Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C20 Divine Transformation Seventytwo Styles!
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Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C20 Divine Transformation Seventytwo Styles!
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C20 Divine Transformation Seventytwo Styles!

"Spirit Fire!"

"Judging by the level displayed, if we categorize it accordingly, it means that the nascent power of this Illusory Spirit Fire is comparable to a top-tier first-rank spell!"

Lin Xuan's gaze became pensive.

His eyes fixed absently on the palm of his right hand.


At his mental command.


Within his right palm.

A white flame, about the size of a watermelon seed, burst into existence.

"Spiritual Energy Value -1!"

Lin Xuan waited a few moments before the notification "Spiritual Energy Value -1" popped up before his eyes!

The consumption of Spiritual Energy was surprisingly low!

The Spirit Fire seed seemed to have a life of its own. Once Lin Xuan summoned it, he could feel the Spiritual Energy from around him, within a radius of tens of meters, being drawn to it as if by a call.

It streamed steadily toward the Illusory Spirit Fire Seed in his right hand, maintaining a balance between what was consumed and absorbed.

The drain on Lin Xuan's reserves was minimal. He could even sustain this equilibrium with the ordinary practice of the Thousand Illusion Swallowing Spirit Spell, simply by drawing in the surrounding Spiritual Energy.


Without further ado.

Lin Xuan tossed the faint white flame he had summoned. When it landed twenty meters away, the modest flame detonated upon impact with the ground!


In a flash.

It was as though a shell had struck.

A crater nearly two meters deep was blasted into the distant ground, sending dirt flying in all directions.

"Not a bad bit of power!" Lin Xuan mused, observing the upheaval he'd caused.

When he attempted to conjure another small orb of Illusory Spirit Fire, the display read "Spiritual Energy Value -150"!


The expenditure of Spiritual Energy was manageable, not too taxing.


Lin Xuan's casual summoning and tossing of the Illusory Spirit Fire was merely the most rudimentary application. Spirit Fire, born of the natural world, was exceedingly scarce.

Typically, it was coveted by equipment forgers and Alchemists alike.

Even though.

Cultivators at the Qi Refining Stage and Foundation Stage with an affinity for fire could wield some true qi flames through Fire Controlling Arts. Yet, those true qi flames lacked the sentience of Spirit Fire, and the difference in manipulating them was vast, akin to comparing the heavens to the earth.

Above all, the spiritual fire used to refine magic tools or pills is capable of purging impurities several levels more effectively than the ordinary Pill Fire used by cultivators. Upon absorbing the Illusory Spirit Fire into his body, Lin Xuan's Spiritual Energy Value surged by 152 points—a notable increase of two points from before.

Following this, Lin Xuan's consciousness delved deeper into the pages of the Thousand Illusion Swallowing Spirit Spell within his Consciousness Sea Space. The third page contained the seed of the Illusory Spirit Fire. If he could manifest it into a tangible object, then the treasures on the fourth and fifth pages would surely not be of lesser value than the Illusory Spirit Fire Seed.

On the fourth page of the Lineage Cultivation Method, as Lin Xuan's spiritual sense touched the page, an ancient Jade Slip materialized, its surface as smooth as carved white jade.

"A Jade Slip?" he wondered. "Does it contain another cultivation method?"

Curiosity sparked in Lin Xuan's eyes. He summoned the Jade Slip, which felt pleasantly warm to the touch, its heat gently enveloping his right hand. When his spiritual sense penetrated the Jade Slip, a Fire Controlling Magic Spell emerged with crystal clarity in his sea of consciousness.

"Divine Transformation Seventy-two Styles! Rank Three Lower Grade!"

A thrill of excitement shot through Lin Xuan. He then immersed himself in the depths of his consciousness, slowly unraveling the mysteries of the Divine Transformation Seventy-two Styles. This profound fire-controlling technique boasted formidable power, and with full mastery, refining Rank Three pills would be effortless.

Yet, Lin Xuan had only just entered the Qi Refining Stage. His understanding of the technique was akin to his grasp of the Demon Slaying Sword—limited to the aspects of the Fire Controlling Arts that corresponded to the first rank. Should he venture into the second rank, the consumption of his spiritual sense would skyrocket.

Considering his current level of endurance, even mastering the nineteenth and twentieth styles of the Rank Two Fire Controlling Arts would take two days at this rate of comprehension, not to mention the significant drain on his spiritual sense.

The Fire Controlling Arts within the Divine Transformation Seventy-two Styles are profound.

The initial eighteen techniques of the first rank are all straightforward applications of spiritual fire.

The first seventeen techniques are common quenching methods, but the eighteenth reveals an attack-like Fire Controlling Art: the Fire Chain.

"Fire Chain!"

Lin Xuan, after meditating for fifteen minutes atop the verdant boulder, abruptly opened his deep, starry eyes and lifted his hands to execute a series of intricate seals.


With the seals in place, a White Flame erupted from his right hand.

"Spiritual Energy: -200!"


Once the spiritual energy was deducted, a white flame burst forth from his right hand. In moments, it coalesced into a nearly two-meter-long chain of white flame, accompanied by a pleasant series of metallic sounds by Lin Xuan's ear, reminiscent of wind chimes swaying in the breeze.

"This requires 50 more points of spiritual energy than a standard summoning!"

A contemplative look flickered in Lin Xuan's eyes.

Yet, the might of this Fire Chain was at least twice that of the Illusory Spirit Fire conjured by a regular summon.


Lin Xuan's piercing gaze fixed on a majestic iron tree some dozen meters away. He uttered a command.


Instantly, the Fire Chain, hovering a few steps in front of him, streaked through the air, leaving a swift white trail. It wrapped around the massive tree, as thick as several people embracing, with the predatory swiftness of a snake.

Simultaneously, a tumultuous blaze burst forth from the Fire Chain, now ablaze with White Flame.

Within moments, the iron tree was engulfed and reduced to ashes, while the Illusory Spirit Fire's mystical Fire Chain had expended less than a tenth of its power.

The Fire Chain seemed almost sentient.

After incinerating the iron tree, it returned to Lin Xuan's hand with an almost sentient grace.

"The power is truly formidable!"

"The seed of the Illusory Spirit Fire combined with the Divine Transformation Seventy-two Styles has yielded astonishing strength. With this technique at my disposal, the journey to Jade Water Hall is assuredly more secure!"

Lin Xuan reabsorbed the Fire Chain into the center of his palm.

"Spiritual Energy +180!"


the phrase "+180 Spiritual Energy" materialized before Lin Xuan's gaze!

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