Purple Path Of War/C11 Raising War with War
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Purple Path Of War/C11 Raising War with War
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C11 Raising War with War

Looking at Yuen Tianjun, Qin Yuntian was not curious at all. He stepped forward and respectfully said to Yuen Tianjun, "Uncle Yuen, why am I practicing this martial art so fast, is there any side effects?" After finishing his words, he looked at Yuen Tianjun nervously, waiting for his answer.

When Yuen Tianjun heard this answer, he was puzzled. Fast? What fast? After using his divine sense to scan the area, he was stunned. I've actually already reached the third layer, this speed is too terrifying! Although I've already prepared in my heart, this is too unbelievable …! Although Yuen Tianjun was inwardly surprised, he did not reveal an expression that he already knew about, and understood what was going on. Instead, he smiled at Qin Yuntian and said, "Don't you feel that the speed of your training is too fast? Do you think that this cultivation technique is simple? " Yuen Tianjun looked at Qin Yuntian as if he understood everything. Qin Yuntian was confused at first, and he thought, Didn't I already say that? Just as he was about to ask, he heard Yuen Tianjun's following words, but immediately nodded his head to indicate his reply to Yuen Tianjun. Looking at Qin Yuntian's appearance, he did not seem to be in a hurry, but remained silent, feeling shocked in his heart. To be able to complete the first three layers so quickly, how amazing! I wonder how long Master took, is it because Master is fast or because Yuntian is fast?

Yuen Tianjun couldn't help but think, and he was immediately curious. If they were in China now, he would definitely ask the owner about it.

Actually, there was no one who was so presumptuous to their master. However, their master was someone who did not care about small matters. Thus, it was not a big deal for him and he had to give his subordinate more pointers.

This really made Qin Yuntian anxious. Qin Yuntian looked at the unhurried Yuen Tianjun and hurriedly urged him: "Uncle Yuen, tell me. Why did you suddenly stop? Hurry and tell me." Yuen Tianjun felt that this was enough, so he said slowly, "The reason why you're cultivating so fast is mainly because you have a high foundation, so naturally you'll be able to train faster."

Since it was the beginning, it was naturally used to build the foundation. However, since Qin Yuntian's foundation was already so strong, why did he need to build a foundation? It would be strange if a grand achievement God Base still needed to build a foundation.

Qin Yuntian nodded as he listened, lowered his head and thought, while waiting. However, he could no longer see any movement. Hence, he raised his head to look at Yuen Tianjun. He saw Yuen Tianjun calmly closing his eyes to rest. Thus, he asked, "No?"

Yuen Tianjun nodded. Qin Yuntian was speechless when he saw this. Just as he was about to say something, Yuen Tianjun once again spoke of grand achievement God Base. Since their foundation was too high, naturally cultivation would be easier. But don't be too confident. In the future, you have to work harder. This is only the beginning. The current you is still too inexperienced, it's just that your foundation is stronger than others.

Your current strength is still far from being strong, so you have to cultivate even faster. You have to know that most people start their training at the age of three and start their foundation at the age of eight. You are already a few years too late, so you have to work even harder.

When he heard Yuen Tianjun say that he was young, he was very unconvinced. Yuen Tianjun understood it, but he didn't say anything. He continued, "You have already trained in the Dao of Golden Body. Even though you haven't even entered the sect yet, you should understand. The Dao of the Golden Body of the Violet Palace Realm is divided into nine levels, and each level is more profound than the last. The later it gets, the more mysterious it becomes.

There was nothing else to say about this cultivation technique, there was only one word to express its meaning. "Fight!"

The Zifu Disciple of the Dao of Golden Body was born for battle. It was one of the most marvelous martial arts in the world, but it was definitely number one when it came to combat power. Even though I have never cultivated this peerless cultivation method before, its fame is known by everyone, shocking the heavens, and after successful cultivation, it roams the world, free and unrestrained.

Yuen Tianjun felt a wave of yearning in his heart. After all, this was a super powerful cultivation technique. Whoever cultivated it could become the strongest.

As a cultivator, who wouldn't want to stand at the peak? Therefore, powerful cultivation techniques had become the most important thing, and such a cultivation technique was the one that everyone wanted.

However, he also understood that he had no right to practice this technique. Not to mention that he did not fully meet the requirements to practice this technique, even he did not dare to do so without his master's consent.

He couldn't help but feel jealous of Qin Yuntian.

"You are the second person who has the qualifications to practice this technique. In this world, you can use this technique as much as you want, but when you return to the world of Xuanhuang, you must be careful, because this technique might take your life." Here, he could protect Qin Yuntian's life, but when he returned to Hua Xia, where experts were as numerous as the clouds, he was just a small character.

Perhaps at that time, only his master would be able to protect him, but how else could he gain experience if he did?

When Yuen Tianjun said this, he was serious and cautious.

Qin Yuntian also realized the importance of this matter. Although he hasn't gone back yet, he has remembered these words in his heart. Qin Yuntian said firmly, "I know. "I will definitely keep this a secret."

Yuen Tianjun nodded in satisfaction. He had already told you everything, so he should have told you about it now.

When Qin Yuntian heard the training, he immediately became spirited. What training Uncle Yuen, just say it, I will definitely work hard to achieve it. Yuen Tianjun, who would not disappoint you, said, "En, not bad. Starting from tomorrow, he would fight with the Magical Beast. Every day was like this, constantly fighting, tempering himself in battle, gaining insights in battle, comprehending the profound mysteries of cultivation techniques in battle, improving in battle … Your daily mission was to fight, there was no other way, there was nothing else.

As for your cultivation technique, it is the best way to cultivate it in battle.

"Yes." Qin Yuntian said firmly. Seeing Qin Yuntian like this, Yuen Tianjun was very satisfied. However, he didn't show it. He only nodded his head, indicating that he understood.

In this world, there are not only powerful cultivation techniques and secret techniques that can gallop, one must also have battle experience. Only through battle can one become the ultimate powerhouse. I believe you will understand sooner or later.

With that, he left in a flash, leaving Qin Yuntian, who was still deep in thought.

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