Princess' Personal Special Troop/C16 Dual character
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Princess' Personal Special Troop/C16 Dual character
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C16 Dual character

After easily taking care of a person, Jiang Yuchen quickly took two steps forward. He did not immediately make a move, but followed behind that person instead, because Jiang Yuchen knew, in order to numb a person's nerves, one had to start from the smallest details, so he would definitely not think that the person behind him would suddenly attack him.

After only three steps, Jiang Yuchen was already very close to the back of the person in front of him. He lightly tapped the shoulders of the person in front of him, and after sensing the power behind him, he instinctively stopped.

Just at that moment, Jiang Yuchen used the same method to snap the neck of the second person, but this time, the sound of bones breaking came out, and the first person immediately turned his head, seeing this scene with his own eyes, only to see Jiang Yuchen's ghost-like eyes and agile body rushing forward.

Before he could even say a word, he realized that he could no longer say a single word, not even the simplest of notes. This was because there was an additional, powerful hand at his throat, causing Jiang Yuchen's hand to firmly grip at his throat.

The person that was about to be grabbed by Jiang Yuchen did not even have time to react, suddenly his head bent and his eyes opened wide, he struggled with all his might, but he could not move at all. His body involuntarily started to twitch, Jiang Yuchen's eyes remained calm as he watched the person in front of him slowly disappear.

"Ga beng!" After the clear and melodious sound passed, one of Jiang Yuchen's hand had crushed his throat, the person in front of him stared at Jiang Yuchen in disbelief, he did not even have the ability to resist, and stopped breathing after a few seconds.

In fact, the people who had snuck into the Lingyun Villa were all very strong, but they never thought that the person they had met tonight was Jiang Yuchen. It was a super special force that could train cold-blooded assassins, mercenary kings, and international thieves.

"Hu hu, I hope you didn't disturb Luo Lingyao's beautiful dream. I also hope that Luo Lingyun won't get up to go to the toilet!" Jiang Yuchen muttered in his heart. When he thought of Luo Lingyao's cuteness and her coldness, he couldn't help but have a different feeling in his heart. He felt a little warm and satisfied.

Seeing that the three people on the ground had lost all their breath, Jiang Yuchen heaved a sigh of relief and immediately started to search the bodies of the people. Indeed, he found the wireless communication device on their bodies, looks like it was not only that person who had come to look for trouble tonight, there were even people commanding from outside, and it seemed like they would need to put in some effort.

After taking all the corpses out of the living room, Jiang Yuchen removed the wireless communication device from his body and waited quietly for news from inside. Because this communication device was only a receiver, it could only be received but could not be used as a communication device.

Time slowly passed, Jiang Yuchen lit up a cigarette and waited quietly, but there was no sound coming from the headphones, Jiang Yuchen knew, maybe the other party had also sensed something.

However, this was nothing to Jiang Yuchen, because he had already prepared to look for Luo Tian and this person. Furthermore, Luo Lingyun definitely knew this person, only those who catch the mastermind would be able to eliminate him, if not, a sneak attack like tonight would occur again. Jiang Yuchen also knew that he would not stay up all day and night.

When dawn was approaching, Jiang Yuchen took off his headphones and casually threw it to the side. He was sure that the person in command outside had realised something, and the person who was hiding would not appear again, and could only take care of the corpse before Luo Lingyun and Luo Lingyao woke up.

Jiang Yuchen searched in the villa for a long time, but still couldn't find a suitable place, so he ended up unable to simply put the three corpses in the trunk of the Bentley. After he left, he would find a place to throw them.

After cleaning everything up, Jiang Yuchen turned and returned to the kitchen. He knew that once morning arrived, he would be safe, after an entire night of rest, he would need to replenish some of his strength.

At seven in the morning, when the sky was bright, Luo Lingyun woke up early to make breakfast for Luo Lingyao. However, she discovered that the dining table was filled with delicate breakfast, and there were even some bread that was roasted on the spot.

At the same time, Jiang Yuchen also rubbed his eyes. Luo Lingyun was wearing a white lady's shirt and a black panties, her fleshy stockings were wrapped around a pair of long legs, and on her feet were a pair of house slippers.

If Jiang Yuchen had not been able to stay calm, he would have immediately charged over. At this moment, Jiang Yuchen had this thought in his mind, whether this Luo Lingyun was wearing such sexy clothes at home, he did not know if he was doing it on purpose to tempt him!

"Where's Luo Lingyao? Let her come down for dinner, then I'll send her to school." Jiang Yuchen was wearing an apron with a face full of smiles, as if nothing had happened.

