Poor Boy To Tycoon/C19 I will Hate You If I Win the Skill!
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Poor Boy To Tycoon/C19 I will Hate You If I Win the Skill!
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C19 I will Hate You If I Win the Skill!

The old man charged toward Fong Chao, shielding his face with his arm as he ran. He was determined to take a hit from Fong Chao's slingshot if it meant getting the chance to give him a beating in return.

Fong Chao realized that using his slingshot would surely leave Lee Laoen bruised. Instead, he decided it would be more satisfying to knock him down with a kick and follow up with a few punches to relieve his frustration. With that thought, Fong Chao stowed his slingshot, lunged forward, and delivered a fierce kick to Lee Laoen's stomach.

In a fight, brute strength doesn't always guarantee the upper hand. The key is to be bold yet meticulous, and most importantly, to have the guts to follow through. In other words, you have to be ruthless.

Having spent decades navigating the tumultuous social landscape of Jade Dragon, Fong Chao was no stranger to brawls and had accumulated a fair bit of experience. This time, his experience paid off. His well-aimed kick sent Lee Laoen tumbling to the ground in a heap.

Lee Laoen's downfall was partly due to his fear of Fong Chao's slingshot hitting his face. He hadn't been watching Fong Chao, focusing only on closing the distance before striking. This played right into Fong Chao's hands.

"Ow!" Lee Laoen cried out as the kick to his stomach sent him rolling on the ground in pain. It took him a moment to get back on his feet.

"You little scoundrel! You dare to hit me? I'll flay you alive!" Lee Laoen, seething with rage and humiliation, grabbed a shovel that was conveniently leaning against the wall and swung it furiously at Fong Chao.

"No, stop!" Lee Qingxiang, hearing the commotion from outside, dashed out of the animal shed. She arrived just in time to see her uncle wielding the shovel and attacking Fong Chao, prompting her to cry out in alarm.

However, Fong Chao, intent on subduing Lee Laoen, had already aimed his slingshot at his uncle's right wrist, which was gripping the shovel.

"Bang!" The pellet struck Lee Laoen's right wrist with precision, nearly breaking it.

"Ahh!" Lee Laoen howled in agony, dropping the shovel to the ground.

By then, Lee Qingxiang had reached her uncle's side and grabbed his arm. "Uncle, what are you doing?" she demanded.

"Qingxiang, that guy is bad news. I hope you'll listen to me and cut ties with him!" Lee Laoen pleaded, clutching his bleeding wrist.

"Uncle, don't you think you're overstepping? I like Fong Chao, and I don't want you meddling in my love life! I've made up my mind about Fong Chao, and if anyone tries to stop me, I'll turn on them!" Lee Qingxiang retorted, her brow furrowed in frustration.

"Qingxiang, I'm only looking out for you! You're naive and easily deceived! Consider their family's situation. Marrying into that, you'd be signing up for a lifetime of poverty! Can't you see that?" Lee Laoen argued, exasperated.

He was convinced he was acting in his niece's best interest, but she refused to see it that way.

"I'd rather live a life of hardship than give in! Please, just leave me be. Uncle, if you keep this up, I'll end up hating you!" Lee Qingxiang declared defiantly.

"What? You'd hate me?" Lee Laoen felt a chill in his heart.

"Yes! So please, stop interfering. Don't force me to see you as an enemy!" Lee Qingxiang's words were heavy with emotion, leaving Lee Laoen bewildered.

"Fine! I'll back off! Do as you please! You're not my daughter, after all. Why should I bother when you just take my concern for granted?" Lee Laoen, feeling defeated, stomped his foot and shrugged off Lee Qingxiang's grasp, heading for the door of Feng Chao's house.

Watching Lee Laoen walk away, Fong Chao shook his head, reflecting on Lee Qingxiang's fierce determination. She had been just as headstrong in his past life, fighting with her family to be with him.

"Qingxiang, there's no need to be so at odds with your uncle," Fong Chao advised.

"Hmph! If I don't stand firm, he'll keep trying to drive a wedge between us! I won't let him destroy what we have!" Lee Qingxiang declared, moving to Fong Chao's side and wrapping her arms around his neck. Her voice was fiery as she continued, "Once I've set my heart on a man, no one can change my mind! Even if we end up begging in the streets, I won't look back!"

Fong Chao felt a sudden dryness in his mouth as he was pressed against her warm body.

"Qingxiang, be careful. Others can see us!" Fong Chao cautioned.

The walls of Feng Chao's house were quite low, hardly concealing any secrets.

"I don't care! I want everyone to see that I like you. We've already shared many indescribable moments," Lee Qingxiang said, gazing at Fong Chao.


She was truly throwing caution to the wind!

"Ahem! I'm still cooking. Dinner's not ready yet," Fong Chao said.

"Let me help you with the cooking," Lee Qingxiang offered with a smile.

Fong Chao shook his head.

He noticed that in this life, Lee Qingxiang's affection for him had grown much more rapidly than before.

It hadn't been long since his rebirth, yet she was already unabashedly falling for him.

It looked like he was about to be caught in a tempest!


Fong Chao consented.

With a cheerful laugh, Lee Qingxiang darted into the kitchen to assist Fong Chao with the cooking.

She was quick and skilled, seemingly more adept in the kitchen than Fong Chao, and much faster too.

By 8 AM, the meal was prepared.

"I've noticed that the dishes you cook smell better than mine," Fong Chao said with a smile, inhaling the aroma of Lee Qingxiang's stir-fried green beans.

"Really? Then I'll come over and cook for you every day, how does that sound?" Lee Qingxiang proposed with a grin.

"That's too kind! Qingxiang, I bet your dad is about to lose his mind with worry. You should head back home," Fong Chao suggested.

"Hmph! I don't care about that. Anyone who tries to stop me from being with you is my enemy!" Lee Qingxiang declared.

Yet, persuaded by Fong Chao, she eventually went back home.

At 8:30 AM, Fong Chao's family came back from the fields for a meal.

"Chao! I heard you got into a scuffle with Lee Laoen? What's that all about?" his father asked sternly during the meal.

"Dad, he started it. He came to our place making accusations and was about to hit me, so I had to defend myself," Fong Chao explained sheepishly.

"Did you provoke Lee Qingxiang first?" his father asked, giving Fong Chao a pointed look.

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