Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C12 Demonic Clan's Power Water Avoidance Hall!
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Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C12 Demonic Clan's Power Water Avoidance Hall!
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C12 Demonic Clan's Power Water Avoidance Hall!

"The aura emanating from our opponent has weakened significantly. We shouldn't face any issues. Let's devour him."

"Don't forget, you have the Earth Escape Technique at your disposal. When the moment is critical, you can dive underground to dodge any attacks!"

Lin Xuan, standing by the chilly pond, spoke to Big Yellow.

Following that.

A frog and a snake transformed into swift, indistinct shadows, darting into the gloomy forest like a whirlwind, closing in on the figure that had plummeted into the woods.

At that moment.

Just a few dozen meters from them.

There lay an open space, nearly half an acre in size.

At its center.

A massive crater, three meters across, had been created.

Within the several-foot-deep pit.

There was a Demonic Cultivator with the head of a hawk and the body of a man, clad in a pure black robe. The robe bore the marks of combat—several charred holes.

He appeared quite disheveled.

A trickle of blood stained the corner of his mouth. He was sprawled in the pit, struggling mightily. His chest barely rose and fell, his breathing labored.

This wounded figure was Qin Fei, a Demonic Cultivator at the Qi Refining Stage.

A solitary practitioner with no ties to the Demon Clan, he had been targeted for assassination by a peer after obtaining a recommendation letter to the Jade Water Hall.

The potent poison had severely hampered his strength, leaving him unable to muster even half of his usual power. His adversary had seized this moment of weakness to unleash a barrage of ruthless techniques.

Ultimately, despite his injuries, he had managed to execute a forbidden spell, releasing a devastating attack that allowed him to break free from the jaws of death.

And so, he had fled to this location.


The poison was overwhelmingly powerful!

After fleeing an indeterminate distance, he felt his Demonic Qi deplete, and he plummeted from the sky into the forest below.

Yet, Qin Fei remained unfazed.

On the fringes of the Azure Dragon Ridge, the modest stretch of forest was home to nothing more than ordinary Demonic Beasts, posing no real threat.

Even with a mere tenth of his strength, Qin Fei was confident he could handle these newly sentient Demonic Beasts without issue.

"I need to find a safe haven nearby to tend to my wounds first."

Struggling to his feet within the vast crater, Qin Fei staggered out.

He surveyed the pitch-black jungle around him, his eyes finally resting on the shadowy mountain range to the west. A cave in the mountains seemed like the best refuge.

As Qin Fei pondered his next move...


A series of piercing winds whistled past his ears. Above the gloomy forest, a massive black eagle plummeted from the sky, crashing to the earth with the force of a thousand-kilogram boulder, sending tremors through the ground.

Then, under Qin Fei's watchful eye, the true form of the colossal creature was revealed: a black frog nearly two meters in length, its deep blue, dreamlike eyes sparkling with the brilliance of a starry galaxy, making his heart skip a beat.

"A high-level spirit beast!"

"It looks like... a Spirit Beast!"

"Spirit Beast!!"

Qin Fei's pulse raced at the sight of the immense blue-eyed black frog. He hadn't expected to encounter a Spirit Beast in such a desolate corner of the Azure Dragon Ridge.

"It's wounded, its presence faint but still formidable!"

"Big Yellow, this is our chance!"

In that moment.

From the shadows of the forest some dozens of meters away, Lin Xuan fixed his gaze on Qin Fei in the pit. With a fleeting glance, he swiftly communicated telepathically with Big Yellow, who was slithering beneath the earth.

"Got it!"

Big Yellow responded.

"Illusion Technique Giant Needle!"

Without a moment's hesitation, Lin Xuan unleashed his most powerful attack.

His blue eyes shone brilliantly.

A massive surge of spiritual consciousness erupted, and in the space just steps in front of him, a black giant needle nearly ten meters long materialized!


In an instant.

The conjured black giant needle, swift as a loosed arrow, streaked through the night sky, aiming directly for the wounded early-stage Qi Refining Eagle Demon in the pit.

"Innate Magic!"

The Eagle Demon, seeing the oncoming spiritual giant needle, had its pupils contract sharply.

Instinctively, it exhaled a stream of black, smoky demonic aura.

From within the smoke, a round bronze shield emerged. The shield, initially just two feet in length, swelled as it absorbed the demonic aura, inflating to nearly ten feet across in mere moments.

It was akin to a massive, hefty shield standing before him. The ancient bronze shield bore stark, alarming cracks, as if it had been savagely struck by a blade, teetering on the brink of falling apart.

"Cough! Cough!" He summoned his Defensive Magic Treasure.

The Eagle Demon, sprawled in the pit, slightly opened its beak and spat out several mouthfuls of blood, its aura growing increasingly disordered. What the Eagle Demon hadn't anticipated was that Lin Xuan's Illusion Technique Giant Needle wasn't solely composed of Spiritual Qi. It was a fusion of Divine Sense and Spiritual Qi, capable of breaching most physical defenses.


To the Eagle Demon's astonishment, Lin Xuan's Black Illusion Nail effortlessly passed through the shield and impaled its head with brutal force.

"Ahh!" The pain was excruciating.

The Spiritual Nail had pierced the Spiritual Body within the Eagle Demon's Spiritual Sea, obliterating nearly a third of its soul. The Eagle Demon couldn't contain an ear-piercing screech of agony.

"Spiritual Sense attack!"

With its Spiritual Sense severely depleted, the Eagle Demon retreated in dread, its eyes losing their luster. If subjected to a few more Spiritual Sense attacks by the giant frog, its soul risked being scattered to the winds.

As the wounded Eagle Demon staggered back, suddenly, a surge of potent Spiritual Qi erupted from beneath it.


The earth beneath it split asunder, and a swift yellow blur burst forth, swiftly entangling its legs and binding its waist.

Then, a tremendous force yanked at its waist, and the Eagle Demon's body, once standing firm, was violently slammed to the ground. A deep, muffled sound echoed as it was dragged beneath the surface.

"There's actually another one..." This realization dawned on the Eagle Demon in the instant it was pulled underground, its eyes wide with shock.

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