Pursue to Sword Summit/C13 Elder objection
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Pursue to Sword Summit/C13 Elder objection
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C13 Elder objection

He was slightly angered. Looking at the seven elders in front of him, his normally amiable face was covered in frost. "Why? Why do you all object? Elder Situ, speak!

He was asking about the Elder who had the most intense reaction.

This person looked to be around the same age as Xiao Yaozui, and he had a rather handsome appearance. He was dressed in green, and even though he might be old, he still looked rather unrestrained.

Lin Mo also looked at him, listening to his dissenting opinion. To be honest, ever since he heard Xiao Yaozui's explanation of the Immortal Sword Body, Lin Mo had actually suspected that joining the Immortal Sword Sect was the right thing to do.

Upon entering, Xiao Yaozui happily introduced the seven elders in front of him, telling him to learn from the few elders.

He could also tell that the most intense reaction towards Xiao Yaozui wanting to take him in as a disciple was only from Great Clan Elder Situ Jinghai, and nothing more.

The Main Affairs Elder, Great Elder Situ Jinghai, was around 120 years old and had a middle stage Innate cultivation. The Second Elder, Li Xiaoyou, was over 130 years old, and was also a middle stage Innate, the Third Elder, Lao Yuewu, was over 130 years old, and the Fourth Elder, Hua Tianxiong, was over 130 years old.

The last three elders were all women, all around one hundred and twenty-something years old. They all looked like they had the skills to retain their looks, were well-maintained, were all middle-aged and had some charm to them.

The three female Elders were relatively weaker in cultivation. They were only at the initial stage of Heavenly Completion Stage. They were Fifth Elder Xu Yi Qun, Sixth Elder Cheng Yi, and Seventh Elder Hong Yuelin.

The seven of them didn't move their swords away as a sharp light flashed across their eyes like unsheathed swords. The auras of the seven were all different. Some were masculine, some were masculine, and some were feminine and threatening.

It was indeed worthy of being called the Immortal Sword Sect. There were both sexes, yet not limited to males and females.

"Could it be a result of a cultivation method?" Lin Mo sensed the Qi of the crowd and was immediately puzzled.

remained unmoved as he glanced at Lin Mo, and fearlessly said: "Level three spiritual root, fifth stage of the Tempering Body, this kind of person, after nurturing him, to become one of the core disciples of our Immortal Sword Sect, is still enough. But to become a direct disciple, there are still some deficiencies."

Immortal Sword Sect didn't say much, but it was definitely not small. Like other sects, the disciples in the sect were divided into four categories, with not much talent, and could only do odd jobs, and those that were considered to be disciples of outer sect, were mostly disciples of the fourth stage and below Tempering Body; above them were disciples of the fourth stage and above, those of the sixth stage and below, official disciples.

Once they were selected, they would become the sect's core disciples. With more nurturing, they would be able to reach the ninth level of Tempering Body in their lifetime and become the sect's life force. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were the pillars of the sect.

Above the core disciples were the direct disciples. These disciples were selected from the core disciples. They had high innate talent, high comprehension and fast cultivation speed, and were the disciples with the potential to break through the shackles of the Tempering Body and reach the Innate Realm.

Direct disciples were the future of a sect.

What does it mean to be a direct disciple? That is, a disciple that the Sect Leader or an elder have personally taught.

They were the successors of the future Sect Leader or clan elders, disciples personally taught by these people. For a sect, taking in a direct disciple was a very important matter.

It was no wonder why the elders were so against it. Who was the Xiao Yaozui? If he took in a direct disciple, wouldn't that mean that this disciple was the first successor to the Sect Leader?

What made them most excited was that Xiao Yaozui had lived for more than a hundred years and spent the rest of his life cultivating. He spent the rest of his life managing the affairs of the sect and never accepted any direct disciples. Once the little guy in front of him was included, he would be the only direct disciple of the Sect Leader!

