Purple Path Of War/C12 Warfare
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Purple Path Of War/C12 Warfare
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C12 Warfare

At the edge of the Myriad Life Forest, there was a young man fighting a Magical Beast. The young man looked to be about 14 or 15 years old, but his movements were not as agile as a child of that age. At this time, the battle between the young man and the Magical Beast had reached a white-hot stage. "You can die now."

The sound had not dissipated yet, but a fist shadow had already appeared, the fist shadow was moving slowly, but the place that it passed by was shaking slowly, as though it was about to break at any time, it was filled with an unstable factor. The Swordtooth Beast, seeing the fist shadow that was slowly approaching, should have been able to dodge easily, but it could not move no matter what it did, and could only wait for the arrival of the fist shadow.

He lifted up his sharp claws and used all his strength. If he managed to grab onto it properly, he would definitely be able to tear it apart. Qin Yuntian was not afraid at all when he saw that the Swordtooth Beast had escaped its restraints. His eyes were filled with emotion as he said, "It's too late. So what if you've broken free? Your fate is ultimately mine to decide. Die, first move of the Oriental Boxing, East Emperor Sky Crack!

Bang! The fist shadow collided with the Swordtooth Beast's claw. It did not have any ability to resist, it was as weak as an egg hitting a rock. Its claws were broken, and its fists struck the Swordtooth Beast, but it was completely different from before, it did not have any reaction at all.

Without realizing it, the Swordtooth Beast was already dead. The Swordtooth Beast's eyes gradually became glazed and slowly fell backwards. It crashed onto the ground with the force of its landing actually causing its corpse to be torn into pieces.

A round object was glowing on the ground. It lay there quietly. Qin Yuntian looked at the round thing and thought. Could this be the legendary Magic Core? It seemed that this youngster was naturally Qin Yuntian, and had already quietly spent the past month here. Although Qin Yuntian had fought with the Magical Beast every day, he did not dare to kill it, and only defeated it before leaving in a flash. Yuen Tianjun did not say anything as he looked at this phenomenon, and only took everything into his heart, but in the recent events, Qin Yuntian did not show any mercy.

Originally, a week ago, Qin Yuntian was like usual, going out to find Magical Beast to fight. Of course, it was only at the edge of Ten Thousand Beast Forest that he met a Level 2 Magical Beast for the first time.

Although the level two Magical Beast was very strong. However, Qin Yuntian was a bit stronger than it, plus, Qin Yuntian's cultivation techniques were all top-notch, so defeating him was not difficult. However, Qin Yuntian was a bit stronger than Qin Yuntian, and because Qin Yuntian's cultivation techniques were all top-notch, defeating him was not difficult, so defeating Qin Yuntian was not difficult, after defeating him, he was prepared to leave.

"Bastard, I had good intentions to spare your life, but you are unable to recognize my good intentions and sneakily attacked me to see if I would skin you alive or not. I will make you suffer a fate worse than death." Even though he said this, he didn't let down his guard and kept his guard. Knowing that he had to finish the battle as soon as possible due to his injuries, the snake moved. It moved next to Qin Yuntian in a flash and swung its tail at Qin Yuntian. "Go to hell." The snake beast saw Qin Yuntian pointing at it and wanted to dodge, but it was already too late. The Bodhi Finger arrived in an instant, pointed at the snake's body, and then pointed at the snake's body. Instantly, the snake lost its life force. The tail that was swung at Qin Yuntian immediately lowered.

At this moment, Qin Yuntian's heart was filled with luck. Just a little bit more and the snake's tail would have hit his body, if it had hit him first. Perhaps the one lying down now was him. Looking at the dead snake, his heart was filled with frustration. The fighting spirit in his heart gradually disappeared. His body turned limp and he passed out. A shadow flashed as he looked at the unconscious Qin Yuntian. He said affectionately, "I hope that you will remember this lesson in the future."

Afterwards, he brought Qin Yuntian out of the room and woke up to look at the familiar room, at the familiar person. Seeing himself lying in Yuen Tianjun's room, Qin Yuntian said to him, "Uncle, I'm sorry to disappoint you." Qin Yuntian lowered his noble head. Now you should understand that everyone has their first time, and you didn't kill them because you were kind. That's not wrong, but you have to remember, to be lenient with your enemies is to be cruel to yourself. "You must be vicious to your enemies. There's no room for you." Yuen Tianjun taught Qin Yuntian, "Yes, Yuntian will remember. "Yuntian will never be merciful again." Qin Yuntian kept that in mind. After that, Qin Yuntian would no longer be merciful in his battle with the Magical Beast.

As for the Level One Magical Beast, it could no longer arouse his desire to fight, so he could kill it with one strike. Right now, he was looking for a few Level Two Magical Beast. As for the one that just now, it was a Level Two Magical Beast.

Qin Yuntian's strength was slightly stronger than the Swordtooth Beast. It was equivalent to a high-level warrior. Above Battle God Continent, there were different levels of strength. Warriors, Warriors, Warriors, Warriors, Battle Masters, Dou Shi, Battle Masters, Great Dou Shi, as well as the God of Heaven, Qin Yuntian. He picked up the Swordteeth Magic Core from the ground and placed it into his storage pouch.

The storage bag was made for Qin Yuntian by Yuen Tianjun during Qin Yuntian's experiential learning. The space in the storage bag was extremely large, one hundred times one hundred space. If anyone from Battle God Continent saw this, they would definitely be shocked to death.

There were only storage rings on this continent. Although a storage ring wasn't anything rare, it was generally small, only a few square meters in space. However, it was still expensive, and thinking about how Qin Yuntian's storage bag was so big, it was definitely priceless, and the entire Battle God Continent was definitely not larger than five of Qin Yuntian's storage bags when they received it, so they were happy for a long time. Qin Yuntian had been playing around with it for a long time before he finally got a storage bag. Then, after Qin Yuntian put everything into the storage space for the Swordteeth Magic Core, there was suddenly some movement "Roar" "Roar" sounds coming from not too far away. It was getting closer and closer. Qin Yuntian was also walking slowly towards Qin Yuntian. At this moment, he was also on alert and didn't dare to make the slightest movement.

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