Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C2 Want to be My Subordinate
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Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C2 Want to be My Subordinate
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C2 Want to be My Subordinate

In the damp, mist-laden jungle, nestled between the towering trees, a massive black python—its girth comparable to an adult's thigh and nearly thirteen meters in length—slithered swiftly by. Its scales, dark as pitch and large as bowls, gave the impression of being forged from black iron. A cold gleam flickered in its purple-red vertical pupils as a scarlet tongue flicked out, tracing the faint traces of blood scent carried on the air.


From a bird's-eye view above the canopy, one could clearly spot a rapid shadow darting through the thick underbrush, racing toward the heart of the forest. Despite the rain-soaked terrain, the Black Snake glided over puddles with the grace of a dragonfly skimming water, barely stirring the surface into a gentle ripple.

Upon closer inspection, a subtle green demonic aura could be seen under the belly of the Black Snake, lending it such extraordinary speed as it weaved through the bushes. The spider it had previously wounded was likely close by, as the scent of blood grew increasingly pungent, igniting a spark of excitement in the snake's eyes.

"It's in these bushes!"


Without hesitation, the Black Snake plunged into the thicket ahead.


As the front half of its body penetrated the foliage, it was met with the sight of a two-meter-tall black toad, its eyes like starry galaxies, fixed intently upon the snake.

"Did this black toad eat the spider?"

The sight of the imposing frog caused a wave of dizziness to wash over the Black Snake. Yet, its initial reaction was to marvel at the toad's striking appearance.

"Just a glance and I'm dizzy. Does this creature possess some innate ability? A Spirit Beast?" The thought sent a jolt through the Black Snake's heart.

But in such a remote area, where the spiritual energy was so sparse, how could there be a Demonic Beast with the lineage of a Spirit Beast? It defied logic. Typically, Spirit Beasts would have no trouble joining the ranks of a Demonic Beast faction, unlike lesser creatures like them, who would struggle to gain entry. And even if they did manage to join, those with ordinary Demonic Beast bloodlines could only hope to scrape by at the bottom rung.

With the boost of a Spirit Beast Bloodline, they could soar to great heights!

"Yet this guy seems more foe than friend!"

"Better to make a run for it!"

The Black Snake Demonic Beast, upon sensing the oppressive force of Lin Xuan's bloodline, immediately thought to turn tail and flee!

At that moment, Lin Xuan had just finished his bloodline evolution and was still getting used to his newfound abilities when a terrifying Black Snake head emerged from the dense underbrush before him.

Its gaping maw revealed two razor-sharp fangs.

Hostility glinted in its purple-red vertical pupils.

Moreover, Lin Xuan faintly detected the Black Snake's subtle demonic aura, indicating it was a formidable creature indeed.

His stomach was empty!

Even though he had evolved into the Dream Cloud Spirit Swallowing Frog, he had retained the potent acidic gastric juice from his days as a Tree Sea Mud Frog. Now ravenous, the black snake before him looked particularly succulent!


As the Black Snake made to slither away, Lin Xuan flexed his hind legs.

He felt an immense propulsive force, as if rocket boosters were strapped to his thighs, and he blasted off from his spot with the force of a thunderbolt, hurtling forward at breakneck speed!

Like a shell fired from a cannon!

He flew uncontrollably over the Black Snake's bushy hideout and plowed straight through a dozen massive trees, each requiring seven or eight people to encircle them.


In the jungle, the towering trees toppled and crashed to the ground, sending a thunderous echo throughout the forest.

At the edge of the shattered timber, on a clearing,

Lin Xuan's powerful kick, unable to contain his own strength, had propelled him directly into this spot.

After smashing through more than a dozen giant trees,

He created a deep crater in the earth, several meters deep. Streams trickled down around the crater's edges, filling the deep pit with muddy water.

"The strength of the Spirit Beast is incredible. Though the spiritual energy inside hasn't increased much, the sheer physical power has skyrocketed at least tenfold. The Spirit Beast Bloodline truly outstrips that of an ordinary Demonic Beast at the same level by a wide margin!"

A flicker of astonishment crossed Lin Xuan's gaze.


During his bloodline evolution, Lin Xuan had witnessed the vast Evolution Tree, its layers seemingly endless, with only three peak bloodline options available!

Yet, he could only discern the form of a low-grade Spirit Beast; beyond that, the bloodline levels were a blur, spanning more than a dozen tiers!

If a low-grade Spirit Beast was already formidable, what of the Middle Grade and higher?

Could it be that a Demonic Beast of such lineage would rival the might of the Greater Demons, those capable of soaring and vanishing into the heavens?

In the present moment.

As Lin Xuan contemplated in the water hole.

The Black Snake, a mere hundred steps away, glanced back at the massive tree Lin Xuan had just shattered. Fear flickered through its purple-red vertical pupils.

Such brute force was unmistakably that of a Spirit Beast Bloodline!

Had that strike landed on its own serpentine form, with its meager scale armor, death would have been certain.

"Escape is futile!"

The Black Snake remembered the gust-like speed it had just witnessed, catching only a fleeting afterimage before the thunderous collapse of a dozen giant trees ensued.

"I wonder if this toad big brother would welcome a little guy like me?"

A spark of cunning suddenly lit up the previously lifeless eyes of the Black Snake!

This was a chance!

Though the toad Spirit Beast was a formidable threat, it also represented a golden opportunity, a powerful ally to cling to!

If he could secure this ally's favor, perhaps he could one day join a Demonic Beast faction and even transform into a human form!

"Action is the only choice, better to gamble on the future than face certain death!"

Resolve shone in the Black Snake's eyes as it subtly shifted its body, slithering toward Lin Xuan, who was deep in thought within the water hole.

As Lin Xuan emerged from the pit.

The black python, stretching over ten meters long, had somehow made its way before him, bowing its head in a gesture of fealty. From its mouth, tinged with a trace of Demonic Qi, it expelled a sphere of blood essence, faint with spiritual energy.

Within it pulsed a strand of soul force!

Upon closer inspection.

One could see within the tenuous blood mist a miniature replica of the Black Snake itself!

"Have you given up the spirit?"

"Do you want to be my sidekick?"

Lin Xuan, standing at the edge of the pit, gazed at the faint red glow before him.

The blood qi it emitted was truly alluring.

Since he wasn't too familiar with this jungle, taking on a local guide as his sidekick seemed like a good idea.

Lin Xuan parted his lips slightly and inhaled softly. A powerful suction emanated from his mouth, drawing the feeble spirit into his belly.

"Blood qi +1!"

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