Prodigal of Martial Tao/C1 Little Beggar
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Prodigal of Martial Tao/C1 Little Beggar
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C1 Little Beggar

The sky and the earth were silvery white, the cold wind was like blades.

The heavens were like a skilled craftsman who excitedly painted the earth snow-white, tiring the entire day. At this moment, under the moonlight, he was proudly admiring his masterpiece.

The snow had stopped and the wind had not yet stopped. The streets of Qingzhou City were not as noisy as they were in the past. Everyone was eating tea and warming their bodies, or else they would have long since retired to their beds and slept soundly.

In the snowy path, a little beggar walked forward with difficulty. His small and petite body was like a scrap of paper in the cold wind, but this piece of paper was extremely heavy for the little beggar.

He had not eaten for two days.

However, his hand was already purple from the cold. He was clearly holding a piece of hard sesame seed cake, so he didn't have the strength to take a bite out of it.

He still walked with great difficulty, his eyes looking left and right, no one knew what he was looking for.

Not far away from another street, there was another beggar, or rather what looked like a beggar.

That person was an old man in his early teens. He wore a green daoist robe and leisurely walked with his head lowered. Although he was also emaciated, his footsteps were firm. Every step he took was as if it was meticulously measured. The size of his steps was exactly the same, and even the depth of his footprints were exactly the same.

There was a lot of snow on the road, but the roads were either high or low, so it was not completely flat. The old man casually walked, yet he was able to walk in perfect unison! Strangely, the cold wind that blew the little beggar away seemed to have lessened in size and gentleness to the old man. This was because his azure Daoist robe was gently swaying in the wind.

This person's inner force cultivation had reached perfection!

The little beggar walked with great difficulty. At this moment, he raised his head and looked at the moon in the sky. He smiled in relief and thought, "The heavens and earth are hard for me, but Brother Moon understands that I can help you. If Brother Moon didn't look after me, I would be called Flower Blossom who walks in the dark." The more he thought about it, the happier he became. He cupped his hands towards the moon and said, "Brother Yue, thank you very much! "Haha!" He had no strength to begin with, and with the constant gusts of cold wind, his voice should not have been too loud.

However, the old man on the street raised his head and frowned.

Naturally, he could hear it clearly.

Just as he was about to continue walking with his head lowered, he suddenly saw a black shadow float by, landing in the middle of the street not far away from him. Then two, three, four...

Those black shadows did not move and did not make a single sound, as if they were wooden statues that had been suddenly thrown over by someone, firmly blocking the way. The old man sighed and lowered his head to walk forward.

Finally, about ten meters away from the black shadows, the old man stopped and raised his head with a grin. "Heroes, it's deep in the sky and the cold. Please let this old man pass."

"There are thousands upon thousands of paths. Why must you only come to us?" A rough voice said scornfully.

The old man said, "It's not that I'm only going to a few places, it's that I'm going to block my path. Although it is a thousand roads, this humble one will have to meet all of you no matter what path I take. "

One of the women in the black shadow said coldly, "Humph! Since he knew he couldn't avoid it, there was no need to! We are naturally willing to give way to you, as long as you leave behind one thing. "

The old man innocently patted his robe and begged, "This female hero, this poor Taoist is a wandering poor Taoist. Other than his dirty old robe, there is nothing else in his body. You guys aren't here for this poor Taoist's clothes, right? "

The woman from before said, "You're definitely not willing to take it out?"

The old man frowned and said: "Woman, please tell us what you are talking about. If I have it, I will give it to you." This weather is freezing cold. This Penniless Priest does not wish to meet with all the Masters here. "

The rough guy from before was obviously impatient, he roared: "Smelly old Taoist, don't refuse a toast only to be punished. We came for nothing else but a book on you! "

"A book?" The old man scratched his head and asked, "What book? Sect Leader Eagle Claw, Sect Leader Sun, Sect Leader Ye of the Heavenly Mountain Sect, Sect Leader Zhao of the Thousand Horse Gang. Either your sect is far away in the Western Prefecture, or your sect is located in the Western Regions.

The shadows finally moved and looked at each other. There was a trace of doubt and fear in their hearts. They were all thinking, how did this skinny old Daoist in front of them know which sect or sect they came from? Although they had followed him for a long time, they had never exchanged blows with him. They had also never revealed their weapons because they did not use them.

