Princess' Personal Special Troop/C5 Mystery of a man
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Princess' Personal Special Troop/C5 Mystery of a man
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C5 Mystery of a man

It was just that it was very normal outside, as if the person inside had no intention to rush in. After confirming repeatedly that these people were the ones who kidnapped Luo Lingyun, Jiang Yuchen had doubts in his heart, as to who would still be able to harm a child as young as Luo Lingyao. He wondered if Luo Lingyun knew anything.

Everything related to the mission was Jiang Yuchen's reverse scale. It seemed that he would have to ask Luo Lingyun, that ice beauty, about it when he gets back tonight.

Jiang Yuchen muttered in his heart, he had already entered the kindergarten's teaching area. What he did not know was that the moment he turned around, a car lowered its window and a man looked at him coldly.

"Hey, boss, I found the boy who was making trouble for you yesterday. I heard that Luo Lingyun arranged for him to become the Xinghai kindergarten's vice garden manager, but that brat was very cautious. He had been sizing up the entire place just now, and seemed to be able to detect something.

The man on the other end of the phone pondered for a moment, then chuckled. "After what happened yesterday, it's normal for him to be nervous. It's not too late to investigate his background thoroughly first."

Killing people was a common occurrence. This person must be ruthless and definitely not a good person.

"Rest assured boss, no one in Linhai City can escape my investigation, tonight I will give you the information on this kid." As he spoke, the man's eyes revealed a strong sense of confidence!

"Remember not to reveal our identity, now that Luo Lingyun is more vigilant, if we want to fight we have to take it all out, we must not leave any traces behind."

"I know boss, I will definitely not affect your plans."

After hanging up the phone, the man rubbed his eyes and immediately dialed another number. His expression immediately became much more serious.

"Hey, Old Sixth, investigate someone's information for me. It's called Jiang Yuchen, remember to keep it a secret."

"OK, there's no one I can't find out!"

The mouse-eyed man had a mischievous smile on his face. He waved his hand to indicate to leave Xinghai kindergarten, and waited for Jiang Yuchen's information before making his move.

At the same time, there were already people investigating Jiang Yuchen's information.

Inside the Roche Group's office, Luo Lingyun was looking at a document in her hands, but she was unable to calm down, her mind had some strange thoughts, she urgently wanted to know all the information on Jiang Yuchen.

"Miss Luo, the information you wanted has already been sent to the mailbox. But do not doubt it after you have read it. I have tried my best. This is a mysterious man."

Luo Lingyun immediately turned on her computer after taking the call. She anxiously wanted to see the information that was sent to him and also wanted to see who exactly was the man who could be described as a mystery.

Opening up the mailbox, there was shockingly a person's information. Jiang Yuchen, male, unknown name, age over twenty, unknown origin, unknown origin. After returning to his country, he knocked down dozens of people at the airport, his actual identity and background is unknown!

This piece of information was related to Jiang Yuchen. Luo Lingyun could not help but take in a breath of cold air, to be able to reach the position of the CEO of Roche Group, he naturally wasn't a sloppy person.

It was just that she absolutely did not expect that after using such a huge relationship to investigate Jiang Yuchen's background, she would actually get a variety of unknown answers. No matter how secretive a bodyguard was, it was impossible for him to be so innocent.

Could it be that the bodyguard that spent a large sum of money to get back was a ticking time bomb?

Luo Lingyun's brows grew tighter and tighter. She believed that the other party must have been searching for Jiang Yuchen very seriously, but even with such a huge relationship with the other party, she couldn't find the slightest bit of information. Then, who exactly was the Jiang Yuchen that had invited him back?

Could it be that he was truly a mysterious man?

He impatiently picked up the phone, dialed a foreign number, and immediately asked Luo Lingyun: "I want to know, among the world's top bodyguards, if there's anyone that's a little over twenty called Jiang Yuchen."

"There really aren't any who are just over twenty years old and I have never heard of the name Jiang Yuchen either. Right now, the youngest top bodyguard is the Mercenary King Zhan Lang, but he is also thirty-five years old."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure!" "If you encounter any trouble, you can use a bug to listen in. Anyone must show their true colors in front of me!"

Luo Lingyun put down the phone, the doubt in her heart became even stronger, and an ice-cold look flashed past her long and narrow eyes. She stared fixedly at Jiang Yuchen's name on the computer screen and muttered to herself softly: "Jiang Yuchen, I don't care how many secrets you have, but I must find all the information you have!"

Inside the office of the garden master of Xinghai kindergarten, Jiang Yuchen had already been "invited" to this place.


Jiang Yuchen who was smoking with his legs crossed in the garden director's office sneezed for the third time. He rubbed his itchy nose and heard the garden director tease him with a smile that was not a smile: "Vice-head Jiang, is it because you're too focused on your work that your girlfriend misses you?"

The Xinghai kindergarten Garden Elder who had spoken was a white-faced fatty who was over fifty years old. She had a head full of shiny hair and a pair of small eyes that shot out rays of light in all directions.

