Purple Path Of War/C3
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Purple Path Of War/C3
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A huge whirlpool suddenly appeared out of nowhere. This was indeed a strange occurrence.

In the lower realms, it might be possible for some experts to accomplish this, but for people like them to know that this was the Immortal World, it was quite suspicious.

The space of the Immortal World was incomparably stable. Breaking through it was even harder than ascending to the heavens.

The whirlpool was getting bigger and bigger as it continued to absorb more and more spiritual energy. It was like a king summoning his subjects, constantly spinning and compressing the spiritual energy until it became purer.

Finally, at a certain point, a crack appeared. A large hole appeared, and the hole continued to grow. A rectangular shape gradually appeared, and then a door formed.

A figure wrapped in golden light gradually appeared in the spiritual energy filled Celestial Realm, holding a child in his hand.

He slowly stepped out of the door. Although it was very slow, in the blink of an eye, he was already nowhere to be seen. It was extremely strange, and in the blink of an eye, he was already in the sky above the celestial realm.

The golden light stood there in midair, when suddenly, a figure flew over. He knelt down towards the mysterious person covered in golden light.

"Master, what orders do you have for your subordinate?" A middle-aged man knelt on the ground with an extremely respectful appearance. In front of him was a man wrapped in golden light, holding a child in his arms.

The man wrapped in golden light was the mysterious man that just came back from the lower realm. The child that the mysterious man was holding was naturally little Yuntian.

Xiao Yuntian was sleeping soundly. His little face was so cute that anyone who saw it would want to pinch his face.

The mysterious man said lightly: "Yuen Tianjun, I have a mission for you to complete. I'll send you to a continent later. For the next twenty years, you'll be there to teach my disciple. " "The mysterious man was still covered in golden light, and only a vague outline could be seen on his face. However, he was no longer as imposing as he was back in the lower realms, and now, there was a trace of laziness on his face.

"Disciple, what disciple? Could it be the child in Master's arms? " The middle-aged man looked at the mysterious man in disbelief. He thought to himself: Master has never had the intention to accept a disciple in all these years.

Even the peerless genius Dong Wudao from back then, who possessed the Golden Spirit Body, had not taken a look at him, let alone become his disciple.

There were also many important people who came personally and wanted to beg their master to be their son's teacher. Those were all rare geniuses. Some could be called monstrous geniuses, but their own masters remained unmoved.

But now, not only was he accepting disciples, he was also taking the initiative to accept disciples.

He didn't go to any special place even though he was looking at the baby. Where did he get the attention from?

The more Yuen Tianjun thought about it, the more he felt it was strange.

Finally, he asked, "Could it be that Master's disciple is the infant in your arms?"

"Yes, he is my disciple. I will teach him to you. You only need to look after him," the mysterious man said as calmly as before, very straightforwardly.

What kind of teaching was this? It was pretending to be a wet nurse. The meaning is obvious. You don't need to teach him martial arts or cultivation techniques. You only need to teach him how to be an adult, and you don't need to teach him how to be an adult.

Yuen Tianjun seemed to understand a little. Logically speaking, his strength wasn't the best nor was he the best mentor in the entire Ape Clan. However, his master had chosen him.

Not only because he is my master, but more importantly because my character is the best. At this point, he couldn't help but think of his master's' heroic 'deeds back then.

"Yes, I will teach him well. I will not disappoint my master's expectations, but this subordinate doesn't understand. Why are we sending him to a foreign land?" "It should be much better here with master personally teaching you. Plus, with you here, it should be easier …" Although Yuen Tianjun had that thought in mind, he still dared to say that even if he was beaten to death.

"I'm just worried about that. In this place, he is my disciple. No one would dare to move against him. "There's another reason why you'll understand me when you get there. Alright, I'll send you there," the mysterious man said impatiently. His voice was filled with an irresistible force.

Although his words were stiff, the middle-aged man didn't feel any discomfort. He only respectfully said, "Yes!"

"The universe is vast, the universe is vast, yin and yang are the five elements, and time and space are reversed." "Open the Space Gate for me!" The mysterious man chanted these words with a sonorous and powerful voice. His voice was steady and firm, each word was able to penetrate deep into the hearts of people. It was extremely strange.

With the appearance of this voice, the spiritual energy in the air started to stir. The rainbow clouds in the sky had long disappeared. Replacing them were patches of dark clouds. The scattered dark clouds in the sky were quickly moving towards them.

A strange scene took place in the sky. All of the dark clouds gathered together, but aside from this region, the sky was empty.

Yes, it was empty. Nothing. A vacuum.

'Bang! 'a loud sound was heard. Although the sound was loud, it could not be heard.

