Poor Boy To Tycoon/C14 Our Daughter You Are Not Worthy of Me
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Poor Boy To Tycoon/C14 Our Daughter You Are Not Worthy of Me
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C14 Our Daughter You Are Not Worthy of Me

"I'm in no rush. I can wait until you're done reading," Lee Laoen said, discreetly keeping an eye on the young couple.

"It's going to take me quite a while to finish," Lee Qingxiang replied.

"I'll just stand here and wait a bit; I've got nothing else on my plate," Lee Laoen said cheerfully.

"Uncle, why do I get the feeling you're spying on me? Did Dad put you up to this? It's not right, you know. It's going to make me resentful!" Lee Qingxiang said bluntly.

She and Fong Chao were just beginning to enjoy each other's company, and she certainly didn't appreciate being interrupted.

"I'm your uncle, and it's my responsibility to look out for you. Qingxiang, you're not a child anymore. At your age, you should be thinking about marriage. It's really not proper for a young lady to be in Zheng Hao's room. I suggest you leave here quickly! We wouldn't want people to think our girl is lacking manners," Lee Laoen said, his face growing stern.

"Uncle! What's got you so worked up? I'm just sitting in Fong Chao's room reading a book. What's the big deal? You're the only one making a fuss. Isn't it annoying?" Lee Qingxiang said, clearly frustrated.

"Regardless, it doesn't look good. You'd be better off avoiding this kind of situation in the future!" Lee Laoen said firmly. "If you don't heed my advice, I'll have to tell your father and let him deal with you!"

Lee Qingxiang looked at her uncle, huffed in annoyance, and stomped her foot. She handed Fong Chao's novel back to him and said, "Uncle, you're making a mountain out of a molehill! The emperor isn't concerned, yet the eunuch is in a frenzy. Dad hasn't even said anything, and here you are, lecturing me. Fine, I'll leave. If I can't stand up to you, I'll just have to avoid you!"

With that, Lee Qingxiang quickly left Fong Chao's room.

Lee Laoen gave Fong Chao a meaningful look and said, "Fong Chao, to avoid any gossip, I think it's best if you keep your distance from our Qingxiang in the future. Do you understand?"

It seemed like he was intent on breaking up a pair of lovebirds.

"I can't make that decision. Telling me this is pointless," Fong Chao said with a shrug.

"Hmph! So you're saying Qingxiang is the one chasing after you?" Lee Laoen said in a hushed tone.

"That's exactly what happened. Mr. Laoen, let me offer you some advice. You're meddling in affairs that don't concern you. Continuing like this won't end well for you, and Lee Qingxiang will surely resent you for it in the future. I suggest you back off sooner rather than later," Fong Chao said with a slight smile.

"Ha! If I don't intervene, should I let a brat like you take advantage of the Lee family? Fong Chao, I'll say it again: your family background is no match for my niece's! You two are not meant to be! Because, my girl is out of your league!" Lee Laoen declared before turning on his heel and leaving.

Such arrogance!

Fong Chao was thoroughly disheartened.

He shook his head, feeling a bit upset, but he didn't dwell on it.

Why bother with someone so short-sighted?

He was a completely different person now than in his past life.

As Fong Chao pondered this, he glanced down at the draft in his notebook.

Upon inspection, he noticed a line of small print on the back cover of his math workbook: "Fong Chao, climb over the wall to my house tonight. I'll be waiting for you."

His heart leapt at the invitation.

"Chao, come outside!" At that moment, his father's voice called from outside.

Fong Chao stashed his draft away and hurried out.

"What's up, Dad?" he inquired.

"Sit next to me!" his father commanded sternly.

Fong Chao quickly took a seat on the stool beside his father.

"Tell me, do you like Lee Shuguang's daughter?" his father asked, peeling an ear of corn without glancing at Fong Chao.

"It's not so much that I like her; I'd say I have a fondness for her. And Dad, I need to correct you—I was the one who was approached. Lee Qingxiang was the one who confessed her feelings to me," Fong Chao explained.

"Dad, our son is so exceptional and handsome. How could he not be a match for the Lee Shuguang's daughter? Mr. Laoen was so condescending earlier, acting as if we were trying to climb the social ladder. Hmph! It's just unreasonable!" Mom grumbled.

"Enough!" Dad shot Mom a stern look and said.

