Providence Cycle/C15 Grudge
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Providence Cycle/C15 Grudge
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C15 Grudge

A big battle was quietly taking place in the Jun residence. There were no earth-shattering sounds, nor was there a tense atmosphere. Everything was going on in a very calm and peaceful manner.

The Jun Family's branch had been taken back overnight. The Patriarch had been personally killed by Jun Wushang. Some of the elders had resisted in anger, some had run away from home, while the rest had returned to their branch. When Jun Wu Chen saw that his father had managed to create a branch of the Jun Family, he couldn't help but feel depressed. However, when he thought about it again, he realized that Jun Wu Shang had actually killed a branch of the Jun Family.

The next day, Jun Wushang sent a message to Jun Wu Chen to meet him in his study room, he had something important to say. Jun Wu Chen tidied himself up and followed the servant to the study.

Jun Wushang was standing before his desk, practicing his calligraphy. Behind him, there were all kinds of books on a bookshelf: ancient texts, martial arts, martial arts, secret arts, medicine, etc. The simple and crude room was filled with the scent of books, causing one to feel solemn and have no distracting thoughts.

Jun Wu Chen entered the room. He didn't say anything as he looked around the room. He looked up at Jun Wu Chen, sighed and said: "Every time you see me, you feel angry. I think your father wants you to compete with me in order to win or kill me. Your father is extremely talented, and has a very proud personality. Aside from me, he is even more invincible in the sect, and other than that time, he had never lost. I believe he would not tell you about that day.

He paused for a moment, thought for a while, and slowly said: "That year, in order to choose the next successor, the Patriarch and the Elders decided to publicly test everyone's cultivation level. Disciples with high cultivation levels will be assessed by the Patriarch and the Elders for their morals and morals, and the final candidate will be determined. At that time, your father was the most popular and everyone thought that the position of the clan leader was his. At that time, I also thought that your father would be the final candidate, and my cultivation level was indeed lower than his. On the day of the competition, he and I fought in the final battle. All of the elders, clan leaders, and disciples came to watch us fight. It could be seen that your father was very excited. As expected, bells always rang, and your father came over with a fierce attack. He seemed to have used up all his spiritual power and wanted to beat me out of the ring as soon as possible. I didn't dare to meet him head on, so I could only dodge. Just like this, the more he attacked, the fiercer he became, and the faster he consumed his spirit energy. Gradually, his attacks started to show signs of exhaustion.

Your father is smart, he was in a feigned state, and when I attacked him, I did not expect that it would be too late to stop. I turned to focus all of my spiritual power on him, and just as we were about to come into contact, I turned my shoulder to him, exposing his chest to my palm. In this way, the wound in his chest would not heal at all, and my injury was only healed for three months. So, he took his family and vowed not to return to the Jun Family, and several years later, he established a branch of the Jun Family. Once, he came back to steal a medicinal herb that could stimulate the human body's potential, and was seriously injured by the disciples of his family. When Jun Wu Chen heard this, tears streamed down his cheeks and he sobbed uncontrollably. Jun Wushang saw that Jun Wu Chen was so sad and comforted him: "In the end, your father's death is related to me. If you want to take revenge, I won't retaliate. But I would rather you let go of your hatred, and not let it blind you. "

Jun Wu Chen couldn't control his emotions any longer, he pushed away Jun Wu Shang's hand and shouted: "Don't think that I will believe you just because of your words alone, my father is already dead, my family is no more, you abandoned me when you met me, and now you are trying to persuade me not to be buried by hatred, I tell you, don't think that I will forgive you, what you have done to my family, I will definitely come to you for revenge." Jun Wu Chen turned around and walked out of the door after he finished speaking.

The weather was especially sunny, the bright sunlight was a little dazzling, as if it was purposely stirring Jun Wu Chen's heart. Jun Wu Chen continued to run towards the depths of the Magical Beast Forest, listening to the rustling of the wind, as if mocking the impoverished youth in front of him.

During this past year, Jun Wu Chen's goal was to kill his uncle, but his life's hardships had been covered up by his desire for revenge. Now that his uncle was dead, he had died right in front of his own eyes. Jun Wu Chen was in pain, but he suddenly thought of something, "Maybe Jun Wu Shang was right, to be surrounded by hatred, to struggle for it, and then only left himself with endless pain!" Then, he thought for a while and continued, "Jun Wushang had injured my father, abandoned me on the road, and now stole a branch of the Jun Family. As long as I don't cause any trouble, then it's natural that he will do so. I can't listen to him, and I can't be affected by him." Jun Wu Chen ran all the way to the depths of the forest, thinking that he should stay there until the end of his life.

