Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C18 Shape Transforming Pill! Qi Refining Stage!
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Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C18 Shape Transforming Pill! Qi Refining Stage!
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C18 Shape Transforming Pill! Qi Refining Stage!

"Spiritual Energy Value +1!"

"Spiritual Energy Value +2!"


Having used the Thousand Illusion Swallowing Spirit Spell to consume the remaining traces of spiritual energy within the Blood Jade Lingzhi, Lin Xuan's own Spiritual Energy Value had reached a tipping point.


Capturing just one more ordinary Demonic Beast would allow him to plunder its blood and spiritual energy, propelling him into the Qi Refining Stage.

This would result in the complete integration of his meridians!

He would then have the ability to reshape his body, enabling a degree of Shape Transforming.

Yet, the extent of Shape Transforming at the Qi Refining Stage largely depends on one's innate understanding. Some Qi Refining Stage Demonic Beasts with exceptional insight could even achieve the perfect Shape Transforming usually reserved for those at the Foundation Stage.

Subsequently, Lin Xuan sank into deep contemplation.

His Attribute Panel shimmered before his eyes.

Nickname: Dream Cloud Spirit Swallowing Frog

Level: High-class Demonic Beast (Great Perfection)

Spiritual Energy Value: 362/998

Blood Aura Value: 2479/10000

Bloodline Level: Low-grade Spirit Beast

Innate Abilities: Casting Illusions, Extremely Strong Armor, Strong Acidic Gastric Juice.

At present.

He was a mere two points shy of the 1000 needed to break through to the Qi Refining Stage, though his Blood Aura Value still required more time to accumulate.

Upon reaching the Middle Grade Spirit Beast bloodline.

He would gain access to several life-preserving skills!

Following this.

Lin Xuan turned his attention back to the white jade porcelain bottle within the first wooden box, effortlessly lifting the magical seal from its mouth.

In the instant the seal was released.


A torrent of pure blood energy erupted from within the bottle.

Lin Xuan inhaled deeply, absorbing the blood energy emanating from the Pill.

"Blood Aura Value +2!"

"Blood Aura Value +4!"

"Spiritual Energy Value +2!"


As the Spiritual Energy Value fluctuated.

Lin Xuan's accumulated Spiritual Energy finally hit the 1000 mark!


In an instant.

The last blockages in Lin Xuan's veins cleared, allowing unfettered flow. Bolstered by the powerful Spiritual Energy, the blood energy within his limbs began to roil.

It felt like he was submerged in molten lava!

His entire body was searing hot.

Visible wisps of white steam rose from Lin Xuan's body, enveloping him in a swirling mist, his presence nothing short of awe-inspiring!

As Lin Xuan lifted the magical restriction from the bottle,

He came to understand the contents within—a Rank Two Shape Transforming Pill!

The Shape Transforming Pill, as the name suggests, aids a Demonic Beast in its metamorphosis.

And Lin Xuan had only just advanced to the Qi Refining Stage,

Poised on the brink of transformation.


Lin Xuan popped a Shape Transforming Pill into his mouth and within moments, a thin veil of blood mist emerged on his skin!


Excruciating pain!

In an instant,

Bone honing brought on an agony that tore through him like relentless ocean waves.


The severe pain was fleeting. In less than half a breath's time, it rapidly subsided,

Replaced by a soothing sensation akin to basking in a warm spring.

As the blood mist cleared, there stood a young man clad in a blood-red robe, his long hair secured by a jade ribbon, his features striking, his eyes like stars.

The blood-red robe drifted gently in the water.

Deep within the young man's dark, profound eyes, a rich azure hue flickered intensely.

"Is this my transformed human form?"

Lin Xuan lifted his delicate right hand.

With a gesture,

The water before him heeded his call, and in moments, it formed a towering mirror. Lin Xuan gazed upon the reflection of the young man in the mirror—

For the first time, he saw the human form he had assumed!

"Perfection in appearance!"

"And with the aid of the Shape Transforming Pill, having just entered the Qi Refining Stage, he completely bypassed the half-transformation phase, achieving a flawless transformation!"

Lin Xuan made a thorough check.

Not a single characteristic of the Dream Cloud Spirit Swallowing Frog remained on his person.

Lin Xuan flexed his body, finding the familiar motions of a human form second nature to him, thanks to his past life as a human. He acclimated quickly.

Next, Lin Xuan was eager to experiment with his ability to partially transform into a Demonic Beast. He lifted his right hand and focused his thoughts. In an instant, the once slender and pale hand darkened at a specific point, and within moments, it morphed into a massive frog palm nearly one and a half meters across—only his right hand had transformed. The newfound strength in his right hand was significantly enhanced.

Moreover, he could sense a formidable power emanating from the enlarged appendage. After a few casual shifts of his right hand, Lin Xuan mastered the seamless transition between his demonic and human forms.

Meanwhile, outside the underwater mansion, Big Yellow, having gorged himself on a feast of black fish, followed Lin Xuan's trail to the heart of the underwater estate, right outside the central palace.

He nudged the door open and stepped inside. Upon seeing the figure in the blood robe, Big Yellow's eyes widened in shock, and he instinctively thought to flee. But as he recognized the familiar aura of the blood-robed figure, his escape halted abruptly.

"Boss?" Big Yellow ventured cautiously.

As Lin Xuan turned to face him, the glint of dark blue in his eyes left Big Yellow swimming in astonishment before him.

"Boss, have you advanced to the Qi Refining Stage?" he blurted out incredulously. "How is that even possible…"

Big Yellow was utterly baffled. He had sensed that the Toad Boss's level was the same as his, both at the early Qi Refining Stage. Yet, in such a brief span, an inexplicable breakthrough had occurred. Without witnessing it himself, Big Yellow would have found it impossible to believe.

"This is the Shape Transforming Pill!" Lin Xuan explained. "I discovered it here in the underwater mansion. Once you reach the later stages of higher-level spirit creatures, you can use this pill to aid in your breakthrough to the Qi Refining Stage."

Gazing at the bewildered, millstone-sized face of the mud-colored snake, Lin Xuan deftly pinched the remaining Shape Transforming Pill between his fingers.

For Lin Xuan at this stage, Big Yellow's Earth Escape ability was of paramount importance.

Without it, overcoming the Black-fur Wolf Demon would not have been such a breeze.

"Shape Transforming Pill!"

Big Yellow's snake eyes grew wide, fixated on the Shape Transforming Pill in Lin Xuan's right hand.

Previously, the thought of transforming was beyond his wildest dreams.


"You've been too kind to me!"

Tears welled up in the eyes of Big Yellow, who stood several meters away, as he expressed his gratitude.

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