Playing Games To Be Stronger/C9 Surviving the Disaster!
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Playing Games To Be Stronger/C9 Surviving the Disaster!
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C9 Surviving the Disaster!

At the heart of the tempest, Qin Xiao's robes whipped wildly in the fierce winds. With a swift stroke of his longsword, he sent iron nails clattering to the ground, each one etched with startling white marks.

Despite their shallowness, these marks were strikingly vivid. Here was a weapon of legend, capable of slicing through iron as if it were clay, yet it had been marred by something as trivial as an ant!

Feng Lia, who had deemed his opponent as good as dead, was not only faced with a living adversary but also with damage to his treasured blade. He felt as if his face had been slapped, his anger palpable as he spat out, "Qin Xiao, is this the extent of your petty tricks, compelling me to take drastic measures?"

"Should I not defend myself when you seek my life?"

Qin Xiao sheathed his sword, knowing that the true might of the Flying Dragon Slash lay in the moment it was drawn. He had to remain ever vigilant.

Qin Xiao nearly laughed at Feng Lia's accusation. It was Feng Lia who had thrice attempted to take his life, each time thwarted by evasion or parry. Yet now, he spoke as if he were the one being pressed into a corner.

Such shamelessness was a realm of its own.

"Just like your sister, you resort to despicable and cunning tactics, relying on nothing but lowly tricks!" Feng Lia's face darkened, his resentment palpable. The technique Qin Xiao had just employed was formidable; even against an opponent at the Congealing Water Stage, it had demonstrated overwhelming strength.

Feng Lia prided himself on his talent, yet he had never had the opportunity to master such an impressive martial skill. His failure to eliminate Qin Xiao three times over brought back the bitter memory of his defeat at the hands of Qin Huan.

He had been on the cusp of victory when, inexplicably, Qin Huan used some sorcery to ascend in rank and best him in a single stroke!

In an instant, Feng Lia's eyes blazed with a deep, seething jealousy and hatred.

A wave of fury rose from the depths of Qin Xiao's being.

This was not his own rage, but a residual passion that lingered in his body, like Pandora's box flung open at the moment Feng Lia insulted Qin Huan.

The anger was so intense, it felt as though it might erupt from his very chest.

Just then, with eyes bloodshot, Feng Lia launched his attack!

He unleashed the full might of the Boundless Ocean Stage, a force rolling in like a relentless army, while the black iron nails became like unstoppable daggers aimed straight for Qin Xiao's heart!

The chilling, overwhelming power bore down on Qin Xiao like relentless waves, trapping him as though he were mired in a swamp, unable to move, his very vitality frozen in place.

Gritting his teeth against the suffocating agony, Qin Xiao summoned the energy within him, his longsword flashing out as he roared, "Flying Dragon Slash!"

A dazzling streak of golden light, imbued with a desperate will to survive, transformed the storm's power. Instead of dissipating, it coalesced into a solid blade along the sword's edge!

For a split second, Feng Lia's unstoppable force hesitated!

His gaze turned icy. He hadn't expected Qin Xiao to fight back so fiercely. Pouring even greater strength into the iron nails, he aimed to finish Qin Xiao in one swift blow!


But even the formidable Flying Dragon Slash couldn't defy the vast gulf of three levels—it was like a tiny boat about to be torn asunder by raging waves!

It was the end!

The game mission was incomplete, and to end like this was a bitter disappointment!

Qin Xiao's mind went blank, save for that single regretful thought. Just when he believed death was certain, a fierce blaze enveloped him. Feng Lia's power, upon meeting this new force, was repelled as if it had struck a tornado, flinging him away!


Blood sprayed from Feng Lia's mouth. The newcomer hadn't struck him but had simply shielded Qin Xiao. Instead of absorbing the attack, the stranger had reflected the full force back at Feng Lia!

Already spent from exerting all his power, Feng Lia was defenseless and took the full brunt of his own attack, severely injuring his insides. It would have been odd if he hadn't coughed up blood!

Qin Xiao stared in astonishment at the arrival. Was this not the same elder who had just tried to swindle him?

