Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C6 Riches Come from Danger!!!
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Rebirth As A Devouring Toad/C6 Riches Come from Danger!!!
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C6 Riches Come from Danger!!!


"You're incredible!"

Mr. Black Snake kept up the flattery from the sidelines.

"Do you think eagle meat tastes good?"

Lin Xuan suddenly inquired.

"Eagle meat?"

Mr. Black Snake's eyes widened in surprise at Lin Xuan's question, but then something clicked, and his pulse quickened with anticipation.

"Boss, you're not thinking about eating that giant eagle we just saw, are you?"

Mr. Black Snake cautiously ventured.


Lin Xuan confirmed with a nod.

Consuming that high-level demon eagle would surely boost his blood and spiritual energy significantly. His spiritual energy might even surge to 100 points, enabling him to ascend to the rank of a high-level demon.

"Fortune favors the bold. Boss, I've been with you for ages. Truth be told, I've had a bone to pick with that giant eagle for the longest time. It circles this forest every month. There used to be a beautiful Red Snake here, but alas, it fell prey to that eagle. If I could have taken that eagle down, I wouldn't have waited this long!"

Mr. Black Snake's excitement was palpable upon learning that Lin Xuan was indeed planning to confront the giant eagle.

This was his opportunity for revenge!

"That giant eagle must be wary of me. It didn't notice you earlier because you were so well hidden. You'll act as bait, drawing it close to me, and then I'll take care of it. This time, it won't get away like it did before."

Lin Xuan spoke with a steady voice.

"I'll be the bait..."

Upon hearing this, Mr. Black Snake's purple-red pupils contracted sharply. He hesitated briefly before agreeing.

He had great confidence in his ability to evade capture.

Having lived in this forest, he too had once been a target of the giant eagle. Escaping the pursuit of such a creature would be no easy feat for an ordinary demon, but he had managed to learn a technique for concealing his presence from human cultivation texts.

That was how he had narrowly escaped the eagle's clutches.

Following this agreement.

Lin Xuan watched as Mr. Black Snake consented, then coiled his legs and launched himself into the air like a shot. He arced through the sky, covering hundreds of meters in a single bound.

After Lin Xuan made his leap.

The Black Snake on the grass watched him go.

Its body undulated and shot through the nearby forest like an arrow, swiftly pursuing Lin Xuan.

In under fifteen minutes,

Lin Xuan reached the base of the majestic mountain range.

Perched atop a forest canopy,

His deep blue eyes were fixed on the towering Ancient Tree at the summit.

Atop the hundred-meter-tall tree, a massive eagle's nest was clearly visible.

Strikingly obvious!

"We've arrived!"

"That's the spot!"

Lin Xuan inhaled a faint scent.

He could distinctly sense a slight giant eagle aroma emanating from the distant Ancient Tree.

After waiting a moment,


From the forest behind him,

A black blur darted out at incredible speed. In an instant, the Black Snake Demon was beside Lin Xuan, flicking its tongue. Together, they looked up in unison at the lofty ancient tree crowning the mountain.


He wouldn't have dared to get this close to the giant eagle's nest.

Without the courage given by Toad Boss, he might still be hiding dozens of miles away in the jungle, cowering in his cave.

"Go for it!"

Lin Xuan commanded.

"Yes, boss!"

"Uh, boss... stay close to me. I'm worried I won't escape fast enough and get snatched by the giant eagle. Without you to save me, I'd be done for!"

Fear flickered in Mr. Black Snake's eyes as he spoke.

"Relax, I've got your back. Just draw it out of the nest, and that eagle meat is ours for the taking!"

Lin Xuan reassured him.

The little Black Snake needed a confidence boost; it was a bit on the timid side.


Bolstered by Lin Xuan's words, the Black Snake Demon surged with vigor, transforming into a swift shadow as it raced toward the ancient tree at the mountain's peak.

Moments later,

The Black Snake Demon vanished into the forest ahead.

At that very moment,

The Black Eagle had just returned to its nest.

Reflecting on the recent events in the jungle, a hint of panic still lingered in his eagle eyes. The elusive giant frog he had been after appeared to possess some special abilities, causing his vision to blur and leaving him disoriented.

Had it not been for his good fortune, flapping his wings frantically and snapping several ancient trees, which resulted in an injured wing, he might not have come to his senses.

Yet, he surmised that his awakening was largely due to the distance he had put between himself and the giant frog—hundreds of meters by now.

Had he simply crashed onto the grassy floor, he likely wouldn't have made it back to his eagle's nest at all.

Suddenly, he sensed something.

Beneath his nest, within the ancient tree forest, a potent demonic aura was swiftly moving about.

With a swift motion, the giant eagle positioned itself beside the vast nest.

Its keen eyes scoured the forest, tracking the faint demonic presence. It spotted the Black Snake Demon, stretching over ten meters long, which upon making eye contact, immediately fled.

With a powerful rustle, the famished giant eagle unfurled its wings and dove from its perch beside the nest, swooping down toward the ancient tree.

It lunged at the Black Snake, which was desperately weaving through the forest.

The giant eagle recognized a familiar scent on the Black Snake, recalling a previous chase that had somehow ended with the snake eluding capture. In this forest, it was the only Black Snake that had ever slipped away.

"Do you really think you can taunt me after slipping through my talons once? How laughable!" the giant eagle scoffed with a sneer in its gaze.

The gap between the Black Snake and the giant eagle was rapidly closing.

"Toad Boss! Save me!" cried Mr. Black Snake, panicking as the looming threat drew nearer. He sent frantic psychic signals to Lin Xuan, who was already stationed behind a broad ancient tree.

His dark toad skin blended seamlessly with the trunk of the giant tree.

Lin Xuan's psychic senses picked up Mr. Black Snake's plea for help, and as the distance between them narrowed, the giant eagle, having dived from the towering ancient tree, was now plunging through the canopy below.

This massive eagle appeared hell-bent on capturing the fleeing Black Snake!

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