Purchasing Agent King of Three Realms/C18 Moneybags and Lechers
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Purchasing Agent King of Three Realms/C18 Moneybags and Lechers
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C18 Moneybags and Lechers

"You want to develop the Genuine-cohering Dew?"

Back to the main topic, Lee Hao looked at Zuo Feifei seriously and said.


Zuo Feifei nodded her head, and said: "You should know, my aunt is in the business of Medicinal Make-up, after she heard about the Genuine-cohering Dew, she was very interested!"

"Oh? "Then why didn't she come and talk to me herself?"

Lee Hao's brows twitched as he asked playfully.

"You don't need to test me out by testing me out. I can tell you clearly, I can handle this cooperation with you!"

Zuo Feifei rolled her eyes at Lee Hao and said, "So you don't have to worry about my aunt not counting the things that I have already decided on."

"That's good."

Lee Hao nodded.

"How is it? Shall we cooperate? "

With that said, Zuo Feifei looked at Lee Hao in anticipation and said: "Give us a price, sell us the recipe of the Genuine-cohering Dew."

Lee Hao raised his eyebrows. Looking at Zuo Feifei's desperate look, the corner of his mouth lifted slightly. He shook his head and said, "No, this thing is inherited by my ancestors. I can't sell it even if I die!"

What a joke, the more Zuo Feifei got anxious, the more Lee Hao knew how much desire she had for the Genuine-cohering Dew. That is the stupidest way of doing business, okay?

Furthermore, he did not have the formula. Could it be that after he received the money, he wanted to tell Zuo Feifei that this thing's Immortal Realm was tainted with the dew from a celestial flower's aura and could not be produced in the mortal world?

Then he would probably be chased to death by this girl …

"This card has one million."

Zuo Feifei took out a card from her bag and put it on the table. She stared at Lee Hao and asked, "Think about it?"

"I really can't."

Lee Hao pursed his lips, shifted his gaze away from the card and firmly shook his head.

"Alright, let's change the way we work together."

Zuo Feifei took back her card and said, "You provide the technology, and we will help you pack, advertise, and sell it on the market. We will give you 40% to 60% of the profits, and you give us 40%."

"This... As you know, something like an ancestral formula is really hard for me. "

Lee Hao still had a troubled expression on his face as he shook his head.

"Five to five!"

Zuo Feifei slightly frowned. Seeing that Lee Hao didn't agree, she made another concession.

"Tsk, tsk, school beauty Zuo, this thing is as important as my lifeblood, how can I give it to you so easily?"

Lee Hao's face was full of pain, but he still held on.

"Scram! Who wants your lifeblood?"

Zuo Feifei glanced at Lee Hao's groin. Her pretty face blushed a little as she ground her cute canines in annoyance.

Looking at the dangerous expression on Zuo Feifei's face, Lee Hao suddenly felt a chill between his legs. Oh my god, if this Little Tiger Teeth acted according to his lifeline, then he could even teleport back to the ancient times to be a eunuch!

"Sixty to forty, I'll give you sixty percent. This is my bottom line!"

The atmosphere quieted for a few seconds. Zuo Feifei took a deep breath, picked up the coffee cup on the table and took another sip, then said word by word.


This time, Lee Hao nodded with a smile and agreed directly!


Seeing Lee Hao be so straightforward, Zuo Feifei slightly hesitated and asked uncertainly, "Isn't this your family heirloom? How did you suddenly become so straightforward? "

"All of my perseverance and hesitation was only because of the lack of coercion and temptation."

Lee Hao spread his hands and smiled, "I'm six to four. This kind of split is within your acceptable range, but it also satisfies my dream bonus share. So what reason do I have to reject it?"

"So you're saying that what you said about ancestral secret recipes, lifeblood techniques, and the like were just an excuse to increase the price?"

Zuo Feifei narrowed her almond-shaped eyes once again. With a dangerous look on her face, she gritted her teeth and said, "Lee Hao, you're such a bitch."

"Haha, the same goes for you."

Lee Hao was not angry at all, he laughed, "From the very beginning, when you picked this place out, you should have already known that if I came alone, you would definitely be stopped outside the door, but you deliberately refused to pick me up, and only sent people to pick me up after I call you. All you did is to show me your might, and first, you would suppress me with your aura, letting me know how noble your identity is, and at the same time, you would sell me a favor."

"But after you came in, you found out that I wasn't as impatient as you expected, so you avoided talking about the matter of the cooperation first, wanting to leave me alone to wear down my patience. You're using some tricks again."

Lee Hao looked at Zuo Feifei's beautiful face and said with a smile, "School Beauty Zuo, you use more than me to play with your hands!"

"Damn it, you actually saw through it."

Hearing Lee Hao's words, Zuo Feifei glanced at him flirtatiously. She didn't feel awkward even if she was exposed.

This was a necessary means for a qualified businessman to start a business deal with. It wasn't too much of a use for her, and being seen through wasn't anything shameful.

"You sound like you're very scheming, but in the end, you still took most of the benefits?"

Zuo Feifei played with her hair with her right hand, pouting coquettishly. In her heart, she felt that this handsome young man in front of her was becoming more pleasing to the eye.

Not only was this guy's martial arts more powerful than his, his IQ was also so high. It was quite rare to see such a top quality man!

"You clearly know that I've taken advantage of you, yet you agree to cooperate. It seems like we really do have the same taste."

Lee Hao smiled with a hint of confidence.

"Fuck you, you're the one who stinks!"

Zuo Feifei wrinkled her nose and looked at Lee Hao with a faint smile. "But my aunt said before that there are two types of men that can cooperate without worry. One is a money grubber, and the other is a pervert."

"Because whether it is simply to make money for the sake of loving money, or to make money to please beautiful women, these two kinds of people will do their best to create benefits in their work. They don't need your urging to do the job, they will do their best to accomplish the various goals, so working with someone like this will be very easy."

She paused before retracting her gaze. The smile on her face became even more enchanting as she continued, "When you know what a person's desires are, then you will naturally have a way to control them. So, as long as you have the right methods, you need not worry that these two people will betray you."

"Earlier, you did your best to earn a share, proving that you are a person who loves money. Also, during our meal and conversation just now, you looked at my chest a total of eight times, and even glanced at my thigh thirteen times, proving that you are even more of a pervert."

Zuo Feifei smiled sweetly. "Since you're a money grubber and a pervert, you're definitely a perfect partner to work with."

Women were just that weird sometimes. They were clearly derogatory words, but they still spoke as if they were praising you. It made people angry, but they just couldn't get angry no matter what.

"It's not unreasonable for you to say that."

Lee Hao nodded, then said: "But my dear partner, I have to add something."

"Most of the money fans only want money when they see it, but I love only the money that I deserve. Also, most of the perverts only want sex when they see a beauty, and I'm only interested in beauties like you."

With that, he actually raised his head and looked at the seductive ravine on Zuo Feifei's chest without any hesitation, saying, "So, even if it's the case, I'm still a moral money grubber and a tasteful pervert."

"If I can't beat you, I really want to dig out your eyeballs."

Zuo Feifei glared angrily at Lee Hao and ground her canines again.

Although she said that, only she knew. Facing Lee Hao's aggressive gaze, her heart couldn't help but beat faster. Even her delicate body started to heat up …

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