Poor Boy To Tycoon/C13 I Just Want to Make People Misunderstand
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Poor Boy To Tycoon/C13 I Just Want to Make People Misunderstand
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C13 I Just Want to Make People Misunderstand

Fong Chao took a seat next to her. She was dressed quite lightly for the evening, in a way that might be considered risqué by the standards of the local villagers. She wore a small camisole that left her arms, shoulders, and a significant portion of her pale back exposed. Her early physical development made the camisole stretch tightly across her chest, revealing the contours and a subtle cleavage.

Sitting closer to her, Fong Chao could see every detail more clearly, which stirred a sense of longing and a flutter in his heart. At fourteen, he was at that age where his body was rapidly maturing, masculine traits were becoming pronounced, and his interest in the opposite sex was burgeoning.

Lee Qingxiang's attire was having a profound effect on Fong Chao. Below, she wore shorts so short that they showcased her long, slender legs, delivering a strong visual impact. Her legs were smooth, well-shaped, and as white as snow—undeniably stunning even by the aesthetic standards of the 2010s. To say she had "legs for days" would be no exaggeration.

While Lee Qingxiang was engrossed in Fong Chao's novel, he was captivated by her beauty. As he admired her, his mind involuntarily drifted to memories of their past life together, filled with poignant and tender moments.

"Hey! Are you lost in thought?" Lee Qingxiang playfully nudged Fong Chao as he was lost in his reverie, contemplating the surreal interplay of dreams and reality.

"Ah!" Fong Chao snapped back to the present.

He realized he had been staring off into space. "You were just looking at my chest," Lee Qingxiang pointed out, indicating her bust.

"Oh, sorry," Fong Chao mumbled, scratching his head.

"Hehe! If you want to look, just look openly. It's just us two in the room, what's there to be shy about?" Lee Qingxiang teased, her laughter light and carefree. As she spoke, she wrapped her arm around Fong Chao's neck, taking him by surprise.

This girl was indeed bold.

She was as vibrant and lively as she had been in her past life.

"Don't, my parents and sister are right outside watching," Fong Chao hastily said.

"They can't see us," Lee Qingxiang assured him.

"But what if one of them silently pushes the door open? What then?" Fong Chao asked, his eyes darting with concern.

He was indeed eager to get a little closer to this girl.

Perhaps share a kiss or a gentle caress.

Yet, he hadn't let desire cloud his judgment, so he remained composed.

In the 1990s, despite over a decade of reform and opening up, rural customs were still quite traditional.

"Hehe! What's there to be scared of? If they see, they see. Besides, I've fallen for you and I'm not worried about any misunderstandings. Fong Chao, how about I become your wife? Would you like that?" Lee Qingxiang's eyes sparkled as she looked at Fong Chao, her expression teasing.

While speaking, she tightened her embrace around Zheng Hao's neck.

"Lee Qingxiang, I'm still young. Isn't it a bit premature to discuss this?" Fong Chao responded timidly.

"Humph! Little rascal, girls my age are already mothers. What's so early about it? I'm not saying you should marry me right now. In a few years, when we're older, you can send a matchmaker to my family to ask for my hand," Lee Qingxiang proposed.

"Let's revisit this in a few years, okay?" Fong Chao suggested.

He was fond of this fiery girl's personality.

But he believed that, having been given a second chance at life, he should approach significant decisions with caution and not make hasty promises.

He wasn't a naive young man anymore; there was no need to rush into deciding his future.

He still needed to consider whether Lee Qingxiang was truly the right match.

"Kid, do you think you're too good for me? What's so bad about me that you're rejecting my advances?" Lee Qingxiang pouted.

"You're wonderful in every way, a great girl. It's me who's not up to par," Fong Chao reassured her.

Well, it seemed appropriate to offer a polite refusal for now.

In his past life, extending such a courtesy often signified a lack of interest.

This era was clearly different.

"Hehe! I really don't know what you feel so insecure about! You're already exceptional. It's me who feels the urgency now! I want to catch you, possess you, and prevent any other little foxes from snatching you away from me," Lee Qingxiang declared.

As she spoke, she leaned in and planted a kiss on Fong Chao's lips.

That kiss set off a volcanic eruption in Fong Chao's heart.

He thought to himself, having lived for several decades, he couldn't just let a young woman steal all the attention and the initiative, could he?

He had to reciprocate.

So, he pulled Lee Qingxiang into his embrace, cradled her head, and began to kiss her back.

When he drew her tongue into his mouth, he could feel her entire body stiffen; she seemed a bit overwhelmed.

Fong Chao grinned with satisfaction and savored the sweetness of Lee Qingxiang's kiss.

"Cough, cough!"

A stern cough echoed from outside the window.

It was the voice of Fong Chao's father, Fong Huayu.

Startled, Fong Chao quickly released Lee Qingxiang. He had been so lost in the moment that he nearly forgot himself.

"Hahaha, Huatai, are you shucking corn?" Lee Laoen's voice rang out from the yard.

"Your uncle is here," Fong Chao informed Lee Qingxiang.

"Humph! He just loves to poke his nose into everything," Lee Qingxiang complained, pouting.

"He must have noticed you've been in my house for quite some time without leaving, so he came to check on you. Watch, he's going to push open the door and come into my room any minute now," Fong Chao predicted.

Lee Qingxiang's cheeks were flushed, her forehead glistened with sweat, and her clothes were slightly disheveled.

"How irritating," she muttered, quickly straightening her attire. "Any other issues?" she asked Fong Chao.

"Your face is quite red," he observed.

"That's nothing. I'll just pretend I was engrossed in your novel. Sit a little farther away from me. What's there to worry about?" Lee Qingxiang suggested.

"Alright, I guess I'll grab a book too," Fong Chao agreed, reaching for a language book on the bedside table and flipping it open haphazardly.

They had just settled in when Fong Chao heard the door creak open, and Lee Laoen's head peeked inside.

"Qingxiang, what are you up to?" Lee Laoen inquired with a hint of suspicion.

"Uncle, I'm engrossed in Fong Chao's novel. It's incredibly captivating," Lee Qingxiang responded.

"Is that so? You've piqued my interest; I'd love to see what his writing is like," Lee Laoen said, entering the room with a nonchalant smile.

"Uncle, I'm sorry, but I can't let you read it just yet—I haven't finished it myself," Lee Qingxiang explained.

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