Poor Boy To Tycoon/C8 Hot Chick
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Poor Boy To Tycoon/C8 Hot Chick
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C8 Hot Chick

"That makes more sense! I might even be able to offer you some advice after I read it. Remember, you're only in eighth grade, and I've already graduated from middle school! Back in my school days, my essays were quite good, often showcased by the language teacher as exemplary work in front of the class."

Lee Qingxiang began reading the novel that Fong Chao had just finished writing.

Upon reading the opening, she shook her head and remarked, "Fong Chao, this is just plain talk! It lacks any literary flair. I'm not impressed."


Fong Chao was taken aback.

This was a masterpiece by a renowned author in the Huaxia literary scene!

To Live had been chosen by critics as one of the most influential novels of the 1990s in Huaxia!

Moreover, Yuh Hua was the only author to have two works selected among the decade's top ten most influential pieces!

His other novel, Chronicle of a Blood Merchant, was also included in this prestigious selection.

And now, Lee Qingxiang had dismissed such a remarkable novel as plain talk?

It was evident that although To Live was accessible and clear, it still posed a challenge for many readers with average reading skills.

"Ahem! Would you mind reading on? A novel of this length needs an appropriate narrative style to effectively tell the story. It's not just about stringing together fancy phrases," Fong Chao explained to Lee Qingxiang with patience.

"Oh, alright then, I'll keep reading," Lee Qingxiang agreed, seeing the sense in Fong Chao's words, and nodded.

After about a thousand words, she looked up at Fong Chao and commented, "This is actually quite engaging. It's written in a very entertaining way."

"Thank you," Fong Chao responded with a smile.

He thought to himself, "Sister, at last, you're beginning to appreciate the allure of a classic."

For the following twenty minutes, Lee Qingxiang quietly pored over the five thousand words Fong Chao had written, without uttering another word.

Once she finished, she exhaled deeply and quickly looked up to ask, "Is there more to the story? This novel isn't complete yet, is it?"

"I haven't finished writing it yet," Fong Chao nodded in response.

"Write faster! Once you're done, let me see it, okay? I'm really eager to read what comes next!" Lee Qingxiang stretched languidly, inadvertently pressing her chest against Fong Chao.

The soft, bouncy sensation sent Fong Chao's heart racing.

"I've run out of ink; I can't write any further," Fong Chao said, wiping the sweat from his brow.

Standing next to such a fiery girl, Fong Chao found himself overwhelmed, sweat beading on his forehead.

"You're overheating!" Lee Qingxiang noticed and pulled out a small handkerchief to dab at the sweat on Fong Chao's forehead.

The handkerchief must have been perfumed; its fragrant scent enveloped Fong Chao, sending his thoughts racing. But after just a few wipes, the handkerchief was stained black.

After all, in those days, even the homes of the well-to-do didn't escape the dust and grime brought by the wind and sun.

"Ah! I've dirtied your handkerchief. I'm so sorry," Fong Chao said, feeling a bit embarrassed.

He thought to himself that he really needed to take a bath tonight.

Autumn had arrived. The daytime sun still held some warmth, but at night, the water in the West Flowing River turned bone-chillingly cold, enough to make one shiver uncontrollably if they bathed in it.

"It's okay. It'll come clean with a wash," Lee Qingxiang reassured him after finishing wiping his face, though her handkerchief was now far from clean.

She looked at Fong Chao and said, "Wait here for a bit, Fong Chao. I'll fetch you a bottle of carbon ink, and I also want to give you a Hero Gold Pen."

"Ah? That would be too much," Fong Chao protested.

"There's nothing too much about it. I just can't wait to read the rest of your story," Lee Qingxiang insisted.

With that, she and her dog, Big Yellow, bounded off towards her home, her skirt fluttering like snow against the earthy ground, a graceful note in the landscape.

Fong Chao watched his sheep, which had been grazing in the same spot for quite some time, and decided to move them to a patch of grass that was greener and more abundant.

Before long, Lee Qingxiang returned.

She brought with her a bottle of carbon ink and a pristine Hero Gold Pen.

"This pen was a gift from my father during my junior year of high school. I've never had the heart to use it, but today, I'm passing it on to you. I hope you'll use it to craft a truly magnificent piece. Fong Chao, I believe in you. I'm convinced you have what it takes to be a writer! And when you make it big, make sure you don't forget the woman who once added fragrance to your sleeve." Lee Qingxiang said.

"Thank you, Ms Qingxiang. I could never forget you." Fong Chao replied.

"Then get to it! I'll watch the sheep for you. All I ask in return is to read the story you come up with," Lee Qingxiang said with a chuckle.

With that, Fong Chao settled down in the shade of a tree, placing a small stool on his lap, and resumed his rapid writing.

Time flew, and before he knew it, it was 11:40 a.m.

Fong Chao had been engrossed in his writing for over an hour, adding more than five thousand words to his count.

In total, he had written approximately 11,000 words that morning.

Of course, this was just an estimate; he didn't know the exact count.

"Fong Chao, it's time to head back for lunch. Plus, it's starting to get warm," Lee Qingxiang called out from under another large tree a few meters away.

"Alright, I'm done writing for now." Fong Chao capped his pen and closed his notebook, which contained about thirty pages of math homework; he had used about half of it that morning.

Upon seeing that Fong Chao was finished, Lee Qingxiang approached and extended her hand, "Let me see what you've just finished writing."


Fong Chao passed the math notebook to her.

Taking the notebook, Lee Qingxiang gave Fong Chao a look and said, "My legs are sore from standing. May I sit on your stool?"


Fong Chao placed the stool on the ground for her.

Lee Qingxiang took a seat and let out a contented sigh, "This is so much better! If I had stood any longer, my legs would have given out."

Fong Chao replied, "No one said you had to stand the whole time. Why not find a brick, place it on the ground, and sit on that?"

"How could I possibly do that? My dress is pristine white. Sitting on a brick would ruin it. Imagine getting a black mark on my behind—how could I wear it again?" Lee Qingxiang protested.

"Why not wear something more dirt-resistant, like a pair of pants? Why choose a white dress?" Fong Chao asked.

"It's because I want to look nice for you. Fong Chao, I like you. Surely you must feel it, right?" Lee Qingxiang gave Fong Chao a pointed look.


Fong Chao scratched his head, pondering. Was this an outright declaration of her feelings?

She was certainly no ordinary girl. He realized he wasn't quite sure how to respond to her.

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