Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C3 Mr Black Snake Who Had Everything!!
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Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C3 Mr Black Snake Who Had Everything!!
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C3 Mr Black Snake Who Had Everything!!

Lin Xuan once again focused deeply.

Before him appeared a virtual Attribute Panel.

Nickname: Dream Cloud Spirit Swallowing Frog

Spiritual Energy: 74

Blood Qi Points: 2

Bloodline Level: Low-rank Spirit Beast

Innate Abilities: Casting Illusions, Extremely Strong Armor, Strong Acidic Gastric Juice

If he could gather 100 Spiritual Energy points, he might be able to ascend beyond the realm of an ordinary Demonic Beast. Yet, the specifics of the levels eluded him. If only he could lay his hands on the tomes of this world.

After Lin Xuan consumed the blood qi infused with soul essence.

A glimmer of delight flickered in the purple-red vertical pupils of the Black Snake Demon, who bowed its head in submission.

By consuming his soul essence, the Toad Boss had effectively claimed him as a subordinate. The thread of soul essence linked to his very life, now firmly in the grasp of the Toad Boss.

"Toad Boss!"

The Black Snake Demon communicated with a respectful, yet faint, consciousness.

In his presence.

Upon hearing the youthful voice, Lin Xuan cast a glance at the Black Snake Demonic Beast standing a few paces before him.


Lin Xuan acknowledged with a nod.

"Do you know of any other Spirit Beasts in the vicinity?"

Lin Xuan inquired through his consciousness.

"Spirit Beasts like me!?"

The Black Snake Demon's heart thudded at the Toad Boss's question. Clearly, the Toad Boss was on the hunt for a target!


They were now a formidable duo of Demonic Beasts, and with the Toad Boss's Spirit Beast Bloodline, they could vanquish even those beyond their tier. Unstoppable, they could doom all the forest's Spirit Beasts.


"Boss, there's a Black-head Fish in a cold pond thirty miles west of here. It's a formidable force in this forest, a veritable overlord. It's on the cusp of the Qi Refining Stage, just a step from advancing. With a stroke of luck, it could progress to the mid-Qi Refining Stage, even undergo a transformation to semi-human form, and meet the criteria to join a Demon Clan. That would be a meteoric rise to power!"

"But taking that step is just too hard!"

"Qi Refining?"

Lin Xuan's eyes showed a flicker of confusion when he heard his newly acquired Black Snake underling mention this.

"Yes... Yes, that's right!"

"With Toad Boss's Spirit Beast Bloodline, free from the constraints of common bloodlines, stepping into the Qi Refining Stage and transforming into a human form to become a mighty demon with a lifespan as long as the heavens and earth is practically guaranteed!"

The Black Snake Demon's purple-red eyes suddenly narrowed, as if realizing it might have misspoken, and it quickly started to heap on the flattery.

It had felt a bit too boastful earlier when talking up the Black-head Fish and was now visibly anxious.

"Do you have any books from human cultivators in your cave?"

Lin Xuan asked out of the blue.

"Yes, yes!"

"Boss, I've even collected some portrait images of female human cultivators. You can enjoy both the books and the images—I'm sure they'll please you!"

The Black Snake Demon eagerly responded to Lin Xuan's inquiry.

"Hmm? Why do I feel like we're not talking about the same thing?"

Lin Xuan voiced his confusion.

"I'm referring to books on human cultivators' practices!"

"Yes, those too!"

"Boss, you're not aware, but three years ago, two injured cultivators stumbled here after a duel. Both were gravely wounded, and I set my sights on them. I ended up consuming both human cultivators, but I managed to get their storage bags, which contained several cultivation tomes. I've learned quite a bit from them and can grasp some of the concepts!"

"You'll find the books you need among them!"

The Black Snake Demon said hastily.

"Show me the way!"

Lin Xuan opted to first inspect the human cultivators' books. Maybe he could glean some insights into this world!

"Right away, Boss!"

The Black Snake Demon nodded, then swiftly turned and summoned its spiritual energy, transforming into a swift black streak that shot off toward the southwest of the forest.

As Lin Xuan prepared to follow.

He stretched his limbs slightly.

Once accustomed to his newfound strength, he propelled himself off the ground in a graceful arc, landing on a sturdy branch nearby!

With a series of agile leaps, he effortlessly pursued the rapidly fleeing Black Snake Demon.

The two colossal figures darted through the dense forest, one above the other, moving with incredible speed. In less than fifteen minutes, Lin Xuan reached a cave located about ten miles away, tucked beneath the roots of a sparser section of trees. Thankfully, the entrance was sizable; otherwise, it would have been a struggle for Lin Xuan to access the subterranean cavern.

As Lin Xuan perused the cultivators' tomes, he leveraged the memories of the Dream Cloud Spirit Swallowing Frog etched in his mind to decipher some of the human cultivators' script in this world. Among the inherited knowledge was a cultivation technique. Yet, he hadn't had the chance to thoroughly examine the technique stored in his mind.

After scanning a few volumes, Lin Xuan had pieced together the cultivation hierarchy of this world. It was straightforward, ranging from ordinary demons to high-level demons, Qi Refining, Foundation Establishment, Core Formation, Nascent Infant, and beyond. Once demons reached the Qi Refining stage, their demonic energy would envelop them, allowing for a transformation into a semi-humanoid form.

"Let's go!" Lin Xuan declared.

"First, we'll take care of that Black-head Fish you mentioned!"

"Sure thing, boss!" came the reply.

The Black Snake Demon inside the cave, its purple-red eyes gleaming with excitement, was all too eager to confront its longstanding adversary, the Black-head Fish. The fish was a formidable opponent in the water, having bested the snake in a previous encounter that left it with significant injuries and a deep-seated rivalry.

But now, with the Toad Boss joining the fray, the Black-head Fish—nearing the pinnacle of demonic power—was about to be demoted to a mere underling.

With a whoosh, the Black Snake Demon took the lead, swimming jubilantly out of its cave and darting westward at breakneck speed. Along the way, every creature in the jungle, from the ordinary birds and beasts to the lower-tier insect demons, cowered and trembled on the ground at the mere whiff of the Black Snake Demon's presence.

Shortly thereafter, the two shadows—one above and one below—reached the outskirts of a frigid pond.

With a resounding crash, Lin Xuan made his presence known without any attempt at stealth, making a dramatic entrance as he plummeted from the towering ancient tree beside the pond.

It was as if a colossal boulder, weighing thousands of pounds, had crashed down onto the edge of the chilly pool, sending tremors through the ground for hundreds of feet around. A visible shockwave rippled through the air, bending the tender grasses, several inches high, under its formidable force. The display was nothing short of awe-inspiring!

"Toad Boss, you're a force to be reckoned with!"

The Black Snake Demon, having witnessed the spectacle from behind, couldn't contain its admiration and boasted yet again.

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