Pretty CEO's Super Bodyguard/C17 Killer
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Pretty CEO's Super Bodyguard/C17 Killer
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C17 Killer

Lee Fan rubbed his head, it seemed like he had to live a luxurious life for ordinary people. Right now, that woman had stirred up such a huge commotion in the Southern Ocean, China would definitely send their elites to search for him, but Lee Fan was not worried about that. Unless he revealed his identity on his own, no one would be able to find him.

Putting aside all these troublesome things that troubled Lee Fan, the Silly Girl, she was at odds with him. Lee Fan could imagine that life would not be easy in the future, with the police by his side, how could his life be! He had only called her Silly Girl twice!

His room was right below him, so when he passed by Su Ning's room, Lee Fan slowly clenched his fists and gently pushed open the door. A gold gun was pointed at his forehead, and another black clothed person with a mask on his face appeared in front of him! As for Su Ning, whose hands and feet were tied up and had a cloth stuffed in his mouth, he was unable to say a word.

"Turn around!" The masked man in front of him was taller than Lee Fan by a head, upon hearing the voice, he immediately knew that it was not Huaxia local. Lee Fan raised both of his hands and slowly turned around, until the man knocked himself out, suddenly he leaned forward, and directly kicked the masked man behind him to the ground. Lee Fan's reaction was even faster than that of the masked man's. As soon as he grabbed the handgun, Lee Fan punched him on the chin, causing the handgun to make a metal sound as it fell onto the ground.

Lee Fan used one hand to grab the masked man's neck: "Speak, who sent you here, not good!" Lee Fan released the masked man in front of him, he had gritted his teeth and committed suicide!

Lee Fan squatted on the ground, but he did not manage to find anything related to the identity of the masked man. It seemed like this matter was not related to him, but was rather related to the beauty on the bed.

How could Su Ning suddenly think that someone wanted to kill him? If not for Lee Fan suddenly knocking on the door, he would have died! This person actually wanted her to write some kind of will, but it scared her to death.

"Alright, go to sleep. I'll deal with the corpse." Lee Fan dragged the masked man's corpse out of the room. How could Su Ning sleep after what had happened? Now she slowly began to understand who was trying to kill him.

= = =

Ma Da Biao's injuries had finally healed. Lee Fan handed over all his Celestial Dragon Gang to him, and he himself returned to the car shop once again. It was only when he was with these cars that he felt that he was busy.

This was also the reason that Lee Fan was forced to do so. That Silly Girl had been hazy in the night all day! It was inconvenient for her to do something for him. It seemed like she was determined to take his weakness and send him to jail.

Just as Lee Fan opened the back of the Jettas, he saw that it was noisy outside. When Lee Fan walked out, he saw that Chen Yong, Ma Da Biao and the other main members of the Celestial Dragon Gang were all bleeding from their bodies and were being supported back.

"What's wrong?" Lee Fan's face did not look too good, Chen Yong had lowered his head, and Ma Da Biao did not speak either. Not long after, Lee Fan received a mysterious phone call: "Mr. Lee, tonight at 8 o'clock, Long Sheng Bar, without a single trace of your presence. Right, your precious little sister Yuhan is in our hands, if you do not come, I do not dare guarantee whether or not she is complete."

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