This identity was no small matter.

However, the Xiao Yaozui did not accept Situ Jinghai's explanation, and snorted: "Elder Situ, you already have several direct disciples. Did I say anything when you asked them to take me as their master? Why did I want to accept a disciple, but all of you were against it. This is simply preposterous! "

Situ Jinghai said in a clear voice, "The direct disciples of the people of Sect Leader are related to the reputation of the entire sect, and even more so, the future of the sect. If the Sect Leader were to recruit someone with a high cultivation and talent, I would have nothing to say.

It was obvious that he looked down on Lin Mo, and despised his talent and cultivation!

"You've gone too far!"

Lin Mo felt extremely displeased hearing this, this was simply a naked slap to the face! In front of everyone, he directly slapped him without any restraint, and without any hesitation, he saw the person in question in front of him!

In a short moment, Lin Mo saw that this guy was no longer pleasing to the eye, and muttered to himself in his heart: "This old fogey is so intense, I must have offended him with a great deal of profit by entering the Immortal Sword Sect!"

"Elder Situ!" Xiao Yaozui's face darkened, "What sect's future sect's face, these words are too serious! Our Immortal Sword Sect has never said that the position of Sect Leader was inherited by our direct disciples. The position of the Sect Leader, the able and the wise! You can be at ease, even though Lin Mo is my direct disciple, he will not be a threat to your big nephew Situ Qingfeng's position! "


Lin Mo's eyes flashed. He was not clear who this Situ Qingfeng was, but he could hear that he was the next best successor to the Sect Leader, and this person was Situ Jinghai's nephew!

"No wonder you belittled me!" Lin Mo laughed. Everyone said that beating someone up would not slap their face, and would not expose their weaknesses. For his own nephew, they belittled him. Situ Jinghai's methods were deeply detested by Lin Mo!

"Sect Leader, you …" Situ Jinghai's feminine face turned red, she was furious, "Does Sect Leader really want to treat me, Situ Jinghai, as a vile person? Only Qing Feng has the ability to do so, so the position of Sect Leader is naturally his. If he doesn't have talent or virtue, everyone's eyes would be bright, so how could he possibly sit in the position of Sect Leader just because he is my nephew? "

Xiao Yaozui asked: "If that's the case, then why do you care about whether my direct disciple is the future of the sect? The sect already has a future!"

Situ Jinghai was startled, he turned and looked at Lin Mo, and said stubbornly: "In short, I do not agree!"

"If you don't agree, then what about everyone?" Xiao Yaozui glanced at the other six clan elder deacons.

Everyone was silent.

Xiao Yaozui raised his tone: "Even if Lin Mo has the body of a Immortal Sword Body, is it still not worth for us to nurture him? Don't forget, back then, senior Xiang Tian Ge used the body of a Immortal Sword Body to defeat all those who are at the same level as him.

"Immortal Sword Body?"

When Lin Mo heard these words, he became excited again. When he looked at the elders, he saw that they did not have any expression on their faces, and to his surprise, the seven elders did not have any expression of excitement. He could even see doubt and disdain in their eyes.

Suddenly, Lin Mo's heart turned cold, and sank down.

With a cold laugh, Situ Jinghai broke the silence, "Sect Leader, I think you must be thinking that the Immortal Sword Body is crazy. These words have only appeared once in the records of our Immortal Sword Sect, no one can tell what's going on. All these years, what kind of Immortal Sword Body do you think this Lin Mo is? He favors him, but he was indifferent to it all over the years. I think you better give up. Don't think about some Immortal Sword Body.

"That's right, Sect Leader, you should be more pragmatic. Seeing that there are not many years left until the Myriad Sect Assembly, you should return to reality and focus on nurturing the other disciples."

"Sect Leader, you are always wise, why are you so stubborn about this?"

"Sect Leader!"

The group of elders all started to advise, in the end, they just did not believe the words of the 'Immortal Sword Body'!

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