"If I had a girlfriend, why would I come here to be the garden manager? "Stop bullshitting. Hurry up and check the time. How much longer until school ends?" Jiang Yuchen said indifferently. Sitting here, his butt was almost covered in a cocoon.

Upon hearing this, a hint of a smile flashed across Gui Jiu Chou's face, who was originally standing off to the side. Because Jiang Yuchen was actually claiming to be the garden master.

"Young people sure have drive, Xinghai kindergarten has also become a tiger general, in the future, she will be able to cultivate more capable people for her country!" The director said with a smile, looking disapproving.

Gui Jianxue, who was standing at the side, was so angry that his face turned black, but he didn't dare to flare up. He had never received a treatment like sitting in the director's office before, let alone smoking here.

Originally, he thought that he could watch a good show if he captured Jiang Yuchen, but he didn't expect it to turn out like this. Jiang Yuchen not only crossed his legs, he was also smoking, and the director was actually being so courteous to him.

"Ai ai ai ai, alright. Stop wasting words and hurry up to finish school." Jiang Yuchen stood up and said impatiently, he directly kicked the door and walked out of the garden head's office, ignoring the white faced fat garden head and Gui Jiu.

Looking at the empty office, Gui Jianxue asked with a puzzled expression, "Mr. Garden Head, just where is this kid from? How dare he be so arrogant in front of you?"

"I don't know anything else about Roche Group Luo Lingyun's people, but it would be better if we don't provoke him too much."

"Ah?" So, the problem with my parking space. "

"From now on, it's his parking space."

Looking at Jiang Yuchen, he was definitely not the type of person who did not know his place, but his gaze was so sharp that people could not see through him, and felt that Jiang Yuchen's body was filled with mystery and danger.

In the decades since the establishment of Linhai City, countless rich and powerful officials had their sons and daughters among them. However, today was the first time the school bell had rung half an hour in advance.

Jiang Yuchen held onto Luo Lingyao's small hand and walked towards the entrance of the kindergarten.

"Today's time feels so fast, we can go back early to eat!" Luo Lingyao said with an innocent face, but she smiled and did not say a word.

Walking out of the Xinghai kindergarten, the black Mercedes-Benz stopped far away from them.

Bentley Continental slowly left the kindergarten's entrance. Immediately, a security guard stepped forward and placed a sign that said "Special parking space."

Although it was Jiang Yuchen's first day in Xinghai kindergarten, no one dared to look down on him. This was because the head of the kindergarten had said that no matter who it was, if anyone offended Vice-head Jiang, they would immediately invite him to eat fired fish!

The phone rang, Jiang Yuchen touched the phone to take a look, and seeing that it was Luo Lingyun's name, Luo Lingyao used all her strength to raise her head, wanting to listen in, Jiang Yuchen smiled and pressed speaker.

"Come to my office now." Luo Lingyun's cold voice made people shiver uncontrollably.

"Eh, now?"

"Yes, now is the time!"

With that, Luo Lingyun hung up the phone, not giving Jiang Yuchen the chance to speak. Jiang Yuchen speechlessly rolled his eyes, touched his handsome face and muttered to himself: "Big bro is handsome, but I'm already itching to see big brother again."

Jiang Yuchen felt that his ego wasn't bad, and thought that since Luo Lingyun had something important to ask him in such a rush, she just happened to have something to ask her, so she couldn't be bothered to wait until night.

"Hurry up and go to the Roche Group, otherwise your sister will be angry." Luo Lingyao said with a smile, revealing her two little canines.

"Huhu, you're being clever, why is Luo Lingyun always so cold, what kind of work does she do?"

Elder sister is very kind, don't say bad things about her, she is the CEO of Roche Group. Luo Lingyao snapped her little finger, and said seriously.

"No wonder it's so cold, I didn't expect it to be the type of Ice Mountain CEO, I really like it!" Jiang Yuchen muttered to himself, but did not expect Luo Lingyao to hear everything clearly.

"Oh ~ So you want to chase after my sister, you big scoundrel." Luo Lingyao said as she happily clapped her hands. A pair of big, watery eyes was filled with such an expression, as though she had discovered a secret.

Jiang Yuchen didn't care at all, and didn't have the intention to hide anything from his. His principle was to say whatever he wanted to say, but he didn't know where he should go next.

Ten or so minutes later, under Luo Lingyao's guidance, Bentley Ou Lu stopped at the bottom floor of the Roche Group. Because Luo Lingyun had already greeted them, there was quickly someone who brought Jiang Yuchen to Luo Lingyun's office.

Luo Lingyun still maintained her cold expression, as if someone owed him money from birth. Without being polite at all, she entered the room and sat down on the leather sofa, found a comfortable position, and casually took out her cigarettes.


When the lighter rang, Jiang Yuchen's expression was relaxed, he crossed his legs and looked relaxed, but Luo Lingyun's expression became even colder, and asked: "Who allowed you to smoke here?"

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