Yet, it seemed not. Unlike the coarse-clothed old man from before, the figure before him was clad in a deep robe, with long, flowing eyebrows and beard, exuding a gentle, sage-like presence.

Seeing Qin Xiao's gaze fixed on him, Elder Yan stated unflinchingly, "That man was my brother."

Qin Xiao rolled his eyes; he'd used that same excuse when he'd botched a move in a game he played before.

Feng Lia wiped the blood from his lips, giving the pair a frosty stare. He realized that killing Qin Xiao today was off the table. The sight of the iron lock emblem on Elder Yan's sleeve shifted his panic to a composed demeanor.

"You're wise not to challenge me," Feng Lia spat venomously at Elder Yan. "Otherwise, I'd make you regret it. But make no mistake, I'll remember today's injury."

Turning to Qin Xiao, he sneered, "The gap between us is vast, like that between the clouds and the dirt. As the weaker one, you should grovel like a dog, begging for your life. It's a pity you chose to provoke me, forcing my hand to end you."

Feng Lia's arrogance knew no bounds. "I may not be able to kill you now, but the Outer Sect Competition is fast approaching. Then, I'll slay you in broad daylight, in front of everyone, and you won't even have the chance to plead for mercy!"

With a final icy glance at Elder Yan, he turned on his heel and left.

Despite his narrow escape, Qin Xiao felt no joy. Since arriving in this world and acquiring the Divine Dragon Game Machine, he'd been untouchable by the likes of Lee Yunteng and Mo Le, living as if in a dream.

But Feng Lia's incursion had been a rude awakening to the brutal reality of this world—without power, one was merely a lamb to the slaughter.

This was a world that was painfully real, where injuries hurt and humiliation stoked the fires of anger.

A newfound sense of urgency took hold, and Qin Xiao shed his previously nonchalant attitude. He resolved to stay indoors and focus on his gaming.

As for Feng Lia, a glint of cold determination flashed in Qin Xiao's eyes. The outcome of the Outer Sect Competition was far from decided—who would be the hunter and who the prey remained to be seen.

"Thank you for saving my life, sir," Qin Xiao said, snapping out of his reverie to deeply bow to the elder. "Might I have the honor of knowing your name?"

Even when he intentionally caused a stir with his Flying Dragon Slash, not everyone was willing to cross Feng Lia for his sake. He took note of that kindness.

"Just call me Elder Yan. But my friend, you've crossed the line by swindling my brother's Violet Victory Pill. That's downright despicable!" Elder Yan fumed, grinding his teeth. He had thought he saved a promising young man with the pill, but the more he reflected, the more he realized he hadn't even encountered Qin Xiao.

How could Qin Xiao have a broken waist? It was clear he had been hoodwinked!

Once it dawned on him, Elder Yan was so livid he nearly leapt to his feet. He had worked so hard to scrape together a bit of drinking money, only to have it smoothly taken by Qin Xiao's ruse.

Qin Xiao was at a loss for words. "If I hadn't been quick on my feet, I'd be the one swindled out of everything!"

Elder Yan, indignant, declared, "I tricked him fair and square. What's wrong with that?"

But as soon as the words left his mouth, he paused, realizing he had inadvertently given himself away. He quickly corrected, "I meant my brother!"

Qin Xiao couldn't help but laugh at his obvious slip-up. To the flustered Elder Yan, he said, "Let's call it even and not dig up any more dirt on each other. Elder Yan, you saved my life. From now on, I'll buy you any drink you desire."

Elder Yan's face lit up with joy, his grin so wide he could hardly close his mouth. Then Qin Xiao added, "However, I possess an ancient recipe that can brew an exceptionally pure wine. If you agree to train me, I'll gladly pass the recipe on to you. What do you say?"

"Wine?" Elder Yan scoffed with a hint of scorn. "What wine could ever surpass Divine Dew?"

Divine Dew, the drink of the gods, paired with roasted chicken for a life more blissful than the immortals themselves. He would only settle for the finest and most costly wine and was skeptical that Qin Xiao's ancient recipe could yield anything superior to Divine Dew.

"Divine Dew?" Qin Xiao offered a slight smile. "Apologies, what I meant to say is that, to me, all the wines of this world are mere garbage."

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