Poor Boy To Tycoon/C18 He Had Been Waiting for You for the Whole Night
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Poor Boy To Tycoon/C18 He Had Been Waiting for You for the Whole Night
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C18 He Had Been Waiting for You for the Whole Night

He hastily ducked behind a nearby stack of wheat straw. He wondered if these two were lying in wait to catch him as he attempted to scale the wall in search of Lee Qingxiang. If they caught him, he would be utterly embarrassed, and his family would share in the disgrace. The thought made Fong Chao break out in a cold sweat.

"Laoen, I don't think Fong Chao is going to show up tonight. It's already past eleven," Lee Shuguang's voice echoed.

"That's not necessarily true, brother. Let's wait a bit longer. Fong Chao might still turn up. We can't let him keep harassing Qingxiang. We need to give him a good thrashing. If we catch him this time, we'll take him to the police station and have them parade him through the streets! Fong Huayu cares so much about his reputation; his son making such a fool of himself will drive him mad!" Lee Laoen declared with venom.

Damn it!

Upon hearing this, Fong Chao couldn't help but swear under his breath. Lee Laoen was truly malicious. He pulled out his slingshot and took aim at the two figures lurking in the corner, ready to fire. But he quickly reined in his urge.

Forget it!

What good would it do to lash out? It was better to hold back. Lee Laoen would eventually pay for his actions today.

With that thought, Fong Chao quietly turned and made his way back home. The night passed uneventfully.

The next morning, Fong Chao didn't indulge in a lie-in. He rose early, turned on the light, and leaned over his desk to continue writing "To Live."

"Chao, you're up early today?" his mother's voice came from outside the window as the rest of the family began their day.

"Mom, I'm just trying to get a head start on my homework," Fong Chao lied casually.

"Alright, that's good! Study hard, but remember to take breaks too," his mother replied, clearly pleased.

"After you do some homework, make sure to cook!" his father added in a stern tone.

"Okay, I know," Fong Chao responded quickly.

The family headed out to work in the fields.

Fong Chao, in a rush, spent an hour and a half writing in the early morning, managing to pen over six thousand words.

By 7:30 a.m., Fong Chao set aside his pen to prepare breakfast.

With his family engrossed in the autumn harvest, he felt compelled to lend a hand with breakfast.

While cooking, Fong Chao couldn't help but sigh. "Farmers have it tough," he thought. "They toil all year for a mere pittance."

He was determined to make money quickly to lift his family out of their hardship.

Sweating profusely in the kitchen, he was startled by a cough behind him.

Turning around, he saw Lee Qingxiang standing there, giving him a look of reproach.

"Qingxiang, what brings you here?" Fong Chao inquired while tending to the fire.

"Humph! I waited for you all night, and you never showed up. Didn't you see the note I left you?" Lee Qingxiang spoke with a hint of bitterness.

She was referring to that, indeed.

"Of course, I saw it. Would you believe me if I said I did come by last night?" Fong Chao asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"I don't believe you. You're lying to me again," Lee Qingxiang said, shifting her stance.

"I really did go, but I didn't dare to climb over your wall, so I left quietly," Fong Chao explained.

"Oh? And why is that?" Lee Qingxiang asked, taken aback.

"Because your dad and uncle were crouching behind a bush by the wall, waiting to catch me!" Fong Chao revealed.

"What? They were actually hiding outside the wall?" Lee Qingxiang was astonished.

"Yes," Fong Chao said with a wry smile, shaking his head. "Luckily, I didn't act rashly. If I had tried to scale the wall without thinking, they probably would have hauled me off to the police station by now."

"That's outrageous!" Lee Qingxiang exclaimed indignantly.

"Given your family's opposition, I think it's best if we keep our distance from now on," Fong Chao suggested, glancing at Lee Qingxiang.

"No! They have no right to control me! I'm an adult now and can make my own choices! Nobody is going to stop me!" Lee Qingxiang declared resolutely.

While she was speaking, Lee Qingxiang heard Lee Laoen's voice echoing through Feng Chao's yard: "Qingxiang, Qingxiang! Your dad is calling you home."

"Damn it!"

Lee Qingxiang stomped her foot in frustration and dashed toward the kitchen.

The suite she ran into was actually the animal house.

She quickly hid herself behind the door of the animal house.

Fong Chao, witnessing this, simply shrugged. He mused to himself, ‘What a twist of fate! It seems I'm destined to be entwined with Lee Qingxiang for life.’

He truly admired her for her boldness in love and her fearless spirit.

Marrying Lee Qingxiang in this lifetime would be quite satisfying, he thought. It would certainly make up for past regrets.

Lost in thought, Fong Chao didn't notice Lee Laoen entering the kitchen. Lee Laoen didn't pay him any mind, his eyes scanning the room.

"What's going on, Mr. Laoen?" Fong Chao asked, feigning surprise.

Lee Laoen shot him a stern look. "I'm asking you, where's Qingxiang?"

Fong Chao raised an eyebrow. "You're asking me where Lee Qingxiang is? Why come to my house for that? Don't you find that odd?"

"I saw her run into your house with my own eyes!" Lee Laoen asserted bluntly.

"I haven't seen her. Maybe try looking elsewhere!" Fong Chao replied, not mincing his words.

"Kid, I've warned you before, stay away from my Qingxiang! Are you deaf, or do you just keep ignoring me? Do it again and I swear, I'll give you a thrashing!" Lee Laoen yelled at Fong Chao.

Fong Chao's anger flared.

This damn old man was being way too overbearing!

"Oh! Mr. Laoen, are you trying to intimidate me now? I dare you to lay a finger on me!" Fong Chao retorted icily, standing up suddenly.

"Damn it! You think I'm afraid to hit you?" Lee Laoen, enraged by Fong Chao's defiance, bellowed and charged at him, swinging a slap toward Fong Chao's forehead.

He was intent on teaching Fong Chao a lesson he wouldn't forget.

Although Fong Chao had nearly reached his full height, he remained a slender child.

Taking on Lee Laoen directly would be futile; he simply wasn't a match for him.

Thus, Fong Chao swiftly sidestepped Lee Laoen, crouching low as he dashed past him to the outside.

In one fluid motion, Fong Chao pulled out his slingshot, loaded a pellet, and took aim at Lee Laoen, declaring, "Old man, if you dare to bully me again, I'll show you what I'm made of."


Lee Laoen followed Fong Chao out of the kitchen, laughing coldly as he pointed at the boy. "Kid, you think you can intimidate me with that pathetic slingshot? You've got another thing coming! I'm going to give you the lesson your parents never did."

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