belied his scheming nature. He seemed oblivious to Qin Xiao, heading straight toward him. But just as they were about to pass each other, the old man's body jolted and he began to lean back!

Qin Xiao was stunned. The preposterous idea that the elder might be targeting him again flashed through his mind.

In the blink of an eye, instinct took over. Without a second thought, Qin Xiao dramatically threw himself backward, crying out, "My waist!"

The old man paused, clearly taken aback. He was gearing up for his own fall, yet here was the young man, already on the ground and outdoing him!

Could he have really hit someone by accident?

The thought sent the old man into a panic. He had only recently learned to control his aura, and his command of strength wasn't as second nature as it used to be. If he had indeed bumped into someone by mistake, a broken bone could easily be the result.

Elder Yan, seeing Qin Xiao drenched in cold sweat, asked with a guilty conscience, "What happened to your waist?"

"It seems to be broken," the young man replied, managing a smile through the pain. "It's not your fault. I probably just fell. Could you help me by calling someone over?"

Qin Xiao wouldn't think of blaming him. In fact, he couldn't wait for the old man to leave—it was a situation he desperately wanted to avoid!

Upon hearing the young man's gracious words, Elder Yan's guilt deepened. He had suspected the boy might be trying to scam him, just as he would have, but the boy didn't hold him responsible at all.

This realization brought a pang of sympathy from Elder Yan. What a good kid, taking the blame to spare him guilt, claiming a fall instead of an accident.

Such pure and kind souls were rare these days. How could he justify smearing the boy's name over a few coins?

"A bone fracture is no trivial matter!" Elder Yan said, pulling out a purple pill with a pained expression—it represented a significant sum of money.

Yet, for this pure-hearted young friend, he offered it unreservedly, "This is a Violet Victory Pill, a remedy for fractures. Take it, and you'll be as good as new!"

Qin Xiao was taken aback by the gesture. What was this, a play? But he wasn't one to turn down a favor. He quickly swallowed the pill, his eyes gleaming with a sheepish gratitude, "Thank you so much! I'll find a way to repay you in the future!"

"There's no need for that!" Elder Yan dismissed the offer with a wave of his hand, feeling a sense of relief. It was his fault, after all, and providing the pill was the least he could do. He couldn't possibly expect repayment.

Yet, it was clear to him that Qin Xiao was indeed a grateful young man who understood the value of kindness.

After bidding farewell to the benevolent old man, Qin Xiao removed the Violet Victory Pill from his mouth. Once cleaned, the pill sparkled with a jade-like sheen and exuded a delightful fragrance, its extraordinary nature evident.

To his surprise, a spur-of-the-moment idea turned out to be so fruitful.

Qin Xiao couldn't help but feel a rush of exhilaration. This was a bloody good win!

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