Professor's Secret/C10 Hao ren's pleading
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Professor's Secret/C10 Hao ren's pleading
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C10 Hao ren's pleading

Don't even mention it, these two darling pimples were his heart's happiness. Touching them would make him feel relaxed and happy. Not only that, Tani's round ass was slippery, so it was fine if she didn't touch it. She couldn't stop being excited when she touched it. The sense of accomplishment of possessing and conquering something was simply impossible to describe with words!

After touching Tani's fart twice, Tani's pretty face bloomed into peach blossoms, and she stuck out her tongue for Professor Ouyang to suck on. Sniff, sniff, sniff. After a while, Tani's plump body became completely naked. She was clearly exhausted, but she still tried to persuade him, "Daddy, you've been doing this so many times a day. I'm afraid …" I'm afraid you're exhausted. Beautiful women, you know, are an oil pump that will squeeze you dry? Tomorrow, I'll give it to you tomorrow, okay? "

"Girl, there's nothing I can do. I love you too much. I want you now!" Professor Ouyang was like a hungry dog seeing fragrant meat and bones, making Tani lift up her perfectly round fart high up. With a sudden gift, she filled up the alimentary canal in Tani's garden. Tani's body was like a giant grapefruit in the wind, constantly rolling back and forth …

Half an hour later, Ouyang Jian began to tremble as he gave all of his essence to Tani. Tani collapsed on the sofa, gasping for breath, her delicate body trembling with excitement from the two successive dynasties. The two of them hugged each other and said, "Dad, I love you, I'm so happy. I am the happiest woman in the world! "

"Tenney, Daddy is the same. Daddy can't let you get rich, but he can guarantee you won't have to worry about food and clothing!"

The two went to the bathroom to take a shower, but before they could come out, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Ouyang Jian was the first to finish his business. He walked out in his underpants to look at the cat's eye and discovered that it was his son-in-law, Hao Ren. Instantly, Ouyang Jian's heart thumped as he strode back to the bathroom and whispered to Tenney, "It's Hao Ren!"

Tani knew it was his husband, Hao Ren. He must have something important to do at this time of night. In her panic, she told her stepfather to hurry back to his room to sleep. When he saw that his stepfather had turned off the light, he wrapped a towel around himself and calmly came out to knock on the door. Hao Ren glanced at his father-in-law's bedroom and knew that he had fallen asleep. Without saying anything, he pulled his wife and rushed straight to his wife's bedroom.

Closing the door, he quietly urged, "Tenney, do you know how popular the deputy director's position is? I saw with my own eyes five or six of them prop themselves up to the handsome horse! Gao Junma doesn't even like him, he wants you to go by name! Wife, I'm begging you. If I can't get to the top this time, then my position as the director will be suspended, and I will be squeezed out very soon. This is no joke, I beg you! "

Seeing her husband bawling for her, the moment she ran into a big problem, she was completely at a loss. She did not have the ability to react at all. Tani didn't know what to say to such a weak man. She said in disappointment: "Hao Ren, I know you want to promote your wife even in your dreams, but, you can't sacrifice your own wife right? From one look, I can tell that tall, handsome horse is a lecherous dog. His words might not count, but I'm not going! "

The man Tani loved most was her stepfather, Ouyang Jian. Her stepfather had just been living in her honeypot, and she could not and would not be stupid enough to do anything to harm her stepfather. Besides, she didn't want to take an extra look at any other men!

"Wife, Gao Junma is the best. His skin is lustful, but he keeps his word! Just go for a drink or a dance, he won't eat people! " Hao Ren did his best to speak, only to find out that his wife refused him. He wanted to vent his anger on his wife.

She pushed Tani down on the bed, her claws scrabbling at the top of her towering mountain, spraying out a spray of white liquid. He excitedly kissed her, and immediately, he turned her over, trying to force her into a humiliating position. Tani's hayroad had just been developed by her stepfather, and if she were to raise her fart, her husband would definitely be able to find it out at a glance.

Therefore, she refused to give in.

The two began to fight at the head of the bed. Amidst the chaos, Hao Ren reached out his hand and touched the floor below him. He was like a cat that had spanked its tail as he jumped up and said in a low voice, "What's going on? Why did you open up the alleyway?"

Tani knew that Hao Ren would find out sooner or later that the chrysanthemum had been picked. Only, she didn't expect it to arrive so quickly. Fortunately, she had prepared an explanation from the start. She sat up and said with tears in her eyes, "Husband, I'm sorry. Last night, I went out to dump some trash. I met a masked man and raped me!"

"What?!" Hearing this, Hao Ren couldn't believe his ears. In an instant, his face turned pale and he fell to the ground in despair. His expression was pained, and he clenched his fists in anger. His eyes also became terrible: "Tani, you were forced by someone. Does Dad know?"

"Dad knows he won't die of anger, so we definitely can't let him know, wuu!" Tani knew it was shameful to lie, but there was nothing she could do about it.

"Oh, who is that bastard?"

"He's wearing a mask, and he looks skinny and weak, but he's very powerful. I can't beat him at all, he's useless!" Weeping, Tani dried her eyes and said, "Hubby, I've always wanted to call the police. However, he was afraid that it would affect his future, and he was also afraid that he would feel sad. "So I …"

"F * ck, call the police! We must punish that Thousand Killing Scoundrel!" After beating his chest and stomping his feet for a while, Hao Ren angrily took out his phone. However, the moment he dialed 110, Hao Ren quickly calmed down. Feeling vexed, he threw down his phone and said, "No way, at such a critical moment, can I raise my position in the next few days? This must not be spread out! "

"Hao Ren, aren't you going to call the police and let that bad guy off just like that? "You …"

"Wife, listen to me. Anyway, it happened, you forget it. Right now, the most important thing for you is for you to help me. As long as you take down the handsome horse, the position of deputy chief will belong to me! Don't worry, as long as you help me, I won't pursue the matter of you being raped. "How much I loved you before, and how much I will love you in the future!" Hao Ren swore.

