Prodigal of Martial Tao/C9 Black Fan
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Prodigal of Martial Tao/C9 Black Fan
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C9 Black Fan

When Sir Jiang stepped out of the restaurant, he saw that the world was snow-white and all the dirt in the world was covered in the snow. His brows relaxed as he heaved a sigh of relief. He waved the black fan in his hand and sighed, "The power of the heavens is so generous! Whether it be the dead wood rivers, or the bright flowers in the high mountains, all belong to the same white day and night. If human beings could possess such divine powers, then how could the world be so unfair? "

The Daoist man saw that this youth was neither arrogant nor impetuous. Even though he possessed exceptional martial arts skills, he did not try to show off and was rather narrow-minded. However, these words were a bit extreme. The Daoist did not want him to go astray, so he intentionally tried to change him, saying, "The blizzard is only temporary, and the longest is only half a year. The heavens and the earth were vast, and there was a mixture of white and black. All living things can exist in this world. This is called being generous. "

Young Master Jiang ruminated over it for a while before relaxing. He cupped his hands towards Daoist Shi and said, "Senior is right. Junior understands!"

The Daoist then clasped his hands together and recited a Daoist chant. He then continued, "Young master, you are already so perceptive at such a young age. In the future, you will definitely be able to accomplish something. However, how should I address you, Young Master? "

Young Master Jiang said, "My surname is Jiang and I have the name 'City'. "May I ask how is Senior's Dao title?"

Daoist Xu Zhen said, "This one is called Liu'er." Then he pointed to Liu'er, who was running away from Xiao Lan. It was all thanks to young master's help just now that we were able to avoid a disaster. "

Jiang Cheng said, "It was all thanks to little Taoist's help that we were able to avoid a war of words."

For him, it was easier to move his hand than to move his mouth. It wasn't that he was willing to act, but at times of need, he was even less willing to move his mouth.

This was because fighting against others increased one's martial arts, but bickering with others increased one's worries.

The Daoist laughed and asked, "The sky and the earth are frozen now. This humble Taoist sees that the Young Master is still holding onto a fan. I believe that this fan is not used to cool the wind."

Jiang Cheng said, "The wind is already strong enough, and the weather is cold enough."

Daoist Xu Zhen said, "Is that your young master's weapon?" Jiang Cheng once again waved his fan and nodded his head. Daoist Xu Zhen continued, "Can I have a look?"

Jiang Cheng handed the fan over and the Daoist man accepted it with both hands, carefully inspecting it. The fan was made of what looked like a piece of black wood with a cold glow on its surface. It was surprisingly smooth and extraordinary. Taking advantage of the heavy snow, he could not help but feel a little cold. If you look closely inside, you will see naturally formed patterns, with rings intertwining and varying in size.

After Daoist Voidgrace finished reading, he murmured to himself pensively, "Can it be that there really is one?" Then he read it again carefully, shaking his head and nodding his head.

River City saw that Qin Lie was so interested in his fan and replied, "Senior seems to be very fond of fans."

Daoist Xu Zhen furrowed his brows, then handed the fan back. "A fan is different from a fan."

Jiang Cheng took the fan and looked at it in his hand, but he couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. He said, "But I don't see anything out of the ordinary."

Daoist Zhen asked again, "Since it's a weapon, I can't see any difference. Can there be any difference?"

Weapons naturally had to be used.

However, with River City's martial arts level, there was no one who could make him use this weapon.

River City shook his head and said, "Junior has never used it before. However, this junior does not have any other weapons, so even if I had used them before, I would not have felt that it was any different. "

The Daoist smiled and said, "The young master has already used a divine art to protect himself at such a young age. This is truly a cause for celebration."

If it were any other young man, they would have jumped in joy. However, Jiang Cheng did not jump in joy. In fact, he did not even jump in joy.

Jiang Cheng said, "Senior, do you see any difference?"

The Daoist stroked his white beard and said, "I presume that young master has just entered the martial arts world and is unaware of this. According to legend, in the far south, there was a cold mountain. The mountain was covered with a thousand years of snow, and not a single blade of grass grew on it. However, on the peak of the mountain grew a divine tree, which was incredibly large. Its branches and leaves flourished, and the sun rose over the entire mountain. From afar, the Divine Wood seemed like a large umbrella cover that tightly covered the cold mountain. Therefore, the mountain was changed to the umbrella cover mountain. The divine tree on the mountaintop wouldn't burn even if it was on fire. After being burnt, it would only turn black and become tougher than steel. If you can turn the burned Divine Wood into a weapon, then forget about Number One Under Heaven, you can even walk the martial arts forest alone. "

