Providence Cycle/C9 Qingyue poisoning
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Providence Cycle/C9 Qingyue poisoning
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C9 Qingyue poisoning

When the girl in cyan woke up, she found herself in an unfamiliar cave. Below her was a cushion made from soft and withered leaves. Five meters away, a skinny boy was fiddling with something on the pile with his back to her, and the aroma of food assailed his nostrils.

She tried to raise her arm with great difficulty, but the young man nearby was alarmed.

"You're awake. Don't move, be careful of your injuries! "

Jun Wu Chen immediately stopped whatever he was doing when he saw that she had woken up. He went over and helped her up, and then sat down on the stone wall.

"Wait a moment, we'll be eating soon."

Jun Wu Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled, then walked to the side of Ying Jun, used a simple and crude stone bowl to scoop up some meat soup and handed it to her.

The woman hesitated for a moment, and then she began to eat in big mouthfuls.

Jun Wu Chen smiled as he asked her: "Aren't you afraid that I'll poison you?"

The woman didn't care much about his words. She carefully finished the food in the bowl and looked at him: "If you want to hurt me then why did you save me from the lion's mouth?" This is something that Qing Yue can look at. " Qingyue paused for a moment, and then handed the stone bowl back to Jun Wu Chen, her face reddening, "Many thanks, would you please serve me another bowl?"

Jun Wu Chen was startled, and couldn't help laughing out loud as he received the stone bowl.

"Heh heh, that's true. Actually, there's no need for you to be embarrassed. You've already been in a coma for five days, so it's only right for you to eat more. " As she spoke, she intentionally scooped up more meat and handed it over to Qingyue.

"Your name is Qingyue." My name is Jun Wu Chen. This is the cave that I live in, don't worry, this place is very safe. "

Qingyue nodded and no longer spoke as she looked around her. The things here were still considered complete, so Jun Wu Chen guessed that the thing he was looking for wouldn't be here as he had been living here for quite some time. Looking at his own body, the wound from the Chimera did not show any signs of being treated, the blood on his clothes had already solidified.

Jun Wu Chen quickly explained when he saw that Qing Yue was frowning at his wound: "Um, I was going to help you bandage your wound, but you're a girl after all, so …" Jun Wu Chen scratched his head, not knowing what to do.

"I'm fine."

"Then, then I'll fetch some water for you. You handle it yourself, I'll go out and take a look." As soon as Qingyue agreed, Jun Wu Chen rushed out of the cave. He let out a long breath. He was finally free.

As usual, he used the enchantment to hunt the magical beast.

Jun Wu Chen didn't dare to go too far since he still had the empress in his arms. He went along the perimeter of the enchantment to catch his prey. Jun Wu Chen's luck today was quite good, and didn't run into any Class 7 Magical Beasts, so he easily caught a few Class 5 or 6 Magical Beasts to help her recover from her injuries. Considering that the empress's aura would lead to all kinds of unnecessary troubles, Jun Wu Chen didn't dare to stay at the Foreign Minister's time. Thus, the man and the scorpion returned to the barrier, leaning against the boulder that the empress "trained" to bask in the sun.

Speaking of which, he had to mention what happened five days ago. At that time, Jun Wu Chen had just woken up from his stupor and looked at the Scorpion Queen's unconscious state. He then placed her on his lap to absorb the sunlight, and started to meditate to convert the spirit energy to her. Not long after, the little scorpion slowly regained its consciousness, but its state of mind was still not as good as before, which made Jun Wu Chen very worried.

Therefore, in the next few days, Jun Wu Chen put in more effort into capturing these magical beasts, and even caught a seventh level magical beast during that time. During the day, the empress was bathing in the sun while Jun Wu Chen was cultivating by her side. At night, the empress was roasting Jun Wu Chen's body, while Jun Wu Chen was training by her side. In this way, the little scorpion's complexion finally improved.

