Pursue to Sword Summit/C28 The power of the flying sword
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Pursue to Sword Summit/C28 The power of the flying sword
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C28 The power of the flying sword

With a loud noise, the three meter tall gate of Sword Tower slowly opened, and inside was pitch black, as if nothing could be seen. Lin Mo was about to step forward, when the Xiao Yaozui patted his shoulder again: "Don't forget about the sword on your body. I can use it at the critical moment. "

Xiao Yaozui still had to remind Lin Mo not to forget the might of the Heart Sword, as this was the only way he would have a lot of confidence. Lin Mo nodded: "I understand Sect Leader, I will definitely make it out of here safely."

Lin Mo walked out, and under the watch of several hundred people from the Immortal Sword Sect, he arrived at the main entrance of the Sword Tower. This was the second time someone from the Immortal Sword Sect had appeared, and the first person was the disciple of the first Immortal Sword Body.

Once he reached the door, Lin Mo no longer bothered to look inside, and directly stepped in, causing the people outside to no longer be able to see his figure. The Sword Tower's door slowly closed, and now they could only wait for Lin Mo to come out.

As the door closed, Lin Mo immediately felt as if everything had lit up in front of him. Contrary to the darkness in front of him, the secret room was as bright as day, and only then did he manage to see the situation inside clearly. The first floor was completely empty without any decorations.

This should be the longsword that was going to attack him, but they were just hanging there, not being used by anyone, so how could they attack him? Lin Mo felt a little weird, and was about to walk forward, because the stairs were right in front of him.

When he walked to the center, he suddenly heard a golden cry from an unknown place. After the sound, Lin Mo suddenly discovered that the longsword on the wall had begun to move. With a long cry, a handful of Flying Sword flew out from the wall.

Then, with a second cry of gold, the second wave of longsword flew out and blocked Lin Mo's path as if it was controlled by someone.

Just as Lin Mo was preparing, all forty-nine Flying Sword s had already flown out, forming a circle encirclement around him with the tip of the sword pointed straight at Lin Mo's body.

Looks like they were about to launch an attack, Lin Mo exclaimed in his heart as his eyes sized up the dozens of Flying Sword s. These forty-nine Flying Sword were actually all spirit weapon s, with such powerful weapons and there were forty-nine of them! Just this alone was enough to scare the Passed by half to death.

The spirit weapon was something that only Nourishing Qi s could possess. Lin Mo was only at the Tempering Body realm, but with so many Treasure Sword with Spirit Treasures appearing all of a sudden, it would definitely be a huge blow to the Passed by.

Although he was shocked in his heart, he did not have any intention to retreat. He thought to himself, doesn't he have an even more terrifying Immortal Grade sword? It's just a spirit weapon, there's nothing to be afraid of.

If these forty-nine Treasure Sword with Spirit Treasures unleashed their full power, let alone Lin Mo, even if they were on the Nourishing Qi level, they would only be able to be killed instantly. Even if they reached the postcelestial stage, they would still be unable to escape.

However, the Xiao Yaozui had previously told Lin Mo that the forty-nine Flying Sword would only release Sword Qi slightly higher than the Passed by, so after Lin Mo entered, the only Sword Qi that the forty-nine Flying Sword could release was also only slightly higher than his own strength.

But this was not because Lin Mo was at the fifth level of the Tempering Body, where the Flying Sword would release the fifth level Sword Qi. The Flying Sword would only use its spirit energy to determine that Lin Mo's true strength was obviously higher than the fifth level of the Tempering Body, thus it would only exceed Lin Mo's true strength just in time to release the Sword Qi.

This meant that the strength that Lin Mo had concealed was completely useless in front of the Flying Sword, he had to go all out in order to get the chance to pass this trial.

The Flying Sword was slowly moving behind him, like flowing water, but Lin Mo had already made all the preparations and did not dare to be the least bit careless.

Suddenly, a ray of light shot out from the Flying Sword behind him, and quickly passed through space. Lin Mo's figure flashed to the right, and just as he dodged the Sword Qi from the Flying Sword, the Sword Qi shot straight into the wall, causing a hole to appear instantly on the wall.

Soon after, the second set of Flying Sword also shot out a Sword Qi, with the same radiance, Lin Mo dodged hurriedly once again. These two times, the Sword Qi's speed did not seem to be fast, so Lin Mo was able to react in time, but on the third strike, Lin Mo finally understood how powerful the Flying Sword was.

The sword light shot out, its speed far surpassing that of the first two swords, and the Sword Qi was even more like a rainbow, sharp and powerful. Lin Mo was a little shocked, and immediately used all his strength to dodge, the Sword Qi just brushed off his clothes, and by the time he landed, a big hole had already appeared on his clothes.

No, this won't do, it's only the third strike, the Sword Qi behind it became even more powerful. Lin Mo hurriedly tried to think of a way, but the attack from behind was approaching fast, he did not even have a chance to catch his breath.

Although they could not see Lin Mo's battle situation from the outside, they could still sense the movements of the forty-nine Flying Sword s and Lin Mo's spirit energy attacks through their spirit energy senses.

"Lin Mo is in danger, the disparity in his strength is too great. The Flying Sword will definitely harm him." Standing beside Xiao Yaozui, Xiao Yaozi was already worried for him, because he could also see the flying trajectory of the forty-nine Flying Sword as well as the flying Sword Qi.

"Don't worry, I believe that Lin Mo will be able to pass this trial." The Xiao Yaozui said softly, but he was not confident either. After all, there were forty-nine Flying Sword here, could Lin Mo really make it through?

"I think he's definitely going to die this time, he might even cause chaos in his heart. If that's the case, then we can only blame you, Sect Leader. You were the one who personally sent him to the guillotine." Situ Jinghai sneered and called out without restraint.

The Xiao Yaozui did not take Situ Jinghai's words seriously. In his opinion, the most important thing right now was Lin Mo passing the trial.

In the past, there is a high chance that the Passed by would be eliminated in the first stage of the trial. Furthermore, their strengths are all at the eighth level of the Tempering Body, and some at the ninth level of the Tempering Body would even be eliminated. It would be even harder for Lin Mo to pass this trial. The Second Clan Elder shook his head, he was not confident in Lin Mo's ability to pass the trial.

Here, other than the Xiao Yaozui, no one else had any confidence in Lin Mo passing the trial, and all the disciples were holding onto the thought that Lin Mo had been shot by the Flying Sword, to watch the show. If Lin Mo had failed, that would be considered a normal thing, but if Lin Mo had succeeded, it wouldn't be normal.

I hope he can succeed. Lin Mo, you must persevere and not give up. The Xiao Yaozui silently said in his heart. Right now, he could only pray for Lin Mo like this.

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