Professor's Secret/C9 Station head ma wanqing
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Professor's Secret/C9 Station head ma wanqing
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C9 Station head ma wanqing

This time, it was 6: 30 in the evening. Tani's fertile land had been ploughed by Ouyang Jian over and over. The room was filled with a thick sense of happiness. Ouyang Jian had held in the need for five years and had poured it all out like an indefatigable cattle farmer, leaving Tenney in such agony.

That night, Tani went to bed early. After she found out that something good had happened with her stepfather, not only did she eat happily, she became even more spirited! Who would have thought that she was a married woman, and was even able to develop a passionate love affair with her stepfather twice. Not only that, but her restless soul seemed to have found a home, and she slept soundly.

As for Ouyang Jian, his spirit and appearance were the same as Tani's. He had grown close to her. It was as if he had become a completely different person. His mentality became even younger and filled with vitality. The most amazing thing was that after he ate the tender grass, his body became full of energy, as if he had been injected with chicken blood. There was an inexhaustible amount of energy all over his body.

Professor Ouyang was ten years younger than he used to be!

Years of widows have a beloved woman, his first thought is to earn money! He wanted to make money while he was not yet retired, to give Tennie and her children a better material life. Right now, the stepdaughter was with the office manager, Hao Ren, and the two of them were squeezed into a one-hundred-square-foot shop. Although the living conditions were not bad, but in a second-tier city like the County Sea, it was still considered a well-off family.

However, Hao Ren was honest and didn't earn that much money. He earned seven thousand yuan in dead wages every month, and half of it had to be taken away by the bank every month. Even Tani's income was a lot higher than his, and the couple didn't feel that pressured to go to work at the same time. When their stepdaughter got married, Professor Ouyang gave them a 300,000-yuan car, and they also had to raise a car. She had been a full wife ever since she became a girl, and the burden of her family fell on the shoulders of Hao Ren alone.

If it wasn't for Ouyang Jian's monthly support of a few thousand yuan, Hao Ren wouldn't have been able to withstand it!

Luckily, Ouyang Jian had good prospects with his ex-wife's son, Ouyang Tuan. He was an executive at a well-known US technology company and had obtained a green card from the United States. Not only that, but he also bought a luxury car in the United States and married a beautiful white woman.

What made him most gratified was that his son was able to stand up for him and not let him worry about anything.

This allowed Professor Ouyang to focus on his studies. If it weren't for Tani's intrusion into his life, perhaps he would have followed the rules and lived the rest of his life without any wind or rain.

But now, it was different. Tani had taken the place of his mother and had selflessly given him everything. Not to mention loving him, she had even selflessly offered him her own fertile land to enjoy. This way, he would have to take on the responsibility of protecting her and taking care of her!

For the first time ever, the usually proud and arrogant Professor Ouyang took the initiative to make a call to the provincial television station's Station Head Ma.

Speaking of Station Head Ma, he was the Master student he brought with him. His name was Ma Wanqing, and she was in her mid-thirties. This woman had worshipped him for many years. She had taken a fancy to his reputation in the country and fought with him over wealth and wealth. She had always wanted to invite him to a dating show hosted by the main television station. Furthermore, because the viewership ratings for the program were out of the question, the attendance fee was very high. Every week, there would be a recording, and the appearance fee for each episode was 200,000 yuan!

This price might not mean much to an A-list celebrity, but for an intellectual like Professor Ouyang who valued money like dirt, it was a huge sum of money!

Ouyang Jian knew very well that once he dialed Ma Wanqing's number, he would disgrace himself by becoming the kind of person who used to criticize others. Previously, he had always advocated that a well-known professor should be able to endure loneliness, maintain poverty, and become a pure intellectual. For this, he specifically sat on Weibo, which was filled with millions of fans, and scolded Professor X by name for appearing on any television for the sake of money!

But now, Professor Ouyang had to slap his own face in order to allow Tani to live a better life!

And Ma Wanqing. She suddenly received a call from her idol teacher. She was so excited that she decided to meet him at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning at the Princess Mountain Scenic Spot in the south of the city.

A new life was about to unfold, and Ouyang Jian could no longer sleep.

At around 10 pm, the phone in the living room suddenly rang. The other person had called him several times, but he hadn't seen Teni pick up. Ouyang Jian slid down from the bed and switched on the light in the living room. Sure enough, the stepdaughter had left her cell phone on the sofa.

He picked up his phone. It was his son-in-law, Hao Ren. Before Ouyang Jian could speak after the call was connected, Hao Ren anxiously said, "Wife, you have to quickly make a decision! Director Gao wanted you to accompany him on the roll call. It's him who has his eyes on us. You can't drag it on any longer. After this village, there won't be that shop anymore! Do you know how many people want to be deputy commissioners? "

"…?" When he heard these words, Ouyang Jian felt as if he'd been struck by lightning. He finally understood why Tani had always gone to her mother's house and stayed there for ten days to half a month. So she was here to hide from Hao Ren!

This bastard Hao Ren was willing to sacrifice his wife for the sake of a deputy chief!

Ouyang Jian was greatly infuriated. He was so infuriated that he wanted to throw his phone!

However, he quickly calmed down. When talking about Hao Ren's son-in-law, his personality was indeed a bit weak. However, his son-in-law's treatment of his father-in-law didn't have to be considered very good. At the very least, it was acceptable on the surface. Most of all, Hao Ren's love for Tani was almost doting. What's more, if he were to lose all decorum now, what would happen to his grandson who was not even a year old?

Not only that, but it was Tani and Hao Ren who were living together, and they were the only ones who were married. It was up to Tani to decide what to do. As her father-in-law, she could not interfere too much.

On the other end of the line, Hao Ren didn't notice anything unusual and thought it was his wife, Tenney, on the phone. Zhang Xuan continued to urge the other party on, all but saying the word 'flower'.

Professor Ouyang could not bear to listen any longer, so he hung up the phone. He turned around to find his stepdaughter leaning on the bedroom door, looking at him for help.

"Tani …"

"Dad, Hao Ren probably can't do anything, so don't blame him!" Dressed in a blown-up nightdress, Tani took a seat next to her stepfather.

"What, you agree to accompany that high commissioner? I forbid you to go! " Ouyang Jian said with an ashen face.

"Daddy, I'm not such a shameless woman. Do you think I'll go? The man I love the most is you, don't worry! " With that, Tani, full of love, kissed her stepfather on his thin lips.

Ouyang Jian embraced Tani and passionately kissed her adorable little mouth. Feeling pained, he said, "Ni`er, it won't be long before I give you a surprise!"

What he meant by surprise was that he wanted to give his stepdaughter a full house, write her name, and give her a life guarantee.

"Dad, what surprise?" Tani was excited when she heard this.

"I'll keep it a secret for now!"

Tani refused, shaking her plump body and saying, "Bad father, you're deliberately trying to keep me in suspense. Ignore you!"

Ouyang Jian pulled his stepdaughter into his embrace. Warm and soft jade, he caressed Tani's fragrant and soft flesh and once again, Professor Ouyang's matter was brought to a head.

Tani was frightened when she saw that he wanted it again. "Dad, take it easy! Only tired cattle, no plowed fields! I'll give it to you in a few days, okay? "

Ouyang Jian's favorite was Tani's towering snowy peak. It was round and bulging, inflating to the touch and bulging into a large bulge.

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