In the martial arts world, it was hard to tell who was the boss before, but this old Taoist in front of them said it so clearly, word for word.

The people in the shadows were all pondering. They hadn't appeared in front of him at all. Even now, he couldn't see their faces, and even their height and body were inaccurate.

The only movement technique they had ever used was the one they used when they landed. It was just that one instant movement technique.

The man in the black shadow was a little scared.

The few of them remained in a deadlock for a long time, not saying a single word. Just as the old man was about to move forward, a child's voice roared out, "What are you doing? Bullying the elderly in the middle of the night? You robbers can forget about escaping. Tomorrow, I will go to the county magistrate and beat up all of you. In three days, I will definitely catch you and have you sit in the iron prison! "

Suddenly, a few people in the shadows saw a skinny beggar coming out from a corner. As he spoke, he gestured toward the old Daoist with all his might, intending to lure him over. The beggar saw the old man staring blankly at him and stomped his feet in anger. He ran to the old man's side and used his left hand, which was not holding the sesame seed cake, to tug at the old man's clothes. He shouted, "Come with me!"

However, before the little beggar's left hand could even touch the old Daoist's clothes, he suddenly grimaced in pain. A wave of dizziness hit him, and he almost fell to the ground in the snow. The old man was even more surprised. It turned out that the little beggar's left arm was bleeding profusely, staining the pants on his left leg with a large amount of blood.

"Who is this little beggar and how is he injured?" Could it be that he stole someone else's sesame seed cake and got hurt by them? " The old man let his thoughts run wild.

The little beggar regained his composure, placing the sesame seed cake in his right hand at his waist. He made a move to pull the old Daoist, but his mouth was still shouting, "Come with me, why are you standing there like a fool!" The old man stared at the biscuit and asked cautiously, "Who are you? "Where are we going with you?"

The little beggar impatiently said: "I'm from the 'All Things' branch of the Green Continent, so I'm hiding with you!" Don't tell me you want those bandits to kill you? "

The old man said: "Bandits? You mean them? " The little beggar boy nodded anxiously, and the old man said, "Since you know they're robbers, why don't you run?"

The little beggar confidently said: "I can naturally run away, but if I run away, you will die!" "Let's go, let's go!" As he spoke, he reached out to grab the old man's arm. But as soon as his hand touched the old man, he suddenly felt a sharp pain, as if his hand had touched a burning coal.

The little beggar quickly withdrew his hand and said in surprise, "Old man, you're sick! Your body is extremely hot, you are about to die! "

The old man could not help but smile bitterly. He was about to get angry when he suddenly heard the girl in the black shadow say angrily: "You ignorant little flower, mind your own business!" Get lost! "

The little beggar trembled in fear, and looked at the old man anxiously. Halfway through his right hand, he suddenly stopped, and shouted, "Aren't you a silly old man? Come with me! "I know a doctor, I can climb in there and borrow some medicine to treat your illness!"

Since he said he was going to climb in, then he naturally wouldn't be borrowing medicine.

The old man smiled in relief and glanced at the sesame seed cake on the young beggar's waist. He swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva and subconsciously reached out his hand to protect the young beggar. The old man caressed the little beggar's back and asked, "You think you can run away?"

Suddenly, the little beggar felt a trace of warmth in his body. Without much time to think, he nodded his head proudly.

The old man then whispered, "Then you better hide as best as you can. Don't let anyone find you, I'll come find you! You have to hold this for me. If I find you and it's gone, then you're going to die. Remember! A man must not go back on his word! "

The little beggar frowned. "What do you want me to take …" Before he could finish his sentence, he felt the old man stuff something into his clothes, then his body suddenly flew backwards as the wind whistled incessantly beside his ears.

The little beggar stared at the old man in fear, he could not make a sound from his mouth anymore, he could only curse in his heart, "Crazy old man! If you throw me out like this, I'll definitely die! " He cursed as he flew.

But what was strange was that after flying out for almost ten feet, he landed steadily on the ground. In fact, his landing was even lighter than walking!

What was even more strange was that the old man's voice once again rang in his ears, "Remember! "A man must not break his word!"

The little beggar had no more time to think. In fact, his mind was completely blank. He could only touch the warm thing in his clothes and quickly disappear into the night.

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