"Fine! I'll just keep quiet and become mute in front of you, okay?" Mom retorted, clearly frustrated.

Dad didn't respond to her further. Instead, he turned to Chao and said, "Chao, people fight for their pride as fiercely as a Buddha fights for a single incense stick. We shouldn't have to chase after the Lee family's approval. Stand up for yourself! Forget about Lee Qingxiang. Focus on your studies, your writing, whatever it takes. If you make something of yourself one day, they'll be the ones with regrets."

Dad was obviously feeling the sting of the slight.

"Don't worry, Dad! I'm no fool! I'm like an awl that will always stick out once it's in the pocket. My time to shine is coming soon! But asking me to distance myself from Lee Qingxiang, I can't do that," Chao declared.

"Why?" Dad's eyes widened, a sign he was on the verge of losing his temper.

"Because it's not about Lee Qingxiang. It's her family, specifically her uncle, who's causing the problems. Lee Qingxiang herself is actually pretty great," Chao explained.

"Dad, love is a matter between two people, and no one else should interfere! I actually think if my brother and Qingxiang get along, that would be wonderful. Mr. Laoen has always been a snob, and we don't need to waste words on him," Fanghua gently interjected.

"Exactly, we shouldn't take out our frustration on Qingxiang just because of her uncle's interference. If you ask me, we should just let things take their course. If all else fails, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it and see if they still oppose us!" Fangli added with a laugh.

"Enough, enough. I'm done meddling in your affairs. Children will find their own happiness. Why should I worry so much?" Dad sighed, shaking his head, and then he went back to shucking corn with increased vigor.

By ten o'clock that evening, the family had finished shucking all the corn. Fong Chao's father then urged everyone to get some sleep. Back in his room, Fong Chao wasn't the least bit tired; his mind was still on Lee Qingxiang's invitation. 'Should I go tonight?' he wondered. 'It would surely be a delightful experience.'

Yet, Fong Chao was concerned about Lee Laoen, who had grown suspicious of him and might be setting a trap to catch him red-handed. There was also the matter of Soong Aiqin's impending ordeal, which was due to occur that very night. Knowing what he did, he felt compelled to prevent the tragedy and, in doing so, earn some Karma Points.

But he doubted his own strength would be enough to fend off the ruthless thugs. 'I'll check the Supermarket again for some affordable and useful skills,' he thought to himself, comforted by the fact that he still had 65 Karma Points.

With that in mind, Fong Chao re-entered the Supermarket. "Welcome, esteemed guest!" greeted the VIP female manager at the entrance, her voice filled with respect. She had changed her outfit, now wearing a light green chiffon sundress with black speckles. The dress showcased her fair, porcelain skin and ample curves, which seemed ready to burst forth. The hem of the dress was quite short, revealing her slender, shapely legs.

She was a sight for sore eyes. "Hello! That's a stunning dress you're wearing," Fong Chao complimented the manager. "Thank you, host. I'm glad you like it," she replied sweetly.

"What's your name?" Fong Chao inquired. "Host, I have no name. You may give me one," the manager responded with a smile. "Well, given your radiant, fair complexion, how about I call you Bai?" Fong Chao suggested offhandedly.

"Host, I'm not fond of that name. Perhaps Bai Mei would suit me better?" the manager proposed, seemingly unimpressed with his first attempt. "Alright, Bai Mei it is. Though, I must admit, the name doesn't strike me as particularly elegant. It reminds me of the 'White Browed Hero' from that classic novel, and now I can't help but picture a big, foot-scratching brute," Fong Chao said, chuckling at the thought.

"Oh? Then I'll just call you Meimei. It's like the charm that blossoms with a single backward glance. Isn't that a beautiful name?" the exclusive VIP manager suggested eagerly.

"Sure, that works for me. Meimei, does this store have any Skill Books that can enhance my martial abilities?" Fong Chao inquired.

"Host, at the moment, you can only unlock skills related to literature, art, and languages. Unfortunately, you cannot purchase any skills that would boost your martial strength," Meimei explained, gesturing helplessly.

"Oh?" Zheng Hao felt a wave of disappointment upon hearing this.

"However," Meimei added, "you can use a certain number of Karma Points to enter a lottery. There's a chance you could win a skill that would enhance your martial strength."

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