Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C15 Exhausted to Death!!
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Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C15 Exhausted to Death!!
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C15 Exhausted to Death!!

The wolf demon, in pursuit of the one who devoured the Eagle Demon, had given chase for half an hour. At last, it caught up with the creature, only to discover that its quarry was not one, but two high-level demons—a frog and a snake—each radiating with an exceptionally potent blood energy.

"The entry recommendation order for the Jade Water Hall will ultimately be mine!" declared the scar-faced Black Wolf Demon. As he dove from the treetop, he gazed down at the frog and snake nestled beneath the towering Ancient Tree, a triumphant grin spreading across his face.

But then, something unexpected happened. The massive black frog's dreamy blue eyes suddenly emitted a dazzling light.

The wolf demon's head spun, its vision warping wildly as if inebriated, its body swaying precariously in the air.

"Illusion Technique Giant Needle!" came a shout from below.

Lin Xuan, stationed under the Ancient Tree with only a large yellow creature at his side, noticed the success of his illusion and unleashed his sole offensive skill.

Boom! The force of his divine consciousness erupted, and within moments, a colossal black nail, nearly ten meters in length, materialized before him. It transformed into a swift shadow, rocketing towards the wolf demon suspended in midair.

The speed was lightning-fast.


The Black-fur Wolf Demon, still regaining his balance, was abruptly met with a piercing force head-on.

Instinctively, he raised his black-furred arms to shield himself. Yet, to his shock, the giant nail tore through his defenses and embedded itself deep into his forehead.

"Ah!!!" he howled, overcome by excruciating pain as the nail shattered twenty percent of his divine consciousness.

Clutching his head, the Black-fur Wolf Demon bared his white fangs in agony, a sight that sent shivers down the spine.

"Spirit Beast Bloodline!" "Hallucination talent!"


Once the Black-fur Wolf Demon managed to quell the searing pain in his mind, he opened his bloodshot eyes wide with exhilaration, fixating on the black frog under the Ancient Tree. A spirit beast with awakened talents was a prize worth devouring.

However, it could also enhance his bloodline.

"Spirit Beast blood!"

"It fetches a fortune in the market!"

"I've struck it rich!"

The Black-fur Wolf Demon exclaimed with excitement.


The Black-fur Wolf Demon lifted the sharp broadsword, shrouded in a swirling black mist. In a flash, the demon transformed into a swift shadow, wielding the sword and striking down toward the frog and snake beneath the ancient tree!

"Big Yellow, use Earth Escape!"


As the Qi Refining Wolf Demon lunged forward, Lin Xuan urgently communicated telepathically to Big Yellow.


In an instant.

A warm yellow glow radiated from Big Yellow, enveloping them both and plunging into the earth, vanishing without a trace!

The Black-fur Wolf Demon reached the spot, raising the corroded broadsword and bringing it down hard where Lin Xuan and Big Yellow had just been.


The broadsword hit the ground with a demonic force, nearly ten thousand kilograms heavy, gouging a three-meter deep crater and sending soil spraying in all directions—an awe-inspiring display of power.

"Did they escape?"

The Black-fur Wolf Demon looked at the now-empty spot, momentarily stunned and bewildered.

Then it hit him.

He remembered the burst of light from the earthy yellow python and their descent into the ground.

"Another Spirit Beast!"

"How can so many Spirit Beasts exist in this desolate forest?"

The Black-fur Wolf Demon mused, somewhat amazed.


The earthy yellow python's natural talent appeared to be Earth Escape!

A Spirit Beast with the Earth Escape ability.

"The very Spirit Beast sought by the Jade Water Hall!"

"What incredible luck! I've stumbled upon the Jade Water Hall's entry recommendation token. But alas, both of you Spirit Beasts will meet your end at my hands today!"

"I refuse to believe you can keep using your innate abilities indefinitely!"

The Black-fur Wolf Demon slowly rose to his feet.

He hoisted the rusty broadsword back onto his shoulder.

His piercing wolf eyes scanned the area.

All of a sudden.

Thirty meters to his side.

Behind the ancient tree.

A massive frog head burst forth, its large blue eyes shimmering with light.


"Can it still harness its innate ability?"

A flicker of astonishment crossed the wolf demon's mind as it locked gazes with the black frog, the onset of dizziness catching it by surprise.


A high-level Spirit Beast expends not only Spirit Qi but also vital blood energy when using its innate abilities. For one to employ such powers in rapid succession was a clear sign of an exceptionally gifted Spirit Beast.

"Illusion Technique Giant Needle!"

From afar,

Lin Xuan, concealed behind the Ancient Tree, had already popped the three lackluster Spirit Stones into his mouth. His body's Thousand Illusion Swallowing Spirit Spell whirled wildly, voraciously absorbing the Spirit Qi within the stones.

"Spirit Qi +1!"

"Spirit Qi +1!"


He was effectively gaining two points of Spirit Qi every second.

The replenishment of Spirit Qi within him was astoundingly swift.

Each deployment of the Illusion Technique Attack was promptly followed by a quick recharge.


As Lin Xuan's Illusion Technique Giant Needle skewered the Black-fur Wolf Demon's skull once more, the demon let out an agonized howl to the heavens.

It felt as if its head would split apart.

Twice assaulted by the Illusion Technique Giant Needle!

Half of the Qi Refining Divine Soul within its psyche had been obliterated.

The remnants of its fractured soul began to release torrents of pure soul power uncontrollably. Without any spiritual medicine to restore its Spiritual Sense, the wolf demon wouldn't even need Lin Xuan to act.

Its soul was on the brink of extinction!

"Damn it!"

With bloodshot eyes, the Black-fur Wolf Demon glared at the black frog's head, dozens of feet away. Its eyes, once brimming with murderous intent, now betrayed a profound wariness.

It had assumed they were merely two common monsters.

It thought it could easily reclaim the Jade Water Hall's entry recommendation token, but unexpectedly, it faced two Spirit Beasts—one with an Illusion Technique Attack that could bypass physical defenses, and the other adept in the art of Earth Escape.

Offense and defense in unison!

Their synergy was exceedingly troublesome!

From behind the Ancient Tree,

Lin Xuan, gritting through the throbbing in his head, launched another Illusion Technique Attack!

"Illusion Technique Giant Needle!"


A black afterimage sliced through the air.

The Black-fur Wolf Demon, struck once more, teetered on the brink of collapse.

The Divine Soul Body within its sea of consciousness, battered by the Illusion Technique Giant Needle, was reduced to a mere wisp of gray mist. Even without Lin Xuan's manipulations, the Wolf Demon's movements grew shaky.

Like a drunken man, the Black-fur Wolf Demon stumbled forward a few paces before collapsing heavily to the ground, lifeless.

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