Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C5 The Giant Eagle a Threat from the Sky!!
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Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C5 The Giant Eagle a Threat from the Sky!!
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C5 The Giant Eagle a Threat from the Sky!!

"Blood Qi +4!"

"Blood Qi +3!"

"Spiritual Qi +1!"


Lin Xuan stood beside the Cold Water Pool.

As he devoured the succulent roasted fish, a stream of notifications for Blood Qi values appeared before his eyes. Simultaneously, Lin Xuan felt the digested flesh in his stomach, broken down by the potent acidic gastric juices, releasing a surge of exceptionally pure Blood Qi that infused into his limbs and bones.

Having consumed most of the Black-head Fish's flesh, he had gained a total of 18 Blood Qi points and 3 Spiritual Qi points. The Blood Qi was plentiful from feasting on other Demonic Beasts, but the scant three points of Spiritual Qi were almost negligible.

To increase his Spiritual Qi...

He could pursue cultivation or consume more Demonic Beasts. Naturally, should he come across any treasures brimming with Spiritual Qi, his levels would soar significantly.

He had come to a realization!

Blood Qi was tied to the evolution of his bloodline, while Spiritual Qi was linked to the advancement of his realm.

Accumulating 100 points of Blood Qi would trigger an evolution into a low-grade Spirit Beast!

By this metric...

Reaching 100 points of Spiritual Qi would signify a breakthrough in his personal realm!

With this in mind...

Lin Xuan focused, eager to view his current status on the data panel.

A straightforward profile materialized before him:

Nickname: Dream Cloud Spirit Swallowing Frog

Spiritual Qi: 77

Blood Qi Points: 20

Bloodline Rank: Low-grade Spirit Beast

Innate Abilities: Illusion Casting, Exceptionally Strong Armor, Potent Acidic Gastric Juice

The Blood and Qi Points he had acquired from the Black-head Fish Demon were now clearly quantified and added to his existing data.

While Lin Xuan reviewed his stats,

The Black Snake Demon, as thick as an adult's thigh, lounged on the plush grass nearby, having enjoyed the Black-head Fish's roasted flesh. It now lay there, contentedly reminiscing the flavor of its recent meal.


The ingested fish meat transformed into streams of Blood Qi, steadily enhancing its physical form, fortifying its flesh and bones.

Lin Xuan's eyes were fixed on the Black Snake Demon.

After several attempts, he realized he couldn't probe the creature's basic stats—it seemed he could only access his own.

"Now, I've found a way to get stronger!"

Lin Xuan looked up at the dark, secluded forest ahead. He might as well be the ruler of this domain!

An eagle's screech pierced the air.

Suddenly, a resonant eagle's cry echoed from the clouds above, reverberating through the forest for miles around.


Mr. Black Snake, who had been lounging leisurely on the soft grass, perked up at the sound. Like a mouse spotting a cat, he instinctively scrambled up and darted into the dense forest nearby.

He took refuge atop an ancient tree.

Cautiously, he lifted his head, as large as a bucket, his purple-red eyes filled with fear, gazing skyward.

"Big Brother Frog!"

"We need to hide, that eagle is a high-tier demon!"

"It's the apex predator within a fifty-mile radius!"

"We common demons are no match for it!"

Mr. Black Snake, sheltered beneath the tree, urged frantically.

"A high-tier demon?"

Hearing Mr. Black Snake's words, Lin Xuan, who was standing by the Cold Water Pool, involuntarily looked up.

A massive eagle came into view.

Its wingspan stretched nearly ten meters.

It was a colossus, five times the size of Lin Xuan's current form!

Soaring with its wings unfurled, the eagle glided above the forest. Its sharp, black pearl-like eyes surveyed the land below, quickly fixing on Lin Xuan by the Cold Water Pool.

"Giant Frog!"

Upon spotting Lin Xuan below, a gleam of excitement flashed in the eagle's eyes.

The Giant Frog and Giant Snake were its favorite prey, and the Giant Frog appeared to be petrified with fear, standing rigidly by the pond, foolishly looking up at its predator.

To the Giant Eagle, it seemed as though the Giant Frog was practically inviting its own demise.

"Since you're so eager to meet your end, I'll oblige!" A chilling gleam flashed in the black eagle's pearl-like eyes.

In an instant, the majestic eagle soaring through the heavens drew its broad wings close to its body. It plunged downward at breakneck speed, like a massive boulder tumbling from the sky, its descent marked by a piercing whistle through the air.

Down below, Lin Xuan stood unflinching. His innate divine abilities included a formidable armor. "Impenetrable Armor!" he thought, and a metallic sheen of black light began to shimmer across his back. His deep blue, dreamlike eyes shimmered with a seven-colored mist.

"Illusion, activate!" Lin Xuan, seizing the opportune moment, watched as the eagle descended to twenty meters above him. His eyes sparkled with a deep blue light, and he unleashed a powerful wave of spiritual consciousness that rapidly expanded outward, swiftly enveloping the plummeting eagle.

The eagle's cry pierced the air. The descending giant, caught in the throes of Lin Xuan's Illusion Arts Power, began to flap erratically, buffeted by a sudden, fierce wind. Now hopelessly disoriented, the eagle veered off course, its head spinning as it crashed into the dense forest.

Crack! Crack! The behemoth, with a wingspan nearing ten meters, shattered several ancient trees, each dozens of feet tall, as it barreled through the forest, the crisp sound of splintering wood echoing from within.

Moments later, when tranquility had returned to the forest, a panic-stricken eagle burst forth, darting towards the northern mountain range without a backward glance. It flew with a speed that far surpassed its earlier haste, as if propelled by sheer terror.

"That giant eagle possesses the bloodline of a Spirit Beast!" Lin Xuan, who had remained by the edge of the cold pond throughout the ordeal, watched the direction of the eagle's hasty retreat. A flicker of intrigued delight danced in his eyes. Without the heritage of a Spirit Beast Bloodline, the creature could not have mounted such a fierce resistance to his Illusion Arts. Yet, part of its desperate struggle could also be attributed to the disparity in their levels.

"Big brother!"

"Did you actually manage to scare off that massive eagle?"

Once the eagle's cries faded, Mr. Black Snake, who had been covertly nestled under an ancient tree, leisurely slithered out. He gazed at Lin Xuan, who stood by the edge of the pond, with a look of sheer admiration on his face.

He had chosen the right leg to hug!

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