Poor Boy To Tycoon/C17 You Are Just a Child
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Poor Boy To Tycoon/C17 You Are Just a Child
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C17 You Are Just a Child

As he spoke, Fong Chao's eyes had adjusted to the darkness. Through the hazy night, he noticed Soong Aiqin clad in just a pair of shorts and a small tank top, her fair skin standing out, exuding an extraordinary allure. In the crisp autumn night, he could even see Soong Aiqin shivering slightly from the chill.

"Thank you, Fong Chao. I really didn't expect you to come to my rescue," Soong Aiqin expressed her gratitude.

"Auntie, it's getting late. You should head back and get some sleep. And remember what I said: as a woman, it's best to secure your door at night. Don't make it easy for anyone to just open it," Fong Chao advised.

"Alright, I understand. You should get home quickly too," Soong Aiqin replied.

While she was speaking, her body suddenly went limp, and she began to collapse to the ground. It seemed the fright she had experienced earlier was too much, and now she was struggling to stay upright.

With quick reflexes, Fong Chao reached out and steadied Soong Aiqin, enveloping her in a warm and gentle embrace. He caught a whiff of her faint scent, which sent his heart racing and left him feeling a bit overwhelmed. It was undeniable; Soong Aiqin was an incredibly attractive woman, and Fong Chao found himself quite affected by her.

"Auntie, what's wrong?" Fong Chao asked with concern.

"Just a little dizzy, nothing more," Soong Aiqin replied, trying to stand on her own. She felt somewhat embarrassed to be held by Fong Chao.

"Okay, I'll help you back to your room. Take some time to rest. Once you're feeling better, make sure to lock your door and get some sleep," Fong Chao suggested.

"Thank you," Soong Aiqin said, still feeling weak in the knees and unable to stand firmly without Fong Chao's support. Together, they made their way back to her room.


Meimei's voice chimed in once more: "Dear host, for your compassionate assistance to Soong Aiqin, you are awarded 5 Karma Points."


Fong Chao was both surprised and delighted. He hadn't expected that simply helping Soong Aiqin back to her room would earn him a reward, let alone one as substantial as 5 Karma Points!

Fong Chao gently guided Soong Aiqin to a chair inside the room.

It was only then that he let go of her with some hesitation.

The body of a mature woman had been in his arms. At the time, due to the urgency of the situation, he hadn't felt much, but reflecting on it now, the soft, pressing contact felt endlessly wonderful.

"Aunt, let me get you some water. Would you like to drink a little?" Fong Chao offered.

"Oh, no need to get me water. I'll just sit and rest a bit; I'll recover soon. Those three thugs nearly scared me to death. If you hadn't shown up when you did, I dread to think what might have happened," Soong Aiqin said, still visibly shaken.

"Now that it's over, try taking a few deep breaths. It might help settle your nerves," Fong Chao suggested.

"It's getting late. I think I should head out soon," Fong Chao added after a pause.

The noise from earlier was quite loud, and even though Soong Aiqin's house was on the edge of the village, it was likely that someone might have heard. Fong Chao was concerned that villagers might come to investigate.

"Oh, alright then, you better hurry back," Soong Aiqin said, attempting to rise and see Fong Chao off.

But she had been holding onto her small vest, and when she let go...

Her vest suddenly slipped to the sides, and her chest was unexpectedly exposed before Fong Chao's eyes.

What was happening?

Had the assailant ripped Soong Aiqin's vest?

Fong Chao quickly turned his back.

"I didn't see anything, Aunt. I didn't see a thing," he insisted.

Yet the image of that perfect, bowl-shaped contour was etched in his mind.

For a woman who had children, maintaining such a shape and firmness was no small feat. Soong Aiqin had truly impressed Fong Chao, a man who had seen much in life.

Soong Aiqin felt quite embarrassed.

She reassured herself, thinking he was just a kid and probably didn't understand.

Quickly, Soong Aiqin went to the bed, put on a jacket, and tried to sound casual as she said, "You're just a kid. There's no harm if you saw something. Fong Chao, you didn't get shy after seeing your aunt there, did you?"

"Cough, cough!"

Fong Chao cleared his throat awkwardly and said, "Auntie, I'm not embarrassed. I should be going now."

If he lingered any longer, Fong Chao feared he might act impulsively and do something foolish.

"Hehe! You say you're not embarrassed, yet your face is all red. Fong Chao, haven't you ever seen someone else's...you know?" Soong Aiqin teased with a chuckle.

After exchanging a few words with Fong Chao, Soong Aiqin's mood had significantly lightened.

"I really can't answer that. Auntie, goodbye." Fong Chao quickly made his way to the door.

He left Soong Aiqin's house as if he were fleeing.

Once outside, Fong Chao's heartbeat finally slowed.

He strolled down the village street, which was deserted at this hour.

Fong Chao wondered whether he should attempt to scale the courtyard wall of Lee Qingxiang's home.

The recent encounter at Soong Aiqin's had stirred a strange longing within him. At 14, in the throes of adolescence, his body and mind were developing rapidly. He was at the age where he was becoming a man, yet it would still be a few years before he could legally and freely pursue romantic relationships and the enchanting experiences that come with them.

Fong Chao's body housed the soul of an adult, seasoned in matters of men and women.

So, when thoughts began to sprout wildly in his mind, he struggled to suppress his emotions and actions.

Almost without realizing it, he found himself beside Lee Qingxiang's courtyard.

It was there that he snapped back to reality.


He scolded himself internally, fixated on Lee Qingxiang's laughter, her voice, and the invitation she had penned on the back of his notebook.

Fong Chao eyed the high wall of Lee Qingxiang's home, debating whether to venture inside.

Scaling the wall would be simple.

Next to the wall stood a locust tree.

All he had to do was climb the tree, and he would be atop the wall.

Once atop the courtyard wall, a quick slide down would land him inside.

But would Lee Qingxiang be waiting for him? Her dog was no pushover, and a bite from it would be a dreadful experience.

Fong Chao was pondering his next move when he suddenly heard hushed voices.

The speakers were crouching in the shadows, just a short distance from him.

To his surprise, the voices belonged to Lee Qingxiang's father, Lee Shuguang, and her uncle, Lee Laoen.


Fong Chao jumped in alarm.

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