Jun Wu Chen felt a familiar scent of blood after he entered the forest. There were no grudges here; there was only slaughter. There was no need to think about the consequences, and there was no need to worry too much about the consequences. As long as you wanted to do something, no one could stop you. Jun Wu Chen decided to age here.

Jun Wu Chen was still lost in his thoughts when he heard a roar from behind him. Jun Wu Chen immediately woke up from his stupor and turned around to see a rank 5 beast. Jun Wu Chen had already reached the fifth stage of Qi Breaking, so killing a fifth stage beast shouldn't be a problem, but now that he was seriously injured and couldn't use his full power, his cultivation was still lacking, so he wasn't a match for the beast. The fierce beast seemed to have also sensed Jun Wu Chen's low mana, it roared and rushed towards him like a Jun Wu Chen, covered by its two front palms, Jun Wu Chen was unable to move at all under the cover of the beast's mana, and could only use its mana to resist, but the beast's spirit energy was too strong, its weak defense instantly collapsed, and the beast's front paws continued to strike down, killing Jun Wu Chen instantly. Jun Wu Chen only saw a string of blood dripping out from the beast's head. Both of its front palms had been cut off by its roots, and a green light flashed as the beast's head was chopped off.

Jun Wu Chen recognized this man as an elder of the Jun Family, and he had met him once before at the banquet. That person replied, "Patriarch is worried about you and wants me to protect you in the dark." And he even said that if you wish to, you can go back at any time. "

Even though Jun Wu Chen had saved his life, he still didn't want to scold him, so he said: "You can leave, I won't go, and you don't need to follow me anymore, my life or death is not in anyone's hands." When the person heard this, he shook his head and sighed. Without further ado, he floated away.

Jun Wu Chen knew from the previous battle that Jun Wu Shang was not a despicable person, but rather truly related to him, and the hatred in his heart had been reduced by a large half. He thought to himself: "Jun Wu Shang is sincere to me, but father's last will is not over yet, I will not forgive him. Sigh, I originally wanted to spend my life in the deep forest, but this place is also a place where the strong preys on the weak. Sigh, I had wanted to spend my life in the deep forest, but this place is also a place where the strong preys on the weak.

Thinking of this, Jun Wu Chen went back to his residence, meditated and started cultivating.

On the morning of the second day, Jun Wu Chen went into the forest to kill the magical beasts. Jun Wu Chen's injuries had completely healed after two months, and his cultivation had reached the peak of fifth stage of Qi Breaking, so he was confident that he could kill a seventh level magical beast. After breakfast, Jun Wu Chen thought to himself: "Now that my injuries are better, and my uncle is dead, and the Jun Family has been annihilated by Jun Wushang, I should be going to the martial arts world to train, strengthen my cultivation, and wait until my cultivation level is high enough before going to the Jun Family to fight with Jun Wushang, to help avenge father." Thinking up to this point, he didn't even consider it as he used his spiritual energy to fly out of the deep forest.

Jun Wu Chen didn't know how long he had been running, or how far he had gone, or where he had gone. Jun Wu Chen stopped and looked around, only to see a raised platform in the distance. At a glance, there was a faint flicker of spirit power, but it also seemed to be the collision of multiple strands of spirit power. If one looked carefully, it seemed more like a group of spirit power surrounding the center. It was truly strange. Jun Wu Chen didn't think too much about it, since he had nothing else to do, he might as well go and take a look. He started to run towards the direction where the spiritual energy was surging.

Gradually, the outline of the platform began to reveal itself. It turned out to be a large circular platform with a few people fighting with magic on it. Jun Wu Chen saw eight people standing on the platform, seven of them in a formation, encircling a handsome young man in the middle. "The young man was about the same age as Jun Wu Chen. He had formed a formation with his hands, and it seemed that he was about the same age as Jun Wu Chen.

In the blink of an eye, Jun Wu Chen arrived in front of a large monument. Jun Wu Chen knew from his father that the general's platform was a very exciting place for cultivators. As long as someone went up on stage, there would be an unknown opponent that would go up on stage and fight until the victor was decided. Therefore, there were a lot of invisible experts around the stage, waiting for their preferred opponents.

Jun Wu Chen sat down beneath the monolith, watching the battle on the stage. In Jun Wu Chen's eyes, these seven people had reached perfection in their formation, but every time this young man attacked, the seven people's formation seemed to be completely ineffective. The two sides' powers were incompatible, and the fighting spirit of the two sides was becoming weaker and weaker, but then the young man suddenly shouted and seven people retreated, cupped their fists and said: "Friend's formation is too high, this one can barely handle it, we are not the same way, please stop!" The seven of them clasped their hands and flew into the forest without another word.

The teenager turned to Jun Wu Chen with excitement in his eyes. Jun Wu Chen's heart was in turmoil when he saw this man looking at him in such a manner, as if he had known this man for a long time.

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