Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C10 Barebodied Earth Escape
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Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C10 Barebodied Earth Escape
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C10 Barebodied Earth Escape

Half a day later, in a clearing within the dense jungle, a large yellow python with only half of its body remaining on the ground was writhing its thick form, as if trying to bury its other half beneath the earth.


"It's no use, I can't fully submerge myself with my talent ability. Half of me has to stay above ground!"

Big Yellow, the guy Lin Xuan had forcefully renamed, showed a touch of sadness in his amber eyes. Discovering that Big Yellow's special talent was Earth Escape had thrilled Lin Xuan. He had always lacked the ability to vanish into the ground, and with Earth Escape, any pursuer would be at a loss if they didn't know the technique.

Lin Xuan had even fantasized about having Big Yellow whisk him away underground when facing unbeatable foes. But to his surprise, Big Yellow couldn't even manage to fully engage in Earth Escape himself, much less carry Lin Xuan along.

Nevertheless, Big Yellow had only recently undergone bloodline evolution. Given a few days to adapt, the situation should improve. And with the advancement to a Spirit Beast Bloodline, Big Yellow's cultivation speed was set to skyrocket.

Soon, he might even reach the level of a high-tier demonic beast. At that stage, mastering Earth Escape should come with ease. Perhaps Big Yellow's current struggle was due to insufficient spiritual energy to sustain the technique.


"First, we'll devour all the Demonic Beasts in this forest to boost your realm!"

Lin Xuan, standing at the edge of the clearing, watched Big Yellow's half-exposed snake body sway. His deep blue eyes twinkled as he spoke.

"Eat the Demonic Beast!"

At the mention of eating, Big Yellow's other half promptly emerged from Earth Escape. His warm yellow form stood out starkly against the grass, and with an open mouth, he slithered excitedly to Lin Xuan's side, bowing his head in a show of respect and wagging his body joyfully, the picture of obedience.

"Boss, I truly believe my bloodline evolution is all thanks to you. Ever since I entrusted my soul to you, my blood has been boiling, constantly changing. And when I consume other flesh and blood, that transformation intensifies."

Big Yellow glanced back at its shimmering scales and telepathically communicated with Lin Xuan.


"Influenced by me?"

A flicker of confusion crossed Lin Xuan's eyes.

He pondered whether Big Yellow, now his servant, could have gained the ability to evolve its bloodline, just as he could.

"Besides the physical transformation, have you noticed any other changes? Any odd numbers appearing, perhaps?"

Lin Xuan inquired.

"Odd numbers? What are those?"

Big Yellow lifted its head, clearly puzzled by Lin Xuan's question.

From Big Yellow's reaction, Lin Xuan surmised that there were no alterations in its blood or Qi values. It seemed a single evolution was all that had occurred.

"Could I possibly evolve other Demonic Beasts in the future?"

Lin Xuan mused, a surge of excitement rising within him.

Human texts revealed that Demonic Beasts with Spirit Beast Bloodlines were exceedingly rare, and high-grade Spirit Beasts even more so. Many Demonic Beast factions sought disciples with such bloodlines.

Only those with Spirit Beast Bloodlines were deemed worthy of cultivation!

Even with substantial resources, the growth potential of ordinary Demonic Beasts was inherently capped. They could reach only the Qi Refining Stage; beyond that, their bloodline would impose a ceiling.

The chance of a breakthrough was a mere one in ten thousand.

Human annals only contained so much on the Spirit Beasts of the Demon Clan. To discover what lay beyond this small stretch of forest, they would need to explore firsthand.

"You take the lead!"

"It's time for a feast!"

Lin Xuan declared.

"Boss, I've got this. The forest may be small, but it's home to a high-level Demonic Beast and two ordinary ones!"

Big Yellow spoke with a hint of thrill in its voice.

"A high-grade spirit beast and two ordinary ones!"

"Their blood qi should be in the 100-200 range, with spiritual energy values close to 50!"

Lin Xuan considered Big Yellow's report, recalling his previous encounters with the Black-head Fish and the black eagle to make an educated guess.

With ample spiritual energy at his disposal, Big Yellow was poised to ascend to the status of a high-grade spirit beast.

"Let's go!" Lin Xuan declared.

No sooner had the words left his mouth than Big Yellow, by his side, shot out like an arrow released from its bow. A closer inspection would reveal strands of yellowish spiritual energy clinging to the snake's body, as if it were gliding over a layer of wet mud. The snake's body zipped by, swift as a streak of yellow lightning.

Lin Xuan flexed his hind legs and soared into the air, leaping over a hundred feet with ease and swiftly catching up to Big Yellow.

Both creatures hailed from low-grade Spirit Beast bloodlines, yet within this category, there were subtle distinctions. The Dream Cloud Spirit Swallowing Frog that Lin Xuan had chosen likely sat at the pinnacle of its rank.

Half a quarter of an hour later, to the north of the mountain forest, a wild bull adorned with green scales ambled along, contentedly munching on tender grass, its tail swaying without a care.

Swoosh! Suddenly, the sound of fresh, green leaves rustling erupted from the dense foliage of a nearby giant tree. The green-scaled wild bull looked up to see a two-meter-long black frog plummeting from the heavens.

In that moment, as the bull's gaze locked with Lin Xuan's, the Illusion Technique was unleashed. Without Lin Xuan lifting a finger, the bull's world began to whirl dizzyingly, as if caught in a rapidly spinning drum, and it collapsed heavily to the ground.

Lin Xuan lifted his right hand, from which a half-foot-long, razor-sharp black claw burst forth. With precise and decisive action, he brought an end to the wild bull's existence.

Once Lin Xuan had cleared the battlefield, Big Yellow sauntered in.

"Boss is mighty!" he praised.

"Boss is invincible!" he continued, showering Lin Xuan with adulation.

Together, the frog and snake then made their way to the western part of the forest, where they successfully dispatched another common spirit beast, a yellow eel, and a high-tier demonic scorpion. Big Yellow had burrowed into the eel's den, resolving the matter in just half a day.

During the battle with the giant scorpion, Lin Xuan employed the Illusion Technique Giant Needle to pin it to the ground, rendering it nearly immobile. Then, with a single swipe of his claw, he delivered the killing blow.

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