Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C13 A New Crisis!
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Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C13 A New Crisis!
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C13 A New Crisis!

"It's done!"

Lin Xuan, standing dozens of steps away, couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy when he saw the Eagle Demon, its aura in disarray, being dragged underground by Big Yellow.

Moments later, the earth beneath him vibrated, punctuated by a series of muffled, eerie sounds.

After a dozen breaths, all was silent.

Suddenly, a warm yellow glow surfaced on the ground a few steps from Lin Xuan, coalescing into a puddle nearby. From it, a black eagle with folded wings was flung out, sporting a massive gash on its neck—so severe it nearly severed the head from the body.

Dark blood oozed out.

The black eagle's presence was eerily still, a clear sign that the Qi Refining Stage Demonic Cultivator had met its end.

"Big Yellow, nicely done!" Lin Xuan commended through a voice transmission.

"It's all thanks to your excellent guidance, boss!" Big Yellow responded, emerging from the earth. After a bit of bootlicking, it turned its massive head, drooling at the sight of the black eagle's carcass.

Big Yellow was on cloud nine, having dispatched a Demonic Cultivator of the Qi Refining Stage. After all, it was a formidable Demonic Beast of that same level.

"Boss, shall we eat it?" Big Yellow asked eagerly.

"Yes, but first, let's see if there's anything valuable on it. If we find any books about Demonic Cultivators, that would be a real score!" Lin Xuan suggested, standing nearby.

Together, the frog and snake approached the fallen foe. Aside from a battered copper shield, the black eagle had only a dark brown storage bag remaining.

The black eagle was dead, and with no Spiritual Sense imprint left on the storage bag, it was now unclaimed.

Lin Xuan sent a wisp of his Spiritual Sense into the bag, which then bore his mark. Instantly, his mind visualized a cubic meter of space.

Within the dark, profound space lay three dim Low Grade Spirit Stones and a purple-red token, inscribed with the verdant words "Jade Water Hall."

Additionally, there was a wooden box, nearly six inches in length.

Inside the box lay a dark medicinal paste, wafting a subtle fragrance. It appeared to be a healing salve for treating wounds—a valuable commodity for any healer.

Lin Xuan's attention was drawn to three lackluster Spirit Stones.

He retrieved a Low Grade Spirit Stone from his storage bag, examining its oval shape. Clasping it, he sensed a surge of potent Spiritual Qi.

Activating his cultivation technique, Lin Xuan began to absorb the Spiritual Qi from the stone in his right hand.

"Spiritual Energy Value +1!"

"Spiritual Energy Value +1!"


Soon, he felt streams of spiritual energy flowing from the oval Spirit Stone, being devoured into his body.

"Excellent find!"

As the Spiritual Energy Value swiftly replenished, a spark of excitement flickered in Lin Xuan's deep-set eyes.

The token, however, hinted at a certain status.

It felt cool and as weighty as dark iron when Lin Xuan picked it up.

A flood of information poured into his consciousness as his divine sense probed the token.

Jade Water Hall.

One of the top four powers of the Vast Wave Mountain Range.

The Hall Master was a formidable Golden Crystal Water Ape, a descendant of ancient water apes, boasting a high-grade Spirit Beast bloodline and remarkable innate abilities.

Its abode stood proudly beside the Vast Wave River, an ideal location for harnessing techniques with amplified effects.

The token provided insights into this Demonic Clan's stronghold. The water ape was a significant Demon at the Core Formation Stage, with an influential lineage.

This token served as a letter of recommendation, granting the bearer a chance to join the Jade Water Hall.

Every three years, Jade Water Hall issued thirty such tokens to select members of the surrounding Demon Clans.

Once the deadline approached,

anyone who reached the domain governed by the Jade Water Hall within the allotted time could use the recommendation token to gain entry.

"This is a Demon Clan's letter of recommendation," Lin Xuan remarked calmly.

However, Lin Xuan was somewhat disappointed that he couldn't find any information on the surrounding terrain. But, to his relief, the recommendation token for the Jade Water Hall had a directional marker on it, formed from a wisp of demonic energy, pointing north.

"Boss, what's this iron piece?" Big Yellow, who was nearby, noticed Lin Xuan examining the Jade Water Hall's recommendation token and swam over, his voice tinged with curiosity.

After Lin Xuan provided an explanation, Big Yellow's excitement was palpable. He had long desired to join a demonic faction, knowing that with the backing of a powerful demon, he wouldn't have to fear other threats.

"We should try to locate the Jade Water Hall. We know far too little about this world as it is!"

"Alright! I'll follow your lead, Boss!" Big Yellow eagerly nodded in agreement.

"First, let's finish off this black eagle. It's wounded and carries a recommendation token from a demonic faction. This bird is likely being hunted by other demons. We'll deal with it swiftly and then follow the direction the token indicates," Lin Xuan suggested.

A short time later, having devoured the black eagle, Lin Xuan gained an impressive 200 points of Blood Qi and 46 points of Spiritual Qi. The Blood Qi at the Qi Refining Stage was staggeringly abundant.

Big Yellow, too, after consuming a substantial amount of the Eagle Demon's flesh, found his own cultivation base significantly more stable, his aura lengthier and more robust than before.

Lin Xuan, with the addition of nearly 50 points of Spiritual Qi, had reached the pinnacle of the early high-level monster stage, just shy of the breakthrough that would catapult him to the next realm.

"We shouldn't delay any further; let's get out of here," Lin Xuan urged.

As night fell, Lin Xuan, crouched beside the grass, cast a wary glance at the massive crater left by the Eagle Demon. A trace of apprehension flickered in his eyes. Whoever had managed to inflict such damage on the Qi Refining Stage Eagle Demon was undoubtedly a formidable adversary.

The bronze shield summoned by the pursuer bore deep, alarming scars—likely the work of the chasing demon. Facing such a foe was no easy task.

It was wiser to make a swift departure.

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