An illusion of a door slowly appeared in the sky. It was just an illusion, but the feeling it gave people was real. It was as if it was a door, a door that led to another world.

It was impossible to determine what it was.

Mystery suddenly used a mysterious method to attack Qin Yuntian. Yuen Tianjun did not dare to stop him and knew that he could not stop him. It was as if something had entered Qin Yuntian's body and formed a mysterious handprint.

Yuen Tianjun recognized that handprint. It was a type of seal. However, Yuen Tianjun didn't know what that was used for.

"Alright, you may go." The mysterious person's indifferent voice could be heard again.

The middle-aged man didn't even think before passing through, and in the blink of an eye, his figure disappeared.

Just after he left, the mysterious man's voice came out, "There are still twenty years until this peaceful life ends. I have to go and prepare."

The silhouette disappeared, but the voice still reverberated in the air and did not disappear for a long time.

The mysterious person was so relaxed, but Yuen Tianjun wasn't that relaxed.

"Dammit, it's actually chaotic space and time. How could it be this thing? " An infuriated voice could be heard. It was Yuen Tianjun.

No, my master trusted me so he gave the young master to me. I cannot let my master down.

"Thousand Meteor Break!" "Break!" A shadow of a rod smashed into the violent void.

However, there was no reaction from the void. "Thousand Meteor Break!" This was one of the supreme techniques of the Monster race. They never thought that it would be completely useless against the chaotic space.

His strength was still not enough.

Damn it, how could it be like this? How can this be? No, I have to calm down. There must be a gap. Where was it? Where was it?

While Yuen Tianjun was deep in thought …

Ah, a stream of turbulence fell on him, a large wound the size of a bowl, which was slowly healing itself.

Suddenly, a small sound was heard. Right, it was here. Yuen Tianjun found a gap, and without any hesitation, he used the Ape Clan's forbidden secret skill. His entire body was covered with fur. He can no longer be considered a human, rather, he was called an Apeman.

At this moment, Yuen Tianjun felt that his body was filled with a powerful energy.

A force several times more powerful than before appeared.

"Ah!" A long whistle seemed to release the boundless energy.

Then, an incomparably crazed voice sounded out, "Infinite Thousand Jin!"

Along with this crazed sound, a huge shadow of a rod appeared. The shadow of the rod continued to grow bigger, as if it was about to pierce through the sky. The force seemed to be able to tear through the sky, filled with a violent energy.

Bang! Finally, it collided with the turbulence. The pole's shadow slowly dispersed and a small hole was created.

Yuen Tianjun immediately escaped from the opening. In an instant, the opening returned to how it was before. Suddenly, a voice came out from the opening. "You guys are lucky." The voice slowly disappeared. Chaotic streams flowed back and forth through the space cracks, gradually disappearing where they came from, nowhere to be found.

Everything was calm again, as if nothing had happened.

In the forest of Battle God Continent, there were countless beasts, and many Magical Beast were shuttling through the forest.

This was one of the three great danger zones known as the "Ten Thousand Beast Forest".

This was the world of Magical Beast, where low level Magical Beast to super Magical Beast were everything.

This is people's heaven and hell.

Here, you could either increase your strength or become rich, or you could lose your life. Danger and opportunity coexisted at the same time.

Although there were many people who died here, there were still many who came here to try their luck, hoping for their own chance.

All the Magical Beast were on alert, as if they had received a huge threat. "Roar, roar, roar" all the beasts roared together, and the scene became magnificent. Whether it was low or high level Magical Beast, all of them roared together, as if they were resisting the enemy, but also as if they were welcoming the world with this kind of method.

"Boom!" Unknowingly, two people had already appeared above the Ten Thousand Beast Forest and a middle-aged man was carrying a child in his arms. "The middle-aged man could no longer be said to be a human. His body was covered with fur and he looked like an ape man. Right now, he was a bit weak.

It turned out that Yuen Tianjun had met with the chaotic flow of time and space in the crack, making them both very dangerous. Yuen Tianjun found a crack in time and space and immediately performed a forbidden secret technique in exchange for powerful strength, displaying the peerless power that he could not normally use.

The Infinite Jin was the Ape Clan's ultimate technique. One had to be at the Ancient Immortal Realm to barely be able to use it. It was incredibly powerful. It was one of the supreme techniques in the Immortal World. It came here after it had broken through a gap.

Looking at the various Magical Beast on the ground, he said to Yuntian, who was in his arms, "Little Yuntian, we have to live on this continent for twenty years from now. You have to be good."

However, our little Yuntian squinted his eyes. He seemed to have fallen asleep, as if he was very tired and didn't want to pay any attention to him.

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