Princess' Personal Special Troop/C13 One phone
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Princess' Personal Special Troop/C13 One phone
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C13 One phone

"Alright, let's go home and eat. There are some things that a child shouldn't look at!" Jiang Yuchen muttered, and instantly cracked Luo Lingyao's little trick.

Luo Lingyao slowly stood up with an expression of discovery, pouting her mouth. However, she did not lose control of her emotions as she had expected.

"Why did these people bring me here? Who told them to come?" Luo Lingyao's words made Jiang Yuchen completely submit. She couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with children these days. Was it usually those who watched too many movies that knew they had to catch the mastermind?

"I don't know either, but we need to leave this place as soon as possible. Otherwise, we might get into trouble later on." Jiang Yuchen said with a smile on his face, trying his best to maintain it.

But right now, Jiang Yuchen was not thinking about finding the mastermind, but rather leaving as soon as possible to ensure Luo Lingyao's safety. He was very clear on who was the culprit behind this kidnapping, and he also knew who should go and seek revenge.

Jiang Yuchen, are you really planning to let that person go? Luo Lingyao suspiciously said. The meaning of the words were self-evident, and wanted to kill them to silence them, causing Jiang Yuchen to laugh helplessly.

If it was someone else who wanted him to kill them to keep their mouths shut, he wouldn't be surprised at all. Cutting the grass and leaving no traces for future troubles was the most sensible choice, but these words from the mouth of Luo Lingyao, a five and a half year old boy, made people feel that it was a little strange.

"Everything on TV is a lie. As a person, you have to emphasize honesty. You can't go back on your word!" After Jiang Yuchen finished speaking, he carried Luo Lingyao and walked out of the warehouse.

The lucky survivor of the warehouse nearly cried. Even he didn't expect Jiang Yuchen to be such a trustworthy person.

Jiang Yuchen covered his mouth with an unhappy look. Jiang Yuchen could clearly feel her small body trembling, whether he was afraid or angry, but what Jiang Yuchen wanted to do was to try his best to avoid killing in front of Luo Lingyao, because in his eyes, a five and a half year old child would wet the bed at night when he sees something.

However, when Jiang Yuchen was leaving the entrance of the warehouse, he flicked the cigarette butt out of his mouth as the angle was perfectly controlled, causing the cigarette butt to fall on the pile of grass by the entrance. In an instant, flames started to rise, and the originally excited big man was instantly stupefied, he was unable to move at all, because if the warehouse was set on fire, then he would definitely be burnt to death inside.

To Jiang Yuchen, a huge fire was just a matter of convenience. Furthermore, the headlines in the Linhai City tomorrow must have been caused by an accidental fire at a warehouse in the outskirts of the city. No one knew about the casualties …

Other than the front part of the car that was smashed into pieces, everything else was fine. It was as if nothing had happened, but in a short period of time, all the big men were killed, so Jiang Yuchen would definitely not stay at the scene. The best way to hide it was to engulf everything in flames.

Luo Lingyao looked at Jiang Yuchen angrily, with a smile in his eyes. He was worried that Jiang Yuchen would be merciful earlier, but he did not expect that Jiang Yuchen had no intentions of letting everyone go.

"Big brother Jiang Yuchen, you are a dishonest person, all the dishonest people are villains!"

"Aha, there's no need to be so honest towards those people just now, and I didn't mean to do that, I just casually threw a cigarette butt," Jiang Yuchen laughed and said. He rolled his eyes, but he did not say anything in his heart.

After returning to the Lingyun Villa, Luo Lingyun was already anxiously waiting at the entrance. When she saw the car coming back, her expression clearly changed, and Jiang Yuchen could tell that Luo Lingyun was deliberately suppressing her emotions. The high heels she was wearing were even slightly trembling, probably because she was angry.

"Sorry, I accidentally hit the car." After getting off the carriage, Jiang Yuchen immediately acted like he was innocent, as if he could not see the anger on Luo Lingyun's face.

"Where's Luo Lingyao?" Luo Lingyun clenched her teeth as she enunciated each word, and before Jiang Yuchen could react, she immediately rushed to open the door, and the moment she saw Luo Lingyao, her tears fell.

"Is there anything wrong? You don't have to be afraid that big sister will be here, it's all over now, everything's fine! " Luo Lingyun said with her eyes completely red. Her entire person no longer had the imposing aura of an Ice Mountain CEO, instead, she looked like a weak little girl, caring if her child was hurt or not.

"Big sister, I'm fine. A group of bastards took me away. It was big brother Jiang Yuchen who saved me." After all, Luo Lingyao was only a five and a half year old child. No matter how mature his feelings were, they were still very young and tender.

