Pretty Girl’s General Guard/C12 Kill
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Pretty Girl’s General Guard/C12 Kill
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C12 Kill

Wei Yov hung up the phone. Ma Haorann didn't dare to mention anything about helping Wei Yov. If it wasn't for Zhou Yuxiao, he would have asked Wei Yov if he could help him.

If he could get along with President Suen, he would have lost ten years of hard work.

One order was 100 million! Not to mention that Wei Yov had obviously taken a huge advantage of it, and the pure profit would also be quite objective.

The atmosphere at the dining table was different. Ma Haorann and the other two were much more depressed.

Zhou Bohai happily clinked glasses with Chen Junlin and Wei Yov.

"Wei Yov, I'm still curious. What is your relationship with Junlin? Are you just a sister?" Zhou Bohai was obviously drunk. He didn't even think about what to say.

Wei Yov lowered his head and did not speak. He did not have the aura of a female boss who was connected to the senior executives of the Yi Ma Group just now.

She looked exactly like the little sister next door.

Chen Junlin smiled and said, "Don't tease Wei Yov. She is thin-skinned."

Chen Junlin had a lot of alcohol tolerance. He only had half a bottle left after drinking two bottles of Yizhu.

This wine made Zhou Bohai addicted to it. It was really good wine.

Very quickly, there was a slight vibration in the air.

The few of them looked towards the direction of the sound and saw a helicopter flying over from afar.

Moreover, this helicopter did not look like an ordinary small helicopter, much less a rescue helicopter.

It had a dark gray fuselage, a bright military logo, and a missile hung below it!

This... military helicopter?

Chen Junlin's words came leisurely. "Uncle Zhou, it should be the wine delivery man."

Does this mean that the military helicopter is here to deliver wine to you?

If it had been half an hour earlier, Ma Haorann and the others would have tried their best to ridicule Chen Junlin.

But now, they were in low spirits.

However, Zhou Yuxiao was not convinced. She had chosen a boyfriend, so why would she be suppressed by Chen Junlin?

He was just a retired soldier!

He had only been in the army for five years and was lucky enough to get to know some people. It would be difficult for him to become a company commander.

However, when she saw Chen Junlin stand up with his hands behind his back, his attitude was very eye-catching.

Chen Junlin's back was straight like a stone tablet, like a pine tree, and like a mountain.

His gaze crossed a thousand miles, as if he had returned to the border of the Northern Desert.

His aura was as if he had returned to the battlefield. There was a murderous aura about him.

Zhou Bohai could not help but say, "Junlin, your military career must be very exciting."

Chen Junlin said, "There might be some, but it is more dangerous. Fighting together with death."

Zhou Yuxiao was talking behind her back. If she could brag, she would just stand in the military posture and practice shooting. This was a peaceful era. Fighting together and dying together?

"Uncle Zhou, do you know why the barbarian leader is called the barbarian leader?" He suddenly said.

Zhou Bohai looked fascinated. "I would like to hear more about it."

"The head of the foreigners, the head of the foreign countries. This wine is used by the foreign countries. " The wine is brewed by the methods of my race, and it has a unique taste. However, it did not lose the taste of China. The water was made from the North Russian mountains and ice water, and the grain was used by the thirteen countries of Africa and America as tribute. Among them, there were also herbs used. They were wild herbs plundered by the United States of America... One valley and one water. They were all taken from foreign countries, and were offered by the countries. They didn't dare to take any of our money. "Only the clay pot used to brew wine is made from clay from our high slope of yellow soil, and it naturally has a soul of its own." Chen Junlin's words were very detailed.

Zhou Bohai was very proud of himself. When did planting flowers become so powerful?

He did not understand. Most of this was because of the man standing in front of him, Chen Junlin.

He was the one who intimidated the experts of the other countries by himself. He was the one who had built fear by piling up blood and corpses. It was the great feat he had created by millions of soldiers guarding the gate of the country and killing the four seas.

The head of a barbarian, the wine that was born because of Chen Junlin.

He had drunk the courage of the millions of soldiers, swallowed the fear of the foreign countries, and swallowed it straight into his soul.

Zhou Bohai sighed, "The wine is good, and the origin is even better!"

He sighed three times in a row, but he also hated his daughter for being blind, but it seemed like Chen Junlin had no interest in his daughter.

It did not matter. His children and grandchildren had their own children and grandchildren. It was because Chen Junlin's aura was too dazzling that Ma Haorann seemed to be a little shallow. Perhaps after many years, Ma Haorann could mature and grow.

Without a doubt, Zhou Bohai didn't believe that Chen Junlin was just a retired soldier. He must have carried a soul-stirring story on his back.

The helicopter was approaching.

Zhou Yuxiao was waiting for Chen Junlin to be slapped in the face. He was just a soldier, yet he still acted like this.

As she flew over, Zhou Yuxiao kept shouting in her heart. Seeing Chen Junlin's coat rising up in the wind, she wanted him to lose face even more.

But the helicopter hovered in the air above their backyard. A simple rope was thrown down. As the wind blew, a soldier slid down the rope. There seemed to be a slider on his back, and there were two boxes of something between his left and right arms.

When he landed five meters from the ground, the rope was already at the end.

The soldier jumped off the rope and landed steadily on the ground. The boxes in his arms were naturally safe and sound.

From the soldier's body, he could clearly feel the aura of a battlefield. His eyes were fierce and murderous, and he even had the feeling of a great official in a territory.

This made the people of Zhou family feel as if they didn't dare to breathe. Their minds were buzzing. Was he here to find Chen Junlin?

From beginning to end, Chen Junlin hadn't changed at all. He stood with his hands behind his back, facing the wind.

The soldier came in front of him, put down the two boxes of things, and saluted.

Chen Junlin nodded slightly.

The soldier's face was obviously excited, and his blood was boiling. Only then did everyone see the military rank on the soldier's shoulder clearly. Zhao Wu Academy!

It was Zhao Wu Academy, one step away from announcing a general.

"How do I use a helicopter? This is a small matter." Chen Junlin was not happy. He did not like to use the army's things for normal purposes. If the helicopter was opened, it would give some people a chance to take advantage of it.

The soldier said seriously, "But the commander said..."

"Forget it. It's nothing. Let's go back."

The soldier did not finish his sentence. The commander said, "Chen Junlin's matter is not a small matter. Do not let him have any creases in his heart. To let him fight for the country, remembering the motherland behind him was worth it.

What he does is to plant flowers!

The soldier silently nodded, then turned around and walked to the bottom of the rope. The rope was five meters from the ground, almost two stories high.

But the helicopter didn't seem to have descended at all. How was he going to get up?

Unexpectedly, the soldier only jumped. The distance of five meters was instantly reduced. He felt like he had jumped an extra meter. The soldier's hand firmly grabbed onto the rope. His arms turned and wrapped around the rope. His body did not seem to be forced at all. It was sufficient to show how terrifying his combat strength was.

In the eyes of Zhou Yuxiao and the others, he was dumbstruck. Was this still a person? This kind of jumping ability killed professional athletes in an instant!

The helicopter slowly pulled back the rope and left. Everyone gasped for breath. They realized that they had been affected by the soldier's aura. They had been depressed for a long time and hadn't noticed it.

Only now did they breathe heavily.

Chen Junlin bent over and picked up the two boxes of items. He placed them on the table and opened them.

It was a row of white wine without a sign, swaying with the intoxicating white liquid.

Barbarian head.

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