River City frowned and said, "If what senior said is true, then the trees at the top of the mountain should have been cut down long ago. There aren't many left." If everyone took a piece of wood and used it as a weapon, wouldn't they be able to walk the martial arts forest alone? In any case, everyone had one, and no one could beat the other. In that case, the world would be much calmer. How could a mere piece of wood surpass a martial arts crowd of heroes? It's a little too exaggerated. "

The Daoist Priest felt that this youth's thoughts were somewhat extreme. He secretly shook his head and said, "The world is vast. There are countless strange things. We have never seen them with our own eyes. Whether we believe them or not is not something to be recklessly determined." Then he stroked his beard and peeked at them from the corner of his eyes, hoping they understood. Then, he continued, "This is just a rumour that hasn't been confirmed. Although the people in the martial arts world wanted that piece of wood, they didn't even know where to find that umbrella canopy mountain or where to find that divine tree. Furthermore, although the wood was good, it was extremely difficult to obtain. Under the leaves of this divine wood, where there was shade, there was poison. Within the hills, there are many poisonous snakes and scorpions. If someone were to find that mountain, they would only be able to forget about it, let alone break it. "

Jiang Cheng looked at the black fan in his hand, and saw that the patterns were indeed lines on a tree, he then heard Daoist Zhen Zhen saying, "If you talk about making a person walk alone in the martial arts forest, it's only because that tree grows in the Poison Cave, it can't help but take in poisonous gas all year round, and its branches and leaves contain its own poison. However, those who were injured by the wood poison would at least lose their skin, lose their internal energy, or even lose their seven orifices. They would die on the spot. Although ordinary swords and sabers could be coated with poison, they were not poisonous. You can't always do that in a fight, can you? Ordinary plants and vegetation can also be poisonous, but they will not be as hard as iron. "

Jiang Cheng frowned and asked, "Then, senior, which divine tree do you think I am?"

Daoist Zhen said, "This Penniless Priest can't see it either, but it shouldn't be. I wonder where this fan came from? "

Jiang Cheng said, "This is a gift from my aunt when I was coming down the mountain. It definitely isn't some wooden log on top of that umbrella!" He sounded happy.

The Daoist man frowned and asked, "Martial artists, do you not wish to walk the world alone?" When the Young Master heard this, he concluded that this fan was not made from divine wood and was instead happy.

River City replied, "If my aunt really gave me such a precious gift, how could I dare to accept it? Also, based on what senior said just now, junior felt that this wood is extremely poisonous and evil. It isn't some divine wood. Such an evil being, even if it is of myriad uses, I would not want it. "

In the martial world, there was no one who didn't want their own martial arts to rule the world. Some people didn't even care what methods they used. Whether it was secretly learning, scheming, encountering by chance, or eating strange flowers or herbs, as long as it was beneficial for his own skill, he would use all of his mental energy to obtain them.

The young man in front of him had the heart of a chivalrous hero. It was just that he was too stubborn. If he gave a little guidance, he would definitely become a true hero.

Daoist Xu Zhen said, "Young Master is open-minded and benevolent, it's really rare! However, in the world, there was definitely a right and a wrong. It was like the night and day of the world alternating endlessly. It is not natural for us to insist on staying in the day because we are tired of the night. " River City seemed to be deep in thought as he listened to Daoist Honest Qi's words. He could not help but nod his head.

Although the few of them were on foot, they had already spent some time on the road, but were still unable to find any traces of the Immortal Crocodile Manor. Daoist Zhen asked again, "How far is it from your esteemed mansion?"

Jiang Cheng said, "I was careless. I forgot to tell you guys. "I would like to first explore the courtyard of the Qiao family before heading to the village."

Daoist Voidgrace was truly vexed. He didn't want to get involved, but he just couldn't escape.

The Daoist man was still unwilling to go, but there was nothing he could do. He was an outsider, so it was inconvenient for him to persuade her either. That young girl, Xiao Lan, seemed very close to River City. If she didn't tell him, he might be able to change his mind. Thinking for a moment, he said seriously, "As the saying goes, a person has three souls and seven souls. Those who had died in vain would have their souls gathered and not dispersed due to resentment. The twelve people of the Qiao family had all died in vain, and their deaths looked weird. There must be ghosts and vengeful spirits in the courtyard. If we go here, we must be afraid of a disaster. "

He purposely raised his voice so that Xiao Lan could hear.

As expected, Xiao Lan heard it and felt a chill on her back. She hurriedly ran to the side of River City and looked at it with her round eyes. After a moment, he suddenly became happy and said to the Daoist Master of Truth, "Aren't you Daoists the ones who capture ghosts? "I'm not afraid anymore as long as you guys are here!"

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