Seeing her husband say this, Tani understood that things had come to this point and she had no choice but to agree. If she didn't bring Hao Ren up to the position of vice-chancellor, then Hao Ren would pursue the matter. Once he found out about his stepfather, that would only bring shame and disgrace to his future father!

After a moment's silence, Tani finally nodded and said, 'Hao Ren, I'm only going to drink and dance with him. I can't do anything else!

"My dear, you are so kind. I did not marry you wrong!" When Hao Ren saw that his wife had finally opened her mouth, he could not help but feel ecstatic.

The next morning, Ouyang Jian was dressed up and told Tani that he had something to do. After leaving his home, he drove to the Princess Mountain in the south of the city. Princess Mountain is famous for bathing in hot springs, and the hot springs here are all natural. Below the hot spring sea, there were rows of hotels on the mountainside. The merchant brought hot springs from the mountain into a private room. Every day, he would attract rich people from all over the place to soak in the hot springs.

When Professor Ouyang arrived, Ma Wanqing had already opened a luxurious private room. As expected of her idol's treatment, the room Ma Wanqing booked for him cost 3,000 yuan a day, which was equivalent to a month's salary for an ordinary worker!

However, only after entering the luxurious room did he realize that the three thousand yuan was worth it. The words were 'Big', 'Big living room', 'Luxurious' decorations, 'The walls and ceiling', all of which were decorated with beautiful women's paintings with a large Western background. The great ocean horses were more plump than the others, naked and devoid of any trace of hair.

The most beautiful one was Ma Wanqing herself. Her eyes were like peach blossoms and her face was like a lotus flower. Compared to Tani's gentleness, Ma Wanqing had a more aggressive personality. She spoke quickly and did things swiftly. It was no exaggeration to say that she was a domineering CEO.

When she was still in university, Ma Wanqing was the school belle of Guanhai University. Because she could sing and dance, had a beautiful appearance, and made money everywhere. She even won the championship of the School Beauty Grand Prix. Even before graduation, Ma Wanqing's fame had already exploded. She had been recognized by the provincial station's leaders and joined the provincial capital as soon as she came out of the school. She became the provincial station's beautiful female anchorwoman.

What shocked everyone the most was that Ma Wanqing had climbed all the way to the top of the provincial television station in just ten short years!

Ma Wanqing had a short marriage during that time, but she could never forget her beloved Professor Ouyang. Her wife couldn't stand it, so she got divorced.

Before Ouyang Jian had arrived, he knew that he'd have to be generous with a bit of sugar for this hot spring mountain deal.

After all, if he wanted to be on camera and earn some extra money, he couldn't afford to offend her.

Initially, Ouyang Jian had thought that he was generous enough to have his stepdaughter, Tenney, and to secretly communicate with other women. He had overestimated himself. Even a great beauty like Ma Wanqing, the professor was still unmoved by this. He was in love with Tani, and all he had in his mind was Tani, and he couldn't pretend to be someone else!

"Teacher Ouyang, I'm not married to you, so why don't you look at me?" You know, I have a crush on you for ten years, and I miss you every day. When I have free time, I'll sneak over to see you. Haven't I done enough? " Originally, he should not have expressed his thoughts like this from the mouth of a station head. In fact, Ma has always acted like a domineering CEO. She was equally domineering in front of Ouyang Jian.

This time, Ma Wanqing couldn't hold on any longer and lost her composure in front of Ouyang Jian.

"Wanqing, don't be like this, I'm your teacher." A love between a teacher and a student was against the rules! Another one, I am fifty years old, an old man. I am so much older than you! " The battle between Ouyang Jiantian and the rest could be said to be extremely contradictory. On one hand, he needed to rely on Ma Wanqing to make money. Without Ma Wanqing's approval, where would he be able to earn extra money?

If he couldn't earn more money, he could only earn the full sum of ten thousand yuan from his previous salary of ten thousand yuan?

"What's wrong with you, old man? You're only fifty, how did you become an old man? Even if they are eighty-two, they can still marry twenty-eight. Why can't you marry thirty-five? " Ma Wanqing was so excited that she immediately revealed her true colors, revealing her domineering CEO's tail.

Ouyang Jian shook his head like a rattle drum, "Wanqing, even if we can be together, your dad won't be able to pass this stage. I'm only five years younger than your father, and he hasn't retired yet! And your little mother, she's only forty. The old couple will not agree! "

"Yes, my father did object to my marrying you a few years ago. But he has nothing to say when I divorce him for you! As for my little mom, I don't need her permission to marry anyone! " Ma Wanqing looked at him coquettishly and said.

"This... Wanqing, my life is tough, I'm a nemesis. I really can't blame you! " Ouyang Jian said hesitantly.

"What do you mean by disaster? I was willing to do that to you." Without you, it would be a disaster! "Hey, stop pretending. I've never seen a cat that doesn't fight wild food!" While talking, Ma Wanqing stretched out her slender hand and put her claws under Professor Ouyang's belt. She touched it and screamed, "Oh my god, it's so big!" "Teacher Ouyang, so you like me too. If not, how could you stand against me!"

Seeing Ma Wanqing so excited, Ouyang Jian was embarrassed. "Ah?" "The dog meat we ate last night, that thing is so masculine …"

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