The day before Qingyue woke up, Empress Wu Chen solemnly warned Jun Wu Chen.

"This girl's background probably isn't simple. Don't be so silly as to tell her everything." Especially about me. "

Although Jun Wu Chen was ignorant, he was well aware that the Ice Fire Violet Scorpion was a rare magical beast that he had never heard of before.

Jun Wu Chen didn't want to expose his secret, so he decided to keep the empress by his side. During his free time, Jun Wu Chen began to make some daily necessities for Lady Qingyue.

Within the cave.

After cleaning the wound, Qingyue used the medicinal paste that Jun Wu Chen had prepared to wrap it up. At this time, Jun Wu Chen had not come back yet. Thus, Qingyue carefully sized up this seemingly ordinary ancient cave.

With her intelligence, she quickly found a hidden mechanism. Unfortunately, only Jun Wu Chen, who possessed the Pangu Heart Jade, was able to open it.

Looks like there's a secret here. Qingyue thought, "I wonder if that silly kid knows about this."

Jun Wu Chen shook his head as she considered him a friend, and knew that she shouldn't casually probe his secrets.

It was as Empress Scorpion had said. Qingyue's status was not simple at all. She was actually the daughter of the head of the Azure Dragon Divine Island.

Legend: The ancient war of gods, the awakening of the dream of Brahma. The Divine Realm collapsed, turning into trillions of motes of dust.

And all of this started from the dream of the two Ancestral Sons of Brahma.

The world's founder, Pan Gu, created the sky and turned his body into a divine mountain. The ancestor of the gods, Nuwa, created spirits and evolved into all living things.

After the two ancestors passed away, all the deities took control of the Boundless Divine Region. Due to the sudden increase in the number of mortals, the Heavenly Dao was born. The heavens' dao was originally ruthless and unintelligent. As a result of the increase in mortals, the heavens' dao absorbed countless resentments and ghosts, giving birth to intelligence. Large amounts of dark and negative emotions influenced the Heavenly Dao. Killing, power, greed gradually took over the Heavenly Dao. He wanted to seize control of the Divine Realm, overwrite the natural Laws, and establish the Heavenly Dao Samsara.

Thus, the Second Patriarch led the disciples of the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Zhu Ling'er, and Black Tortoise to fight against the Heavenly Dao.

During the Great War of the Realm of the Gods, the Gods were annihilated, and the world collapsed. The remnant souls wreaked havoc everywhere.

All of this would awaken the hibernating Brahma.

The awakening of the Brahma while the Heavenly Dao was damaged and countless remnant souls were annihilated.

The world has regained the illusion of temporary peace.

The trillion motes of dust in the Realm of the Gods had transformed into countless empty islands. Amongst all the islands, most of them were controlled by the Heavenly Dao. Only a few that were so remote that they couldn't even be considered dust were spared.

The Heavenly Dao had been nurturing it for tens of millions of years, wanting to kill Brahma in one fell swoop. However, Brahma was unaware that it had been sleeping for tens of thousands of years.

The Heavenly Dao had established the Reincarnation Gate on the main island. It was controlled by the four great remnant soul beasts, Taotie, Primal Chaos, Tao Wu, and Qiong Qi. They specifically gathered remnant souls of the four great ancient God Beasts to heal wounds and increase one's strength.

Aside from this, the other empty islands were mainly: the Demon Sovereign Continent, the Sword Alliance Continent, the Azure Lotus Island, and the Azure Dragon Divine Island.

Samsara and Azure Dragon Divine Island were two of the largest void continents of the Divine Realm. They fought with each other for tens of millions of years. The outside world didn't know the reason, but they didn't want to get involved in the battle between the two islands.

This Pan Gu Holy Stone was one of the secret treasures they were fighting over.

Legend has it that the Holy Stone was created by a drop of essence blood of the world's founder, Pan Gu, and sealed inside the Pangu's Heart Cave. Not only could the Pangu's Stone help to refine a human's cultivation base, it could also help to cure all the poisons in the world. But most importantly — it was the key to breaking through the Heavenly Dao!

