Poor Boy To Tycoon/C15 Draw a Prize
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Poor Boy To Tycoon/C15 Draw a Prize
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C15 Draw a Prize

"Is there really a lottery?" Fong Chao asked, astonished.

"Yes, indeed," Meimei confirmed with a nod.

"What prizes are available? Are there any specific requirements for the lottery?" Fong Chao felt it was important to get the details.

"You could win anything, or you might win nothing at all. Each draw costs 10 Karma Points," Meimei explained with a smile.

"Ah? That much?" Fong Chao was taken aback.

"It's a bit like gambling on the small to win big, similar to buying a lottery ticket. But it's a much better deal than a lottery ticket—the odds of winning are significantly higher," Meimei elaborated.

Fong Chao thought to himself, I have only 65 Karma Points in total.

That means I can afford to enter the lottery a maximum of six times.

Might as well give it a shot.

"Okay, I'd like to try the lottery!" Fong Chao declared.

"Esteemed host, please direct your attention to the big screen," Meimei instructed, pointing to a wall.

Instantly, an image materialized on the wall—a gigantic spinning lottery wheel.

The wheel displayed an array of enticing prizes that quickened Fong Chao's pulse: Master Level Writing, Muay Thai Specialist, Stealth Arts, Culinary Specialist, Driving, Agricultural Specialist, English Specialist Skill Books, and more, all neatly arrayed.

Of course, there were also numerous blank spaces, representing the possibility of winning nothing.

"Esteemed host, would you like to proceed with the draw now?" Meimei inquired.

"Yes! Let's give it a go," Fong Chao agreed.

"Very well! We will deduct a fee of 10 Karma Points. You may now take your chance. Simply say 'Start' and 'End'. The prize indicated by the pointer when it stops will be yours," Meimei instructed.

"Start!" Fong Chao called out eagerly.

The wheel began to whirl at breakneck speed, the labels blurring into indecipherability.

After about ten seconds of spinning, Fong Chao finally yelled, "End!"

The wheel gradually slowed, its frenetic pace easing until it came to a near halt.

Fong Chao watched, heart racing, as the pointer inched ever closer to the Muay Thai Specialist Skill Book. His heart leapt to his throat.

Muay Thai is a very fierce martial arts technique.

If I could master Muay Thai, taking down two or three thugs shouldn't be a problem, right?

With this thought, Fong Chao's heart raced.

Please, Buddha, bless me with the Muay Thai Specialist Skill Book! Fong Chao prayed. Yet, watching the speed of the spinning wheel, he had a sinking feeling it would overshoot.

Oh my God!


Please stop now!

That's the Skill Book I need!

Fong Chao silently urged.

As if in response to Fong Chao's prayers, the pointer wobbled unsteadily and landed on the Muay Thai Specialist Skill Book, pausing there briefly.

Joy surged in Fong Chao's heart!

He thought, "Yes, it's happening. I'm going to get the Muay Thai Specialist."

But just as he was reveling in excitement, the pointer "whooshed" past the Muay Thai Specialist and stopped on an empty slot.

"Oh no..."

Fong Chao slumped his shoulders in dismay.

It was so close!

"I'm sorry! Host, you've just missed the grand prize. Would you like to continue the draw?" Meimei inquired.

"Draw again!" Fong Chao declared with a wave of his hand.

Determined to become stronger, Fong Chao was all in.

"Very well! I will deduct another 10 Karma Points. Thank you for participating!" Meimei said, inviting Fong Chao to try his luck once more.

Fong Chao glanced at the roulette display on the wall and was frustrated to see that the prizes had changed. New prizes had been added, but some had disappeared.

The roulette was infuriatingly dynamic.

The Muay Thai Specialist prize was gone, replaced by a Skill Book for Master Level Pugilist.

Pugilist was a combat technique evolved from Chinese martial arts for practical fighting.

Getting the Master Level Pugilist Skill Book wouldn't be too bad.

Fong Chao decided to draw once more.

Yet again, he didn't win any prize.

Fong Chao was thoroughly disheartened.

He began to doubt himself, wondering if it was really worth squandering the hard-earned Karma Points he had saved up in this way.

Fong Chao was not ready to throw in the towel just yet.

With determination, he clenched his teeth and decided to take one final shot at the prize. If he didn't win this time, he would stop trying.

Fong Chao initiated his third attempt at the draw.

As the wheel began to slow, his heart raced, nearly leaping out of his throat. He clasped his hands together, pleading silently: Please let me win this time!

The needle decelerated once more.

Inching forward ever so slowly.

It approached an empty slot and seemed on the verge of stopping.

Fong Chao shook his head, resigning himself to his apparent bad luck, muttering, "Forget it!" It just wasn't his day.

As disappointment settled in, the needle gave one final jump and abruptly halted on the prize for the Slingshot Specialization Skill Book.

"Ah?!" Fong Chao exclaimed in surprise.

He wondered, "Is Slingshot Specialization even useful?"

"Dear host, Slingshot Specialization is a valuable long-range attack technique. I assure you, it's quite useful. You'll understand once you try it," Meimei interjected.

"Really? It seems rather superfluous to me. To experience this Slingshot Specialization technique, wouldn't I need to craft a slingshot first?" Fong Chao expressed doubtfully.

"No need for that! The shop provides you with a slingshot and a hundred pellets," Meimei replied with a smile.

"Oh, well, that changes things," Fong Chao acknowledged.

"Please accept your lottery prize," Meimei prompted.


Fong Chao collected his winnings: a Slingshot Specialization Skill Book and a leather pouch containing a beautifully crafted slingshot and a hundred thumb-sized stone pellets.

He then exited the Skill Point Shop.

Without delay, Fong Chao utilized the Slingshot Specialization Skill Book.

He instantly sensed new knowledge embedding itself in his mind.

Grasping the slingshot, he felt an immediate, intuitive connection with it.

Fong Chao decided it was time to step outside and see if there was any trouble brewing at Soong Aiqin's doorstep.

It would also be the perfect opportunity to test out his newly acquired Slingshot Specialization skill.

With that thought, he quietly made his way out of his room.

To keep his activities hidden from his parents and family, Fong Chao took great care.

He stepped out of his room and headed straight out of the house. The lack of a front door actually allowed him the freedom to move in and out undetected.

Once outside, Fong Chao made a beeline for Soong Aiqin's residence.

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