"You did all these?" Luo Lingyun asked in disbelief. She couldn't believe that someone like Jiang Yuchen could cook breakfast, and from the looks of it, it looked quite tasty.

"Of course, hurry up and have Luo Lingyao come down to eat. There are a lot of things to do today." Jiang Yuchen said indifferently, he had already prepared to completely repair Lingyun Villa, not only did he have to change all of the curtains, there were also certain areas where they had to be changed. The glass was completely replaced with bulletproof glass, and also had to be replaced with monochrome glass that couldn't be seen through from the outside.

Luo Lingyun turned around and went upstairs to wake Luo Lingyao up. Jiang Yuchen's eyeballs were about to fly out of his eye sockets, it was only until Luo Lingyun disappeared from her sight that she looked away. Jiang Yuchen had seen a lady from Paris who was passionate like fire, he had also seen a beauty from Europe and America who was amorous, but he had never seen a typical beauty from the east like Luo Lingyun.

Wiping his saliva, Jiang Yuchen took off his apron. At this moment, he couldn't help but feel grateful towards Third Master, if it wasn't for Master Ao Xue forcing him to return to the to carry out his mission, then he really would have missed out on such a good thing.

His hair was in a mess and became even cuter. The time of five and a half years old was right when he was being naive and lively, especially when he looked like Luo Lingyun. Jiang Yuchen could not help but sigh at the power of his genes!

During the entire process of eating breakfast, Jiang Yuchen's gaze had always been on Luo Lingyun, and he had even picked up something like a chopstick and a spoon seven or eight times during the process. Luo Lingyun, on the other hand, had a face full of black lines, as if she knew what Jiang Yuchen was planning, but couldn't say it out loud.

After dinner, Luo Lingyun prepared to send Luo Lingyao to school. She changed out of her white lady's shirt and black buttocks and put on a light gray professional OL outfit. The stockings were changed to a dark gray and she turned in a pair of black standard high heels.

"Aha, I'm going to send Luo Lingyao to school, don't miss me too much!" Jiang Yuchen bid his farewells and left the room. Luo Lingyun's face was filled with black lines, veins were bulging on her forehead, and Jiang Yuchen had taken advantage of her for the entire morning. Now he was trying to flirt with her again, how could she take this lying down?

"Enough! I warn you, you'd better not be too presumptuous, and you'd better not look where you shouldn't! " Luo Lingyun said angrily. As soon as she saw that something was amiss, she immediately entered the vehicle, ignoring the fact that the front part of the car was already smashed, looking extremely dilapidated.

"Ah?" Where shouldn't I look? Is it the sky? " Jiang Yuchen asked in feigned bewilderment, looked left and right, and finally, his gaze landed on Luo Lingyun's long legs. This made Luo Lingyun completely speechless, if there was anyone else in the world with the last bit of face, then it would definitely be Jiang Yuchen!

"Don't drive the car, I'll take you to kindergarten. I'll get someone to drag the car and fix it!" Luo Lingyun clenched her teeth, but upon hearing that, Jiang Yuchen immediately waved his hand and rejected her. Right now, the trunk of the Bentley was still filled with the corpses of those few people, if they were dragged to the repair workshop, then things would become serious.

"No need, this car is pretty good. Even if you want to repair it, you have to wait until tomorrow. Alright, let's go." After saying that, without waiting for Luo Lingyun to react, she directly got into the car and drove off, leaving Luo Lingyun alone. However, there was nothing she could do.

At this moment, Luo Lingyun really wished for Jiang Yuchen to scram immediately. However, when she thought about how Luo Lingyao said that not even a dozen or so people could defeat Jiang Yuchen, her view of Jiang Yuchen changed a little, but she still felt that it was strange. Especially when Jiang Yuchen's gaze was fixed on him and she was sizing him up, she felt even more uncomfortable.

As the young miss of the Roche Group, no one had ever dared to be so impudent in front of her, nor did they dare to take advantage of her. Although being admired by others was a wonderful thing, in Jiang Yuchen's eyes, it was not just that simple.

"Jiang Yuchen, breakfast is pretty good this morning. Can I eat everyday from now on?" Luo Lingyao said as she patted her stomach, looking like she was not satisfied yet.

"Of course it's fine as long as you like it. But your sister is very fierce, and I don't know when she will let me leave." Jiang Yuchen laughed helplessly. The mission time was three months, and this was something that Ao Xue's master had arranged, so he definitely could not go against it.

But three months wasn't a long or a short period of time. If three months of protection were to pass, he would have to leave the Linhai City, and he would also have to leave Luo Lingyun and Luo Lingyao. But at that time, who would be able to protect them?

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