For the past few years, she had been hiding in the area of Redleaf Island, searching for the legendary Pangu's Sacred Stone.

Qingyue, who had gained nothing, decided to explore the Sunset Forest, only to meet a Class 9 Magical Beast. Although Qingyue had the strength to break through to Stage Four, it was not easy to deal with a half spirit beast who was a step away from Transcending Mortality Stage. Fortunately, he had met Jun Wu Chen, so he was able to escape this calamity. If it was anyone else, they would probably take advantage of this situation.

When she recalled her father's earnest request before he left, Qingyue immediately felt that the burden on her shoulders was rather heavy.

At this time, Jun Wu Chen's voice came from outside, pulling her train of thoughts back to reality.

"Sister Qingyue, are you done?"

Qingyue then slowly walked out and said with a smile: "Many thanks Brother Jun, I feel much better after using the medicinal herbs that you prepared."

Jun Wu Chen laughed foolishly at the back of his head. Three chubby little cheetahs were fighting at his feet, coquettishly rubbing against him, and one of them even climbed up the leg of Jun Wu Chen's pants.

"Eh? What a cute little leopard! Is this something you raised? " Qingyue was attracted by the three cute pets and picked one up.

Jun Wu Chen tried his best to comfort the little thing as it struggled as hard as it could, but Jun Wu Chen was comforting it so that it let Qing Yue caress it as she pleased.

Jun Wu Chen had been keeping these three little leopards in the embroidered bag given by the little scorpion the entire time, and had been causing a ruckus since the very beginning. After Jun Wu Chen had explained the origins of these three little fellows to Qingyue, he had left them for her to accompany in order to alleviate the boredom in the cave.

A few days later.

Qingyue's injuries had almost healed, and Jun Wu Chen had been out capturing magical beasts every day, so she helped him. The two worked together, and with half the effort and double the effort, even the little scorpion's recovery speed increased.

In Qingyue's eyes, Jun Wu Chen had too many secrets. Although she was curious, she had never asked him about them.

Another half a month passed.

Qingyue and Jun Wu Chen's personalities were similar, and they got along very well, and their relationship gradually became closer. Their time in the depths of the forest was extremely short. They shared hardships, advanced and retreated together, and as close friends, they understood and appreciated each other.

However, good times were always short.

Recently, Qingyue would become inexplicably dizzy, almost fainting when she was in severe cases. She was so weak that it was difficult for her to even walk.

Jun Wu Chen felt very uneasy in his heart. He had always felt that something had happened to Qingyue, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He could only remind her to rest up.

But today, Qingyue's condition had worsened, and her body was warm and cold at the same time. Her face was also starting to turn purple.

"Quick, look on her back if there is a flower mark. I'm afraid she is poisoned." The empress had not spoken for a long time, but her sudden words startled Jun Wu Chen.

He quickly told Qingyue about the news. After getting permission, he gently helped Qingyue up and pulled off her collar.

Qingyue's face was slightly red, Jun Wu Chen was the first one to see her skin.

Looking at her skin that was as white as the crescent moon and as tender as ivory, he felt a little awkward. However, what he saw was a Mandala Flower Seal in full bloom.

The Devil's Snare on the white jade was so beautiful that it was as red as the dawn before death.

"As expected." "The scorpion continued to think." This was poison from a Mandala Snake. It wasn't easy to detoxify, and she wouldn't be able to gather all the detoxification ingredients … "Now, there's a way, but it's a bit risky …"

Jun Wu Chen immediately asked when he heard that there was a way to save her.

"Brat, do you think she's a friend?" The Empress Scorpion said with a serious expression.

Jun Wu Chen was startled and replied in a low voice: "Of course. I, Jun Wu Chen, am willing to do whatever it takes to be a friend of mine! "

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