Poor Boy To Tycoon/C22 Show off Your Skill with the Bow
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Poor Boy To Tycoon/C22 Show off Your Skill with the Bow
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C22 Show off Your Skill with the Bow

"Damn it! Fong Huayu, if you don't discipline your son properly, I swear I'll wipe out your entire family!" a menacing voice bellowed.

He was berating his own father.

The culprit was Lee Laoen's son, Lee Qinghe.

Fong Chao was seething with anger.

He realized that after Lee Laoen had been roughed up, his son had brought reinforcements to cause trouble for his family.

He dashed out of the house.

Upon exiting, he witnessed his father being manhandled by two nephews from the Lee family. His father's arms were twisted behind his back, bent like a bow, his face nearly scraping the ground.

Lee Qinghe was about to strike his father's face.

"Stop!" Fong Chao roared.

Lee Qinghe, hearing Fong Chao's yell, withdrew the punch aimed at Fong Huayu, turned with a malicious grin, and said, "Fong Chao, I thought you'd be cowering inside like a turtle! Good on you for coming out. Now, let's settle the score for you beating up my dad."

Lee Qinghe was notoriously known as a troublemaker in Fong Family Platform Village, hardly ever at home and always roaming around in search of amusement.

Presumably, he had learned that his father had taken a beating from Fong Chao and was now looking for payback.

Lee Qinghe rolled up his sleeves and charged at Fong Chao.

The guy towered over 1.8 meters, broad and sturdy, weighing in at least 200 kilograms.

His charge was formidable.

"Fong Chao! Run! You can't take him on! Just run! We can't afford to take this beating!" Fong Huayu yelled.

In a panic, Fong Chao silently invoked: Summon Guo Jing!

Guo Jing was Fong Chao's favorite character from Jin Yong's martial arts novels.

So, he instinctively called upon Guo Jing.

Fong Chao felt a piercing phantom surge into his body, instantly empowering him.

Guo Jing was like a martial deity, and dealing with a thug like this would be child's play.

As Lee Qinghe barrelled towards him like a steamroller, Fong Chao stood his ground. As the thug closed in, throwing a punch at his head, Fong Chao moved with the swiftness of a flash, seized Lee Qinghe's arm, and with a swift motion, stooped to grab the belt around Lee Qinghe's waist.

"Get up!"

Fong Chao bellowed, hoisting the more than 200-kilogram Lee Qinghe high into the air.

He then hurled Lee Qinghe toward a nearby manure pit.

Back in the early '90s, every household needed to fertilize their fields, so a large manure pit was a common sight outside each home.

A heavy rain had just fallen a few days prior.

Now, the pit was brimming with water.


Lee Qinghe plummeted into the pit, causing a massive surge of water and dousing the onlookers with foul-smelling liquid.


A collective gasp of astonishment rose from the crowd.

No one could have imagined that the seemingly frail Fong Chao could lift and throw the burly and formidable Lee Qinghe over two meters high and three meters away.

After floundering in the pit for what seemed like an eternity, Lee Qinghe finally managed to climb out of the stench.

But Fong Chao didn't stop with just throwing Lee Qinghe; seizing the moment of Guo Jing's possession, he swiftly knocked down several members of the Lee family with a flurry of punches and kicks, tossing them all into their own manure pit.

For a brief time, the pit was a frenzy of splashing and unending screams.

In just thirteen or fourteen seconds, Fong Chao had finished the fight.

Lee Qinghe and six or seven other men from the Lee family were soundly defeated by him alone.

Everyone around was completely shocked and speechless.

They had never anticipated Fong Chao's formidable strength.

Even Fong Chao himself was somewhat dazed; he hadn't expected the Summoning Arts to be so potent, making him feel invincible with Guo Jing's spirit within him.

After much struggle, Lee Qinghe and the others finally managed to crawl out of the manure pit.

"Get lost, now!" Fong Chao commanded, still radiating the residual force of his recent victory. He pointed at Lee Qinghe and barked, "If you dare to mess with our family again, I'll beat you so badly you won't be able to fend for yourself!"

Lee Qinghe stared at Fong Chao in horror. He couldn't believe it. Wasn't this boy just fourteen years old, thin and seemingly frail? Yet he had the strength to lift and throw him such a distance; it was truly astonishing.

Forget it. If I can't beat him, I might as well accept being single and get out of here quickly.

Lee Qinghe turned and left without another word.

"Hold on!" Fong Chao called out again.

"What now?" Lee Qinghe stopped in his tracks, looking at Fong Chao with a hint of trepidation.

"You struck my father. I demand that you kowtow and apologize to him immediately!" Fong Chao commanded with a stern voice.

"You, stop f*cking bullying me!" Lee Qinghe retorted, a mix of shame and anger in his voice.

"Bullying? Damn it, you had the gall to bully us, and now you're asking who I should bully if not you? Are you going to kneel or not?" Fong Chao bellowed with commanding presence.

Determined to completely overpower Lee Qinghe, Fong Chao was ready to employ the Summoning Arts once more!

The sensation of being empowered by a formidable presence was exhilarating beyond words.

He relished the ability to tower over all nefarious forces.

Seeing Fong Chao raise his voice and step closer, Lee Qinghe instinctively recoiled in fear.

The last thing he wanted was to be tormented by Fong Chao again.

"I, I'll kneel, okay?" Lee Qinghe capitulated, his knees buckling as he fell to the ground before Fong Huayu.

"Mr. Huayu, I apologize! Please forgive me," Lee Qinghe pleaded.

"Mind your tone! You should be begging!" Fong Chao chastised once more.

"Enough, Chao. It's sufficient that Qinghe is apologizing to me. He's already paid a price and suffered enough. Let's forgive him," Father interjected at that moment.

Fong Chao understood that his father wanted to avoid a full-blown feud with the Lee family.

After all, the Lee family was a prominent clan in Fong Family Platform Village.

A complete fallout with them would bode ill for Feng Chao's house.

"Since my father has agreed to forgive you, Lee Qinghe, you can scram!" Fong Chao said brusquely to Lee Qinghe.

With a sense of reprieve, Lee Qinghe and his companions hurriedly got to their feet and scurried back to their adjacent home.

The crowd dispersed.

Fong Huayu examined his son from head to toe, his surprise evident.

As a father, he was intimately familiar with his son's appearance.

Yet, Fong Huayu couldn't fathom how his son had suddenly become so formidable, single-handedly overpowering six or seven grown men to the point where they couldn't fight back.

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