Although Luo Lingyun was Luo Lingyao's elder sister, she looked just like a mother. If they did not depend on each other for survival, Jiang Yuchen would not have such deep feelings for her. At this moment, Jiang Yuchen could understand why Luo Lingyun spent so much money to invite him to sit on a bodyguard to protect Luo Lingyao.

"Alright, alright, isn't this already fine? I think we should go back first and think about it later. It might be dangerous." Jiang Yuchen muttered. He originally had good intentions, but he did not expect Luo Lingyun to roll his eyes at him. His eyes were red with tears.

Luo Lingyun didn't say a word and directly carried Luo Lingyao into the Lingyun Villa. Jiang Yuchen shrugged his shoulders helplessly and followed after him, but his eyes continued to look around to see if his surroundings were dangerous. He knew that the current situation of the Luo Family was not too optimistic, and after today's events, there would definitely be even more intense retaliation!

After entering the Lingyun Villa, Jiang Yuchen casually locked the door, went around the villa, and picked up the phone. Before he could dial a series of numbers and charms, Luo Lingyun came over.

"Jiang Yuchen, you must give me an explanation for today's matter!" Luo Lingyun's aggressive attitude was as though she wanted to eat someone. Jiang Yuchen scratched his ears as if he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Explain what? I have already rescued and brought Luo Lingyao back unscathed, so you don't have to thank me specially, after all this is my duty. " Jiang Yuchen leisurely waved his hand, he had no intention to explain anything, but instead had a proud look, which made Luo Lingyun speechless.

At that moment, Luo Lingyun really wanted Jiang Yuchen to leave immediately, but when she thought about what Luo Lingyao had said just now, then thought about Jiang Yuchen's terrifying strength, and the words that came out of his mouth, he swallowed them back. However, Jiang Yuchen still acted as if nothing had happened, and continued to recklessly look at her.

"Who kidnapped Luo Lingyao? If there's a next time, you know what I'll do! " Luo Lingyun said as she gnashed her teeth. Her delicate fists were clenched so tightly that it was obvious that she was truly angry.

"Not bad, not bad, I'll give full marks for this leg!" Jiang Yuchen muttered to himself. His eyes sized up Luo Lingyun's long legs that were wrapped in silk stockings. He was dressed in a professional OL attire, making him appear exceptionally slim.

"You!" As the young miss of the Roche Group, he had some methods and plans to get past it and reach his current position. But every time it came to Luo Lingyao's matter, she would not be able to control her emotions, because Luo Lingyao was too important to her!

"Have you heard of Luo Tian and that name before? If he is someone near you, then you should be more careful. Now I am going to change all the security equipment in Lingyun Villa. " Jiang Yuchen said in a bland voice. A single sentence from him was enough to calm the raging Luo Lingyun down, and it was only because he heard Luo Tianhe's name.

"How do you know Luo Tian and this name? Are you sure you're not mistaken? " Jiang Yuchen asked with a frosty face. From her expression alone, Jiang Yuchen knew that she definitely knew him, and they should be relatively close, but he didn't know that Luo Tian and Luo Lingyao's uncle were also Luo Lingyun's biological uncle!

"There's no need to ask any further. I'll help you deal with it. I just need to make you more careful." Jiang Yuchen left after saying that, and the satellite phone in his hand directly called a mercenary base abroad. At this moment, he was already impatient, because Jiang Yuchen realised that the difficulty of this time's SS grade Protection Tasks had already exceeded his expectations.

After waiting for a while, a busy signal came through, Jiang Yuchen quickly pressed a few numbers and symbols on the phone, the call continued to ring, as though the call was not connected, but ten seconds later, a man's voice sounded.

"Who?" Is it the instructor? " His voice sounded tired, as if he was still sleeping.

"Zhan Lang, listen to me, I need a set of security equipment right now, the best equipment in the world, send it to me as soon as possible." Jiang Yuchen said indifferently, the person on the other side was obviously startled, immediately rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"What's going on? Instructor, didn't you go back to your hometown for the holidays?" What do you need the equipment for? " Zhan Lang was obviously in disbelief, and couldn't help but ask a little more.

"Cut the crap, do you believe that I will break your legs? The address is River City, if I am not able to get the equipment by tomorrow afternoon, you can go to the hospital and find a long-term room. " Jiang Yuchen said with a smile that did not reach his eyes. Zhan Lang was drenched in cold sweat as he heard this, and his whole body was no longer calm.

"I know, instructor, but mailing it from Africa requires time. You have to give me some time to prepare!" Zhan Lang's voice was almost on the verge of crying.

"I don't care if you bring it by plane or by missile. If I can't get it by six tomorrow afternoon, you can decide." With that, Jiang Yuchen hung up the phone, leaving a black line across Zhan Lang's face. However, because of a single phone call, a mercenary base went crazy overnight!

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